The Obama alternative


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Anyone with a true conservative record and who wants to scale back the Government. Sarah Palin "could" be that person but you have radicals like Hugo who cover their ears and say over and over that Palin following State law was socialist and many of the stupid believe that mess but I once proved that even Hugo's state of texas takes massive taxes from oil companies and even has a "per quart" tax imposed so they are taking just as much from oil companies but they spend it themselves so the average Texas resident like Hugo pays less in taxes directly. The money turns out to be about the same, it is just shifted around in different ways. Hugo and his ilk actually help the radical left like Obama because he leads the bickering within instead of attacking the real enemy who is people like Obama.

Palin's Approval Ratings SlippingBy Eugene Robinson

WASHINGTON -- The headlines scream as if Godzilla were rising from the icy depths of the Potomac: "Sarah Palin: Threat or Menace?"

OK, I haven't actually seen that one, at least not verbatim. But the commentariat is in full run-for-the-hills mode over the prospect that Palin could still have a political future. A lot of Democrats -- and quite a few Republicans, too -- seem worried that she intends to stomp the capital to smithereens, perhaps along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Her appearance at the Tea Party convention in Nashville was imbued with portent that might have been appropriate for, say, Napoleon's escape from Elba.

Sarah Palin

As is too often the case, Washington seems to be out of step with objective reality.

While the political insiders who are supposed to have their finger on America's pulse worry about Palin's burgeoning "popularity," the fact is that her approval ratings have been sinking. According to a new Washington Post poll, only 37 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Palin -- an all-time low. Meanwhile, 55 percent have an unfavorable impression of the erstwhile Alaska governor, which is an all-time high.More to the point, Palin's refusal to rule out a run for the White House seems, at present, completely ludicrous. An astounding 71 percent of Americans do not believe that Palin is qualified to serve as president, the Post poll found. This number includes not only virtually all Democrats and two-thirds of independents but also a majority of Republicans -- 52 percent -- who believe that Palin should not be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.The evidence suggests that the longer Palin struts and frets upon the national stage, the less seriously she is taken as a political figure. Even among those who describe themselves as conservatives -- a necessary constituency if a Palin candidacy were ever to gain traction -- fewer than half think she is qualified to be president, according to the Post poll. That's a sharp decline from the 66 percent of conservatives who believed her to be qualified last fall.Indeed, why wouldn't her numbers fall? The one concrete political step that Palin has taken since the 2008 election was to resign as governor with 17 months left in her term, explaining -- and I'm paraphrasing here, but I think I'm being fair -- that all those official duties were way too much of a hassle.

She also wrote an entertaining and lucrative book, established herself on the speaking circuit at a reported $100,000 per lecture, and signed on as a commentator for Fox News. Those are all great moves for a political celebrity. For a potential presidential candidate, apparently, not so much.

She's a great performer, though. And I'm not mad at her for writing notes for the Tea Party speech on her palm; it was almost charming, in a regular-gal kind of way. Palin knows how to whip up a crowd, and her nickname from her days as a high-school basketball star, Sarah Barracuda, aptly describes a finely tuned killer instinct. Her putdown of the Obama administration -- "How's that hopey-changey stuff working out for you?" -- might have been unfair, but it did have teeth.

Where does any of this really take her, though? It's certainly true that Palin has a knack for expressing the restlessness and anger of many Americans who are buffeted by economic crisis, fed up with a dysfunctional political culture in Washington and tired of feeling as if their voices are being ignored. So far, however, all that Palin's talent has accomplished is to make her the Tea Party Queen. That could be a valuable platform for a national campaign, but even a politician with Palin's undeniable charisma is eventually going to have to, you know, say something. Beyond nostrums about "common-sense solutions," I mean.

What does Palin actually propose? I realize she might consider this a trick question, like the time that mean Katie Couric asked about what she reads. But isn't it awfully patronizing to act as if her followers are so dazzled by her very presence that they will never seek to pin her down on a single issue? The polls certainly suggest this is a serious miscalculation.

There's a word for those who, like Palin, act as if the voters are mere sheep who don't need to be troubled by discussion of what their government should actually do. The word -- and Palin might want to cover her ears -- is elitist.
It ain't just the radicals opposing Palin. 71 percent of the American people and 52% of Republicans do not think she is Presidential material and less than half of the self described conservatives. Not because she increased socialism in a state that was already the most socialist state in the union, but because time after time she has shown little knowledge of the issues and no willingness to learn. I oppose her because she is a GW clone with no solid economic conservative principles. Most people oppose her because she has shown an inability to answer simple questions in an interview. She comes across as another Snooki type reality star. A huckster who is making the most of her 15 minutes of fame.

Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice--Barry Goldwater, the mentor to Ronald Reagan.

I suggest you read that book and understand the radicalism of Ronald Reagan and why we cannot let Reagan be the last Jeffersonian.



Active Members
People are stupid, they see the radical like you come out against Palin and believe that at least some of what you say might be true and if there is that much internal fighting it may be better not to support her.

Put simply, you cause the internal fighting because of an irrational view you have of her and other conservative minded people who don't measure up to your concept of perfection in a political canidate.

Sarah Palin did not write the laws making the oil the property of all Alaskan residents Hugo, all she did do is support those State laws to the best of her ability no matter if she agreed with them or not. I like that about her because right now we have people like Obama who do not like the constitution and are ignoring it as much as possible. Progressives hate our existing laws and try to work around them all the time. I donb't want Sarah Palin ignoring State law any more than I want Obama and company ignoring the Constitution. People like you dirty the water for conservaties who may want to get into public service but do not want to face attacks even from people who should be on their side.

Together we stand, divided we fall. You are one of the divided, sure take issue as we boil down the choices, but you take it to a level of hatred and lies that actually hurt conservative canidates.



New member
People are stupid, they see the radical like you come out against Palin and believe that at least some of what you say might be true and if there is that much internal fighting it may be better not to support her.

Put simply, you cause the internal fighting because of an irrational view you have of her and other conservative minded people who don't measure up to your concept of perfection in a political canidate.
I disagree, I think hugo doesn't like Palin because he knows stupid when he sees it. Only ignorance is political, stupid is as stupid does.
I REALLY REALLY do hope Sarah runs. I really do wanna vote for her. I'll have my cell phone with me taking video of me filling in that oval ballot with a big smile and thumbs up and I'm gonna post it on YouTube for the world to see.

I REALLY REALLY do support Sarah Palin!!





New member
I am in the majority when it comes to thinking Palin ain't Presidential material. That ain't real radical. If the Republicans wish to beat Obama they need to pick someone else. I prefer someone with Jeffersonian principles without a history of being a socialist and a quitter.


New member
and a quitter.
That's what bugs me the most about her: When she stepped down from her post in Alaska before her term was over.

She lost a lot of my respect then.



Active Members
I am in the majority when it comes to thinking Palin ain't Presidential material. That ain't real radical. If the Republicans wish to beat Obama they need to pick someone else. I prefer someone with Jeffersonian principles without a history of being a socialist and a quitter.
Obama was the picture perfect Presidential material. he looked the part, spoke the part, said all the right things and had plenty of support and what did we get as a result of all that perfection hugo?

Yes, Palin made some mistakes, I agree with you guys on how it looked bad for her to step down but I understand "why" she stepped down, the level of attacks even from people like you who are sometimes conservative was more than she was prepared to handle. To be honest I put part of that blame on those who should have gotten her prepared for this before she was announced.

Guys, I am not so much saying she would be great as I am saying that I am sick and tired of professional politicians. Palin is a genuine person, someone who is not hiding a completely different agenda behind her back like Obama and all the Progressives. I would love to see some true humans run for office but we make it hard to entice real people to office because of the internal bickering that goes way, way off the page of decency. Hugo, you are a prime example, you atack Sarah for following State law, she had no choice but to follow those laws and do the best by those laws she could. I happen to like that about her.

Imagine she did what you say you want her to do, ignore State law and do what you would want her to do. Let's say she gives all the oil away to big oil companies as you say and simply ignores the State is that any different from the Progressives ignoring the constitution to put into place more "social justice" programs? Either those in public office respect and follow the laws of their States and Country or they don't Hugo. If it is okay to ignore these laws in one way, then you are condoning them to be ignored in other ways.



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Lots of negativity about your prez, but who would be the one on the conservative side of the goalposts to be his rival?

Don't be shy now. Fess up.



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Don't know who's running.

In 2006, nobody knew who would be the Dem candidates and nobody thought BO was a front runner, let alone going to win.



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Right now, as an alternative, IWS.

Who, on the conservative right, would you consider worthy of the role that Obama carries



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If I had to pick right now, from one of the people they are saying may run, I'd have to say I like what I'm seeing in Herman Cain.


New member
Herman Cain is a good one. I would also still vote for Huckabee. or quite possibly a Newt Gingrich. Romney would be a stretch, but would get my vote over Obama any day.

Not saying any of those are planning on running, but those are peeps that I think would do a much better job than Obama is doing.



New member
Newt is the only one who has actually accomplished reducing the size of government.

Ron Paul is my man but he can't win.

Watch out for Rubio. IMO, he is the best candidate to defeat Obama.



Active Members
Newt voted for increasing the debt several times, if you look hard enough you can find a flaw in any person who could run for office, we should not be focusing down to see only the flaws but instead see where we agree.

Any person who is not a pure Progressive like Obama will help improve this Nation.

Even a "do nothing" President would provide America with the time to relax and find balance again from all the upheaval created by this Administration.



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I guarantee I will deliver my state to the Republican nominee. I will put my money where my mouth is and give 3-1 odds.


New member
Obama will be the Republican nominee in 2012, the real question is who is going to be the new Democrat contender to take on the now Republican Obama.





New member
Obama will be the Republican nominee in 2012, the real question is who is going to be the new Democrat contender to take on the now Republican Obama.


Sorry. First of all Obama did what was right for the immediate economy. Second, you won't find a more viable candidate any more communist than the one you have now.

****. Alan Colmes says the left made out better on the tax bill than the right and I agree.



New member
My choice is Rand Paul with Rubio as VP. Palin can be the village idiot.
My choice is Sarah Palin, she is highly intelligent and knows how to not only get this country moving forward again, she knows how to reduce government, get rid of all the socialist programs that hurt our free enterprise market that makes America so great. Her diplomatic skills are WAY more superior then Obama!! She speaks for me!!

Her daughter Bristol IMHO, was ROBBED on dancing with the stars. I read Sarah's plea's on her website to vote for Bristol, is this NOT a democracy we live in? The people spoke, Bristol won. It showed the sheer force in Palin supporters there are in America. A majority of Americans are like Sarah and the dancing with the stars polls prove it. Liberals are just jealous of Bristol and hate Sarah so they bitched, even tried to make it a race issue when Brandy got voted off...

Sarah Palin should NOT be underestimated.

Some claim she quit her measly pay job as Governor of Alaska to make the estimated $12 million dollars that she has already accumulated but I think that's nothing more then liberal propaganda. Sarah Palin is REAL, she is AMERICA.

Why just last week, I watched her reality show on TLC, I saw for myself that Sarah is just like me.. she has real problems, real stresses, she even hunts.

And there is one thing Sarah has that these stupid liberals don't like... she has ***.

At first, I didn't like Sarah Palin, but, now that I have seen what an extremist right winger Obama has become, I want someone more moderate, more REAL.

One things for sure, I will NOT contribute to Obama again, he's finished. At this point I consider myself a centrist independent. I mean, after all, I voted Republican for many years before I switched parties and became a socialist, Marxist Commie America hating Democrat who wants the government to provide for me cradle to grave, so it hasn't been too long I have been exposed to the kool-aid of progressive propaganda.

I know all the "BUZZ WORDS" those socialists like to use to try messing with my head and I can think for myself unlike the extreme left liberal Commie supporters.

I am a REAL AMERICAN. Sarah Palin has shown she is 100% in favor of the free market Capitalist system that made this country great and knows America only becomes greater the less the government interferes in our lives.

I REALLY do hope Sarah runs for President. I have been kinda in denial and wanting to do it this last year, but if she runs, I will... I'll switch political parties and vote for Sarah Palin in the primaries.

If there is anybody who can beat that socialist Obama and stomp out all this madness the progressives want us to live in, it would be Sarah Palin.

She has all the BEST ideas for stimulating the economy.

It's very simple.. all we have to do is drop all these socialist things we do and get back to doing the things that make America so great!!

See... stupid liberals, Sarah Palin DOES have ideas, HA!

I think Palin would be a FANTASTIC candidate.

I really can't believe you can't get behind Palin, Hugo.......

She speaks for YOU!!



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