The negative rep game


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Actually, your desire to point out and incessantly bawl about being called names, "harassed", and negative repped proves yourself to be a hypocrite. It's ok for you to do to nearly everyone here, but not ok to do to you, or else? How does that work?

But then of course, you're always the victim, right? You never do anything wrong. You're TJ.. the last hope and vestige for humanity and Off Topic Forum..
No Wez, again your being the slick guy and dodging the real point I am making.

You Wez, you are the guy who constantly says it is wrong for people to Judge others.

You say it is wrong for one group of people to bully another.

You say punishing someone for refusing to conform is wrong.

But then you turn around and do all of things yourself so how can you claim it is wrong to do these things?

Set the example Wez, show us the right way to do things instead of preaching one thing and ignoring what you preach in your own behaviors. You playing the part of the bully and Judging me to deserve your punishments proves your a.................




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Knowing that a narcissist is driven by their need for power over others, and knowing they are always in search of this headiest drug which is absolute power over others, then you'll also be aware that they must force your submission in order to feel powerful over you. All this leads straight to the fact that a narcissist must deprive you of your right to defend yourself to accomplish this. They will always do this by fraud, lies, and threats. They will bring in their proxies to help them get you to submit to that which no one should ever have to submit to.

It is important to mention here one very tricky sleight-of-hand that a narcissist does to disarm someone from self-defense. This is accomplished by intentionally mislabeling your defensive behaviors as being "retribution" or "vengeance". They accuse you of hurting them. They pretend to know your motives and lay the accusation that any efforts you make to defend yourself are actually coming from your desire to hurt them. If they can convince you that you are being vengeful, or at least if they can convince you that others see you as being vengeful, then they can shut you down.

They want to be able to pretend that your forced submission is a real submission...and this can only be done if they successfully deprive you of your ability to defend yourself. It is the right that the proxies and bystanders will tell you that you don't have. "Turn the other cheek" is the pious phrasing far too many victims of abusers have gotten for advice when they desperately have sought for help with their situation.


Anyway, share your thoughts, I know what the game players will say, anything is justified in their minds against someone they don't like and refuses to conform but how about those of you who are not a part of the game?
What was the intention of this thread TJ? Gather up some "proxies"?

Need some validation? Why?



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Just making conversation Wez.

It is pretty fun to expose the hypocrisy from people like you but other than that there was nothing being discusses so I thought why not talk about current events on the forum? You being two faced and completely hypocritical is nothing new Wez. You alternate from bully to complaining about bullies on a regular basis, it all depends on how much attention your needing at the time.

The really fun part is watching you constantly trying to make "YOUR ACTIONS" seem like my fault. You harass, you call people names, you hit the negative rep button, but you pretend like your direct actions are not your fault. You try to make it sound like I and other people force you to be a bully.

You only give people **** because they make you do it right Wez?




New member
It is important to mention here one very tricky sleight-of-hand that a narcissist does to disarm someone from self-defense. This is accomplished by intentionally mislabeling your defensive behaviors as being "retribution" or "vengeance". They accuse you of hurting them. They pretend to know your motives and lay the accusation that any efforts you make to defend yourself are actually coming from your desire to hurt them. If they can convince you that you are being vengeful, or at least if they can convince you that others see you as being vengeful, then they can shut you down.



No TJ.. I do what I want.. all me.. nobody makes me do anything.. That would be you that constantly claims victim and lays the blame on everyone but yourself.. I'm not you..

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No TJ.. I do what I want.. all me.. nobody makes me do anything.. That would be you that constantly claims victim and lays the blame on everyone but yourself.. I'm not you..

So all you, so when your harassing people, calling people names, and punishing them with negative rep, all tose actions you perform are your own doing right Wez?

Your no victim, you do exactly and only what you "WANT" to do, so why do you want to punish me or anyone else Wez?

We must make you happy "or else"?

"Or else" you punish us Wez?


I have never once tried to represent myself to be a victim Wez, I point out "YOUR" actions and the actions of other people who do things. You and other people are punishing me for not being what you want me to be Wez. I am pointing out a fact, not crying or complaining.

You also cry about me and other People Wez, this is how you justify your actions to punish them. You cry about how they should never judge, and yet you judge them, your two faced Wez.



New member
We must make you happy "or else"?

"Or else" you punish us Wez?
Who's we and us?

I have never once tried to represent myself to be a victim Wez, I point out "YOUR" actions and the actions of other people who do things.
hahahahahaha.. okay.. whatever you say..

You also cry about me and other People Wez, this is how you justify your actions to punish them. You cry about how they should never judge, and yet you judge them, your two faced Wez.
Who's them?

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Who's we and us?
All of the people you call names when they dare to not conform to what you think they should believe/say. RaE commented on your name calling a few days ago, and that is rarew because few are brave enough to call you out on your attacks.

But you do this all the time, when we discussed the illegal issue you called everyone names then too.

hahahahahaha.. okay.. whatever you say..
Not what I say, it is the truth. Every time I point out things like name calling that is a factual even performed by you and your fellow estrogen mafia. Everything I describe happens, what you and your fellow cronies try to do is make it "sound like" your actions are justified, that somehow your being two faced and a hypocrite is my fault.

If anyone is crying it is you guys. You all attack like out of control animals then once your unreasonable and childish actions are pointed out, you try to blame me for what you do. Like I am a puppet master and all of you cannot help but to do what make you do.

It is you and your fellow bullies who are crying Wez, crying that you have lost your self-control.

Who's them?
Those who must be punished Wez, those who dare to not conform to the demands of you and the estrogen mafia and must be made to pay.

Conform "or else" right Wez?




New member
Not what I say, it is the truth. Every time I point out things like name calling that is a factual even performed by you and your fellow estrogen mafia.
Negative rep from me for that.

Blasting someone for name calling and in the same sentence calling him a name.

My thoughts on rep:

I base me rep on each individual comment, not who made it. My only slight deviance for that is when Wez & Times start rehashing tired, old arguments that never went anywhere the first time. Automatic bad rep from me for that.

Not as a punishment, but as a "This comment/attitude is stupid and I am letting you know."

I do believe that Wez and whomever else (how the **** do you guys know who is doing the repping? am I missing something?) constantly bad reps Times is doing so as a form of punishment/manipulation/intimidation. I think that is lame. He does have some decent stuff to say, as do we all. Bad repping decent comments is dumb. To waste you time here following him around bad repping til you reach your limit sure seems like a silly way to spend your day, but more power to ya, I 'spose.

I also think it is silly to put this much attention on the "rep." Making a post out of it is a sure way to get everyone to bad rep you for everything you do for a while, lol, even if it is silly. So, you succeeded in that Times. congrats!

at one point, rep was turned off here, or severely limited. We don't have it at the other place. I like it, but I don't like the way it is getting abused to try to chase someone off. Feels like high school in here sometimes...



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Please quote the bad name I called him.

I did place him in the group that is all teaming up to spam negative rep, but I did not call him a name in any way eddo.

Interesting that most of the time you have been aligned with the estrogen mafia yourself eddo. You have rarely taken sides against their actions and more often than not blindly joined in on their character assisinations and name calling.

Of course none of you want me to point it out when you act like children with a grudge, why would you guys like it?

My point is this, if these people are going to run around behind the scenes spamming negative rep, I may as well get it out in the open that they are doing it. What does it serve to let them do it in the shadows eddo? Do you not believe that if someone is going to do something, to at least be man (or woman) enough to admit they are doing it? All I did was bring their actions to the light and have some fun with Wez and his attempts to blam me for his own actions.

Yes, what emkay, builder, chi, and Wez have teamed up to do is silly, and me talking about it cannot change anything, they are still comming on spamming negative rep and leaving and none of that has changed speed either before or after I mentioned it eddo.

There is no rep system on this forum eddo, it is 100% popularity driven, always has been.



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labeling someone as part of an "estrogen mafia" is most definitely name calling.

sugar coat it however you like, but it counts. and no, I never claimed innocence in any of this. -cept the rep. I try to be fair with it. Write a decent comment, and I positive rep you. write something stupid or asinine, and it will get negative rep.

the way it is getting abused, I'd shut it off if it were my board. I don't want to see that happen.

and I agree, it's silly.

and again, how do you all know who is doing it?



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labeling someone as part of an "estrogen mafia" is most definitely name calling.
So if I say Obama is a Liberal, that is name calling?

Why can't I just be telling the truth and offering truthful observation eddo?

If simply saying people are part of a group that share a common goal is namecalling, then you do it all the time yourself eddo.

My definition of namecalling is what Wez does when he calls me a racist just because I want the Mexico border secured, if you think both of these examples are the same, then maybe you should reconsider what you call name calling.

sugar coat it however you like, but it counts. and no, I never claimed innocence in any of this. -cept the rep. I try to be fair with it. Write a decent comment, and I positive rep you. write something stupid or asinine, and it will get negative rep.

And yet you just gave me negative rep for "name calling" when I never called Wez a name?

Your just as fast to hit the negative rep without good cause as the rest eddo.

the way it is getting abused, I'd shut it off if it were my board. I don't want to see that happen.
But I get the feeling the staff like the strife, it increases post count on a relatively silent board.

and I agree, it's silly.
And not one negatife rep for those who admit to doing it? If you reall

y believe it is silly why not stand up to them?

and again, how do you all know who is doing it?
Well you have to watch who is signed on and see the count change while they are on. Visitors can't give rep so when the only person on is Wez and myself then I see 10 or more negative points added, I know he did it. I have watched emkay, builder, and Chi do this too.



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I made my point. I'm done.

will add that paying that much attention to who is online and watching the rep numbers that close isn't something I am interested in doing.

have fun with that...



Active Members
I made my point. I'm done.

will add that paying that much attention to who is online and watching the rep numbers that close isn't something I am interested in doing.

have fun with that...
Well I wasn't at first, with all the changes on the forum I was not sure if something they changed altered the rep numbers but I did eventually notice hundreds of positive rep dissapear in a very short time and being curious, I started watching to see who was spamming the negative rep. I don't really mind them doing it, if I was interested in a popularity contest I would have "conformed" a long time ago but I did see it as funny they had to stoop so low, lol.

Especially Wez, that was one guy I was surprised to find out he joined forces with other people to punish someone who made him mad. All that time spent chasing you around for banning him and the second he gets a chance to play "or else" he does not even hesitate to hand out punishment himself.



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No one is afraid to speak up to anyone about anything. Sometimes the BS just gets old, tiring and downright boring. It's pretty stupid to keep having the same argument over and over and over and over.... and over and over. When it goes on for so long, obviously no one is going to concede to another's point of view or opinion, so why bother feeding the fight?

Both you and wez are guilty of beating a horse until it's not just dead, but turned into pulp, TJ.

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