The Patriot Act. Lose it now.

builder said:
What security are you referring to?

Your reichtards ****ing around in the middle east have created more **** for your country than existed before.

Refute that, ****tard.


How in the hell can I refute something that hasn't happend? Are we gonna go back to body counts before and after Sadaam? Holy ****!
You proof to me we've created more ****.
And not to mention the results of any war is not immediate. Give it a generation and if these assholes can stop killing themselves you will see improvement.
snafu said:

How in the hell can I refute something that hasn't happend? Are we gonna go back to body counts before and after Sadaam? Holy ****!
You proof to me we've created more ****.

Results 1 - 10 of about 4,820,000 for Iraq war created more terrorism.

Iraq war created a terrorist flood, American spymasters warn Bush,,1879940,00.html

War Helps Recruit Terrorists, Hill Told
AND the thing I find SO humurous...9-11 started all of this, no information has ever come to light that Iraq or Saddam EVER had anything to do with 9-11...just knowing or breathing the same air as Osama doesn't count...

AND Osama, an extremely tall Arab dragging a dialysis machine is still at large...

Amazing how he manages that one.

Just wait and see, I have always thought that Bush will produce Osama at a time that might serve him or his party...AND that is being extremely generous because I really don't think they are smart enough to catch him.

Given the fact that the US is the one who can be credited with making him to begin with...
Lethalfind said:
AND the thing I find SO humurous...9-11 started all of this, no information has ever come to light that Iraq or Saddam EVER had anything to do with 9-11...just knowing or breathing the same air as Osama doesn't count...

AND Osama, an extremely tall Arab dragging a dialysis machine is still at large...

Amazing how he manages that one.

Just wait and see, I have always thought that Bush will produce Osama at a time that might serve him or his party...AND that is being extremely generous because I really don't think they are smart enough to catch him.

Given the fact that the US is the one who can be credited with making him to begin with...

Holy ****!
I don't want jump on the bandwagon and call you a stupid **** but we didn't take out Saddam because of 9/11, you stupid ****.
Resolutions people. Come on. I'm the one that should be losing my memory.
Nobody cares about Bin Laden. He's better to us alive and hooked up to the dialysis.
builder said:

Oh ****. Okay tell me how many people would've died with Saddam when he decided to us his WMD's? Just because we found none doesnt mean there weren't' any.
Any war is gonna recruit troops or in this case terrorist. Terrorist is just a sick way of warfare. Coupled with the radical religion. I say Islam is the one that's helping recruit terrorist.
No, you've found none because there are none...

There was only one Saddam and some how the US forces found him, the Bush Administration claimed there were many WMD's... They've yet to find any... (Psst... they don't exist).

Look at all these satellite offices...

Oh, there are many more now... You would think they would've found what they were looking for by now...

Donald Trump says it best...

The patriot act is the biggest piece of **** compilation of laws ever... It's so ****ing vague and subliminal that the government walks away with so many advantages and the general public gets ****ed because their rights are getting stripped.

I am lucky I'm not as brown as mostly other Arabs and was born in Canada, otherwise I would most likely be on the US Terror Watch list.
snafu said:
Holy ****!
I don't want jump on the bandwagon and call you a stupid **** but we didn't take out Saddam because of 9/11, you stupid ****.
Resolutions people. Come on. I'm the one that should be losing my memory.
Nobody cares about Bin Laden. He's better to us alive and hooked up to the dialysis.

Maybe you should read back over some of Bushs speeches because he is the one who tied the two together, he used the fear in people over 9-11 to get his way with the war in Iraq...that isn't my opinion, thats BUSH logic for you.
Check this out unless you want to stay blind to what Bush has done...

Can you honestly deny it even when you read one of the head liars speeches???

Lets not forget the Washington Post...

Thats three sources without me even trying that hard to find anything...

Bush purposely mislead the American people to think there were WMD in Iraq...AND to believe there was some tie between Osama and Saddam...using the outrage over 911 to justify this war in Iraq...its there if you want to open your eyes and read it, or you can leave the partisan blinders on and stay in the dark where Bush wants you.
snafu said:
Nobody cares about Bin Laden. He's better to us alive and hooked up to the dialysis.

1) I'm not sure that dialysis is the treatment you meant....

2) Laden is alive for one reason, to unite the separate terror factions, why is that good for us? because he keeps them all connected, so we need to infiltrate less groups to get more information, and because it makes them more predictable.
SO its criminal to hold a different opinion then the Republican Party??

Have you forgotten that our country was built on this very process??

Bush and his blind followers don't want anyone questioning for fear they will uncover the dirty truth...Bush and his administration are liars...
Lethalfind said:
SO its criminal to hold a different opinion then the Republican Party??

Have you forgotten that our country was built on this very process??

Bush and his blind followers don't want anyone questioning for fear they will uncover the dirty truth...Bush and his administration are liars...

Wow, you are an amazing ****... Someone says that my ideas are criminal... Their opinion, which they are entitled to, and I insert my trite comment, simply stating that I thing their sheep-like, thought neglected ideas are criminal...

I think it should be criminal to be stupid... You madam should be placed in prison and put to death... Ok, that was another sarcastic comment... You should be allowed to live with your stupid beliefs. On the other hand, someone should not be stopped from killing you because you're stupid...
The whole patriotic ethos of the US is sickening. The Government use it to manipulate the people of the country it controls. It's pathetic. People who can't think for themselves are drawn in because it surrounds them and leads to them being consumed by pretences and lies.

The US Government is essentially doing what Sadam did and Osama is doing.

What's even more pathetic is that the UK Government as outsiders see this manipulation and falsehood and yet follow the US in whatever action they take.
Snafu, prove to me that there are/were WMDs in Iraq. The burden of proof is on you because you claim they exist.

And to those who claim the terrorists have rights...

That depends. If they are actual American citizens, then yes, they do. If they are here for a certain amount of time on student visa, or however some of them like to come in temporarily, then no, they have no rights here. They are not citizens. Thusly, we can do whatever the **** we want to them. However, we are obligated to, if we claim they are, treat them as POWs. Which means following the guidlines of the Geneva Convention.

See, the Patriot Act supposedly helps us stop terrorists. Ok, sure. And if it works, I'm all for it. Except when I'm not all for it. I'm not doing anything wrong, so them tapping my phones is neither here nor there for me. However, that doesn't mean I want them to do it. I would prefer them to go through the legal hoops they used to have to go through. Like getting a warrant. If they get one, they can listen to me talk all they ****ing want. Simple as that.
Builder said:
How many lives have been ended, or crippled, by this farcical propaganda tool?
A touch of over-drama, don't cha think?

ilikewhatyousay said:
The US Government is essentially doing what Saddam did and Osama is doing.
Please see my above statement.

What the **** is Osama doing?

Ya, thats what I thought.

How about Saddam? Oh ya, hes dead.

I can't help but to think in 10-20 years people will look back at the way America has "oppressed" these terrorist states and just hang their head, thinking of how we should have destroyed any country that ever once refused to denounce Islamic terror. One of these days, eventually, one of these dangerous Islamic states will do something horrible. I'm not talking 9/11 horrible, I mean really really ****ing oh my god wtf horrible.

Keep coddling these scum ****s. Keep protesting our governments ability to interrogate, withhold information, and conduct espionage. Take the power away from them. Make it soooo easy for the American terror cells to relay messages without worry.

The Patriot act needs some work, BUT, in my opinion, it doesn't even come close to going far enough. If this was 1940, Arabs would either be shipped out or contained within a fenced area in New Mexico. But then again, 1940 predates the advent of "hippie mother****ers".

Face it people, espionage and government power has done well to mold our nation. It got us through WW2. It worked well enough during the cold war. We need to drop this over-dramtic romanticized ideal of our crooked government slowly putting our citizens completely out of the loop, with the intention of overpowering and oppressing us. The terrorist hide behind the very loopholes patriot act legislation tries to prevent.

Now answer honestly. Would you rather the terrorist have access to loopholes, or our government? I'm all for some good 'ol fashioned oppression if it means my daughter won't be evaporated in 20 years from a dirty bomb attack. It WILL happen if we keep playing politically correct with people that count on such treatment.
He's a Premium, builder can't box him without a vote, I'll be releasing him now...

Edit, looks like another MOD beat me to it.
builder said:
If you're the most productive person in your postition, I'm surprised that your mentors haven't trained up some chimpanzees to replace you yet.

Funny... You couldn't do my job with a year's worth of training... I'm surprised you learned to peck and type on your little keyboard... Maybe your son taught you...

builder said:
You run a 24/7 tech help?? desk, right? So, how come you never offer your "wisdom" in the threads where the phreakmeister is queried for tech help? It's probably because you don't have anything helpful to contribute.

I have offered my help when people have had questions... Just as I have requested help... how about you do a little research before you go off on your stupid little rants...

builder said:
You obviously don't comprehend the written word at all, retard. Read it again, only more s l o w l y this time.

yeah... read it again... still don't see it... how about you point it out... oh master of nothing...

builder said:
Your mistake is in assuming that anyone who differs from your conservative homophobiacal drivel is a lefty hippy liberal. The true defenition of a liberal is a ****ing conservertive, you sad retard. Read your own constitution sometime, and get off the faux news channels.

how about you learn the meaning of oxymoron... aside from you being a moron, you may have never heard the word. "oxymoron - A figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect." That's according to now... your statement "The true definition of a liberal is a ****ing conservative" (i fixed your spelling...) is an example of an oxymoron... How about you get off the liberal news networks and stop filling your head with crap and propaganda... sheep...

builder said:
In the past two years, you have contributed nothing but one word shouts, in the feeble attempt to boost your shout count. Point to any thread, except for the vocabulary improvements thread, where you have made your mark on this board.

One week in the box for making unsubstantiated claims, and for using the C word.

Behave yourself, RE. I'll be back in two weeks to check up on you. :cool:

untrue. The things that I contribute, you don't appreciate... You're blind because of you hatred of the 'Right' and for America. You should really open your eyes... It seems to me that it is you who has contributed nothing, but distorting the truth, you have done that well...

What were my claims? How were they unsubstantiated? I'll say "****" if i damn well please.

phreakwars said:
He's a Premium, builder can't box him without a vote, I'll be releasing him now...

Edit, looks like another MOD beat me to it.

Thanks TA and PW... I appreciate the fair treatment.
phreakwars said:
He's a Premium, builder can't box him without a vote, I'll be releasing him now...

Edit, looks like another MOD beat me to it.

Ya, he's a premium ****wit that contributes three-fifths of ****-all to this board.

Get a life, RE. Or get the **** out of the shout, you two-bit whore. :rolleyes:
You see, its these dumb-ass flame wars that ruin debate and conversation that caused me too not come here often anymore. We can't make it halfway through a debate without getting completely offtrack and spatting about like teenagers.
Everybody ostracized LethalFind like she was some ****ing half-wit jackass, but yet she is one of only a handful of members that actually attempts to debate.

No wonder we get only a handful of new members each year and only a few posts per day. Honestly.