Oh BS. I'm calling a big time BS flag on this.
Is that like calling shotgun so you don't have to ride ***** with your buddies in the pickup truck? You kill me sometimes on how you spend most of your energy always trying to pick apart anything I say, did you take my post to a therapist this time too?
It is so obvious that you so hooked onto the stories in the new about Newt Gingrich about his description of President Obama when he said, "What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" and didn't have a clue what that meant. You just assumed it was a bash on Obama and liberal/progressives.
Are you so self-deluded that you think Newt was the originator of that point?
Go back and read what I posted about some recent books I had been reading, I already admitted my views on this was changed by some reading I had been doing, obviously Newt had read some of the same stuff I had, but whoever started discussing it, that does not change if the concept is good or bad now does it.
Stop concentrating on me and try to actually look at the information offered instead and if I am wrong then fine, tell me how the idea is flawed instead of ignoring the points over, and over, and over. It seems to me it was you who did not understand Newt's point so you think nobody else can understand it.
****, I just looked it up on Wiki and they show the same modern view of how money might is seen as the same as military might. Force applied with money instead of a gun.
Now you're back peddling terribly.
It's quite obvious what happened here.
Just like your verbage suddenly changed from, liberal to progressive. You heard the catch phrase anti-colonial and jumped on it.
Again, I already admitted to reading some books that helped me to understand how their mindset had evolved to see the power of wealth to be the same as military might, have you never learned something new from books before Joe?
And by the way, the only reason I switched to using 'progressive' on this board and not the other boards I post on was purely because of Bender. Bender tried to paint being progressive as not being liberal, he said many times progressives were one or two policies from being a Libertarian and I started trying to pin him down on a few of those things and as usual he dodged everything. There is no meaningful difference in liberals and progressives as they operate in America so I simply switched terms to make a point with Bender.
I also posted where progressive=liberal=socialist a few times as well.
This forum out of all forums should know by now I don't jump on bandwagons like everyone else here does, you even joined at the jungle just to go there and jump me. ****, you even went out of your way to flame me about my poems, so your just as much a bandwagon follower as Wez or anyone else.
And just to let you know, I don't really see Newt as that great of a conservative, you have any idea how many times that man voted for raising the debt? Just because you see his words as a reason to fawn, don't expect me to.
The truth. The United States was never meant to be involved in colonialism, and wasn't for the most part other than after the Spanish American war when Progressives pushed for it with Teddy Roosevelt pushing to take Cuba, the Phillipines, etc...
It's obvious you didn't know what you were saying and parroted Newt's words.
It's quite comical.
Do you even read what is posted? Do you love Newt so much you see his words even though he actually stole the idea from someone else?
Try again, read more slowly this time.
The modern view of anti-colonialism is to equate financial might to be the exact same thing as military might.
Remember how even Bender talked about the evil insurance companies and such? Big companies making lots of money is in their minds colonialism or imperialism, they hate the "power" these people and companies have while they "stole" their success and money from the little guy.