The muslims in Britain

GF Admin said:
If your ever traveling the states, here are a couple of places you should visit to get a full understanding of the situation. Any suburb of Washington, DC Manassas, Herndon, Alexandria. Columbia, MD, Bethesda. MD. It is a massive problem right in the back yard of the US Federal Government. Across the nation, every state, some states are aver 60% inhabited by illegals, and yet Americans still turn a blind eye, the problem is massive and even the most loving, tolerant and accepting of you will see and feel the negative impact of this disastrous situation.

The immigrants illegal or not coming to the west these days spew an endless diatribe of hate and un-assimilation. Don't believe me? go to a grocery store in Manassas, VA called "Global Food" you wont make it through the front door with out being insulted at least a dozen times, check out line? better plan on waiting while they ignore you & others jump in front of you.

Walk into any store labeled "Latino Market" or "Halal Market" or "Mexican ????" you will be greeted by a wall of hate, ignored & refused service. last week they refused to serve my daughter & I because she was wearing shorts, I keep going back to these places because I refuse to give in, refuse to just accept it. it angers me, but what angers me most is the lethargy of the American people, the absolute apathy of the American public.

I feel sorry for you Nazz, the store you mention sounds almost as though it is becoming a no-go area for some people.

Perhaps your fellow Americans are not fully aware of the potential dangers of Muslim radicals, although it is hard to see how they could not be after 9/11.

The U.S used to have a really strict policy on immigration didn`t it, what has changed?
GF Admin said:
especially a religion that has the history and doctrine that Islam has. Sorry but the only way any of this is going to be over is when Islam as a whole is radically restructured from the ground up.

The Judaists and Christians share the Old Testament. Within those pages both groups are told to kill homosexuals, adulterers diviners of the future etc.

Judaists and Christians though, have dragged themselves into the modern world long ago. Accepting that the law of man must take precedance over the drivel in their holy books.

I cannot accept that Muslims can follow this excellent example. Their whole religion is built on violence, conquest and intolerance.

The prophet they revere was a paedophile,rapist, murderer and terrorist. It is shocking that moslems today wish to live a life like Mohamed. Just as Christians wish to live a life of peace and tolerance, like Christs.

It seems to me that some people even now, have not grasped the nettle. We are at war with these moslems on many fronts.

One of their strategms is to people the west, and continue with their huge families. We are to be outbred. Not difficult now that our birh rate is falling. In fact I have read that the British will be a minority in their own country in a litle over 100 years. Once they are in this position they could easily out vote us. We may end up with a theocracy, and the end of democracy in the UK.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
Did you hear the news yesterday about a Kurdish woman who was murdered in a so called `honour killing`, which was ordered by her father and uncle?


And now, another police officer has beem murdered by an asylum seeker. Tis time in Luton. He also tried to murder another two men.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
The U.S used to have a really strict policy on immigration didn`t it, what has changed?

They still do. Its just that like here, there is huge pressure on politicians to allow foreigners in, and waste money on foreign aid.

Just look at arseholes like Bob Geldoff and Bono pestering politicians to help the third world, with our tax money !

If these jerks really cared for poor people then why don't they stop being millionaires, and give all their money away to the causes they support ?

They would rather not of course, opting to pester you and I, whle remaining rich themselves. ****ing hypocrites.

They are almost as despicable as their toady politico buddies.
sheik-yerbouti said:
And now, another police officer has beem murdered by an asylum seeker. Tis time in Luton. He also tried to murder another two men.

I hear today on BBC news that another terrorist suspect, who was being treated in an institution, has escaped. They have been allowed to name him but I bet he too has fled. Possibly dressed in a nicab. No wonder the Muslims want to keep the veil!
sheik-yerbouti said:
I take a harder line. I want them all deported. What is the point of only deporting abu hamza and a few others? The Muslim group remaining will keep producing new terror recruits. They should all be deported.

While we are at it, what about this- 95% of violent street crime in London is caused by Negroes. 90% of of organised prostitution in the London area is controlled by Albanians. A great deal of credit card crime is caused by Romanian gangs. There are even now many Vietnamese gangs setting up cannabis production in houses throughout the country. We also have yardies/ black gangs shooting and killing people.

I would be happy to send all these folks back home to wherever they or their ancestors came from.

Racism my arse. It is a good solution to reduce crime and terrorism, and get these welfare bums out of the country. We would save a fortune.


Just a few questions, supposing you had Muslim familys that had lived here for generations who's say great grand-fathers were from a different country such as Pakistan, which incidently has helped the west to capture Islamic extremists, would you send them back even if they were born here and lived their whole life here in peace?
Supposing then that country refused to take them what would you do then?
Would you also expel all Saudi Arabian citizens from the UK?
If you did I think you could have a problem here as it's certain the oil supplies would be cut off, how would you explain to people why the lights were going out?
Would you ban the practicing of the Muslim religion? Even Hitler allowed Jews the right to pray, do you consider yourself more extreme than him? I'd be interested to hear your response to these points.
A quick note to point out that shiek-yerbouti, is not sheik-yerbouti.

This clown is a gay leftie student, who has followed me here from another debate forum to continue pestering me. He chooses this name to cause confusion. Hopefully the mods will deal with this attempted deception.
sheik-yerbouti said:
A quick note to point out that shiek-yerbouti, is not sheik-yerbouti.

This clown is a gay leftie student, who has followed me here from another debate forum to continue pestering me. He chooses this name to cause confusion. Hopefully the mods will deal with this attempted deception.

Oh dear, no answer then, now why am I not surprised.
shiek-yerbouti said:
Just a few questions, supposing you had Muslim familys that had lived here for generations who's say great grand-fathers were from a different country such as Pakistan, which incidently has helped the west to capture Islamic extremists, would you send them back even if they were born here and lived their whole life here in peace?
Supposing then that country refused to take them what would you do then?
Would you also expel all Saudi Arabian citizens from the UK?
If you did I think you could have a problem here as it's certain the oil supplies would be cut off, how would you explain to people why the lights were going out?
Would you ban the practicing of the Muslim religion? Even Hitler allowed Jews the right to pray, do you consider yourself more extreme than him? I'd be interested to hear your response to these points.

Hello Shiek

You live in the UK, Muslim terrorists from your own town have been tried and convicted of planning to blow up targets in the UK. Apparently they were considering the Bluewater shopping centre, the Ministry of Sound nightclub (they described the people who go there as slags) or other places such as synagogues or gas and electricity supplies. need to worry about expelling Pakistanis or Saudis, sounds like they are planning to cut off power supplies in any case. I would certainly consider banning the practicing of the Muslim religion, there must be decent law abiding Muslims, but they seem unwilling or unable to root out the growing bands of extremists in their midst. Please don`t tell me that all the decent Muslims are unaware of what is going on, some of them at least must know, and if they cannot sort it out themselves then I think we should.

The Hitler and the Jews situation isn`t really a good analogy, as far as I am aware the Jews were not using the synagogues to preach hatred of the Germans or trying to radicalise the congregation.

Didn`t Henry VIII set a precedent by the dissolution of the monasteries?, and the outlawing of Catholicism?. He must be spinning in his grave now, watch out that he doesn`t come for you!

It seems to me that the Muslims take everything on offer here, whilst all the time despising us for it, and then flout our laws and demand things that disadvantage the indigenous population.
The question was not to you bu sheik Yerbouti, who would expel all muslims.
however if you've inisted on answering it I'm still not sure if you'd expel Pakistanis with no links to terror orginisations and have lived here for two or three generations or Saudis.

If you were to expel the Saudis retalitory action would be sure to follow not only from Saudi arabis but also from the USA who consider Saudi Arabia to be a major ally.
You say the analogy to Hitler is not a good one, I say it's an excellent one, my namesake SheikYerbouti supports an orginisationn who's leaders admire and in the past have openly supported the policies of Hitler,

Also we have people who were Christians but have converted to Islam, are they to be expelled too?
Your assertion the Muslims "know what si going on" is naive in the extreme. It would be like saying all Irish people knew IRA terrorists during thei campaign of violence.

Finally you say you would "consider " bann ing the Muslim religion, it's all so ironic you quote HenryVII. You are obvoiusly against freedom of religious choice and religious expression, in the middle ages religions were banned, people used to live in fear of expressing their true beliefs for fear of persecution, how sad you advocate a return to such times.
HenryvII's daughter used to burn people alive for practising thr protestant religion.

I have always been against people from the extreme right, your veiws and vision of society reinforces that belief.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
Hello Shiek

You live in the UK, Muslim terrorists from your own town have been tried and convicted of planning to blow up targets in the UK. Apparently they were considering the Bluewater shopping centre, the Ministry of Sound nightclub (they described the people who go there as slags) or other places such as synagogues or gas and electricity supplies. need to worry about expelling Pakistanis or Saudis, sounds like they are planning to cut off power supplies in any case. I would certainly consider banning the practicing of the Muslim religion, there must be decent law abiding Muslims, but they seem unwilling or unable to root out the growing bands of extremists in their midst. Please don`t tell me that all the decent Muslims are unaware of what is going on, some of them at least must know, and if they cannot sort it out themselves then I think we should.

The Hitler and the Jews situation isn`t really a good analogy, as far as I am aware the Jews were not using the synagogues to preach hatred of the Germans or trying to radicalise the congregation.

Didn`t Henry VIII set a precedent by the dissolution of the monasteries?, and the outlawing of Catholicism?. He must be spinning in his grave now, watch out that he doesn`t come for you!

It seems to me that the Muslims take everything on offer here, whilst all the time despising us for it, and then flout our laws and demand things that disadvantage the indigenous population.

I see so because Islamic extremists were plotting to bomb installations we needn't worry about the Saudis cutting off the oil.

Gosh what fabulous logic, still at least we'll be in the dark anyway.

So Hitler isn't a good analogy yet you're talking about banning people their religious freedom?
On reflection I'd say Hitler is an excellent analogy.
You refer to Henry VIII, how ironic when you consider his daughter used to burn people alive for practising the "wrong" religion.

Incidently interesting though your reply was, my question was directed to my namesake Sheik-Yerbouti not you.
Aquae Arnemetiae. said:
Hello Shiek

You live in the UK, Muslim terrorists from your own town have been tried and convicted of planning to blow up targets in the UK. Apparently they were considering the Bluewater shopping centre, the Ministry of Sound nightclub (they described the people who go there as slags) or other places such as synagogues or gas and electricity supplies. need to worry about expelling Pakistanis or Saudis, sounds like they are planning to cut off power supplies in any case. I would certainly consider banning the practicing of the Muslim religion, there must be decent law abiding Muslims, but they seem unwilling or unable to root out the growing bands of extremists in their midst. Please don`t tell me that all the decent Muslims are unaware of what is going on, some of them at least must know, and if they cannot sort it out themselves then I think we should.

The Hitler and the Jews situation isn`t really a good analogy, as far as I am aware the Jews were not using the synagogues to preach hatred of the Germans or trying to radicalise the congregation.

Didn`t Henry VIII set a precedent by the dissolution of the monasteries?, and the outlawing of Catholicism?. He must be spinning in his grave now, watch out that he doesn`t come for you!

It seems to me that the Muslims take everything on offer here, whilst all the time despising us for it, and then flout our laws and demand things that disadvantage the indigenous population.

Good points AA
snafu said:
I usually don’t have anything good to say about Islam but I think you two are going a little overboard with it. We do need them to be accountable. Hate speeches or the promotion of terror should be reported by these so call moderate Muslims. But to condemn the whole religion is wrong too.

Quite right too.

In my area of a northern seaside town we all get along together very well.

Immigrants need to adopt the culture of the host community, learn the language etc. If they do that they are welcome. If not, it would be better that they never came.

Of course, there will always be the odd arsehole - take it away sheik-yerbouti - who spoils it for everyone but who said that life was perfect?
sheik-yerbouti said:
A quick note to point out that shiek-yerbouti, is not sheik-yerbouti.

This clown is a gay leftie student, who has followed me here from another debate forum to continue pestering me. He chooses this name to cause confusion. Hopefully the mods will deal with this attempted deception.

There is egocentric, and then there is sheik-yerbouti :D
Rose Hill said:
Quite right too.

In my area of a northern seaside town we all get along together very well.

Immigrants need to adopt the culture of the host community, learn the language etc. If they do that they are welcome. If not, it would be better that they never came.

Of course, there will always be the odd arsehole - take it away sheik-yerbouti - who spoils it for everyone but who said that life was perfect?

Hi Rose

I know we Brits are probably the masters of understatement, but to describe the ingrates who are plotting to bomb us any time any place anywhere as "the odd arsehole" is going a teensy bit far I think. :)