The musuem of Cyro-Kenetix (Flashy Name :D)


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
Buffalo, New York
Well, I figure I'll make one of these for the hell of it. Show yall my work since there isn't much else I can do with it, except enjoy its prettiness. (Or uglyness in some cases... >.>)

Here's some of my newer tags.


Yay!! Prettiness!


I can see why some people would think this is ugly. But it was exactly what I was going for, so I'm proud of it! :)


Just finished this one awhile ago.... I was gonna scrap it, cause I don't like it very much, and it totally went the wrong way for me. But meh... its not that bad I guess... so I decided to post it anyway :p

AND THANKS: to anyone who looks at my stuff. All constructive comments/criticism is appreciated. :)
there needs to be a "Galleries" forum in the "Fan Art & Expression" section. ^_^

I like your graphics Cyro!

Just that your current one seems like it has a little too much noise. Maybe a little too cluttered. But that doesn't really matter :) I think it's really awesome. Your other ones are awesome also.

I like the middle one by far. The last one is awesome too.

Thx for the comments guys... I appreciate each and every one of them. So here are two new ones, recently done.

My tech is kind of scratchy... I did very basic tech back in the day, but this is probably good, compared to what I usually did. Overall... I'm not too fond of this one only because its too dark, but looked bad when it was light.


I like this one a lot. I experimented with some new blending and coloring options, and I was incredibly pleased with the results. Well... here it be:

Cyro said:
Thx for the comments guys... I appreciate each and every one of them. So here are two new ones, recently done.

My tech is kind of scratchy... I did very basic tech back in the day, but this is probably good, compared to what I usually did. Overall... I'm not too fond of this one only because its too dark, but looked bad when it was light.


I like this one a lot. I experimented with some new blending and coloring options, and I was incredibly pleased with the results. Well... here it be:


I like the first one best. Everything is balanced; And, expanding on what brkng th hbt said, your sig is a bit cluttered, and there's no brushing in the middle. ry to balance it out instead of focusing it all on a few spots.
UnhingedMouse0 said:
Thats definetly too dark, but Im hopefully gonna try something like that on my next sig... ive got some interesting brushes. ;)
yeah it too dark man..but still look good :cool: