The Sims 2 V2 !!!

Bah! I can't get any other EP's my PC would take 2 months (exactly, not an estimate) to download one EP. Is it worth just modding up the original?
hmm well you can download stuff etc and well yeh its worth kinda...
but you might have the problem that not all downloads are for the original only...
but you can try :)
hope it works :thumbsup:

So Quinn was doing great with his job what Jos didn't mind but she got bored quickly sitting alone at home... so she decided to go hiking... pregnant! :D

But it didn't take long untill Jos gave birth

Can you feel that pain? haha x)
So let's welcome that little baby boy!!

His name is Rioghán :D (pronounce: Reeawn; it's an irish name fyi)
Finally he joined the family and even Quinn, who isn't Riogháns real father, accepted him as his own :)

Well time passed by and Jos had trouble with managing her job and her son at the same time...


Meanwhile Quinn got fired...

It seemed like a hard time was coming along for the young family

But there was no time to be pessimistic because baby Rioghán is growing!
And it seems like the older he gets the more he looks like his dad Andi (who is btw playing a jerk and steeling my papers and shiz lol)


Now toddler Rioghán needs a lot attention and wants to learn everything at once! haha
His "daddy" Quinn started off with teacher him a childrens song ^^

Such a cute boy :D

Oh and well there's been some times he wasn't that cute... haha

Although Quinn was fired he still didn't forget how a "almost" star behaves...

some posing here...(btw that pic is so haaawwt xD)

some posing there :D

And with his enthusiams Quinn sat down and looked for a job again because: You can't bring an Allman down!!
And he actually got a job again in a CD store...
After a while Quinn's dream was to get a puppy because he thought it could be nice to have a pet in his little family with Jos =)
So he got one ^^

say hi to Flips :D

So Sim-Jos and Sim-Quinn are now a little family with their baby boy Rioghán :)
Jos and Quinn didn't marry yet tho... it is Jos' dream but seems like Quinn is still kinda shocked from being fired so he is trying to build up his carreer again... well Jos you gotta wait :p hehe
Besides of that nothing huge happend in the life of Sim-Jos and Sim-Quinn...
As I mentioned before Andi is playing a jerk... I think it's time for him to die... muahahahha :rolleyes: nah jk heh
well that's it than...
more to come soon!
Aww love the baby's name Jos! And so cute! :D
Going great, what a cute family. Plans for any more I wonder ;) Hehe. I like big sim families and I'd like to see what you and Quinn would conjure between you. Sweet!

Well, it was inevitable, here's my sordid little game in response. Been playing about a week now, getting adjusted to the new AL EP and I have to say there are a few nice additions to game play I actually really dig about this EP, and a few I hate (like not being able to knock down walls in apartments, grr!) But anyway, here we go... (and sorry about the crap graphics, they're not the best but just to give you some idea is all)


Meet the Draiman's. Yes, look at the clothes, I know, what was I thinking?! Well obviously we must have both been drunk or stupid when we first 'met' (if the outfit AND the gestures are anything to go by) but that's us in all our sim-glory. Sim-Ravyn and Sim-David. Weird. Welcome to the madness.


1) David signing the lease for the new place. Coincientally I think we moved 3 times before we settled at this duplex. Picky, I know. I spent so long building these places before I started playing I sort of got bored looking at them too quick and moved us out again soon after! But yeah, day one at our new place.


2) David doing what David does best, at least in the early days; lazing about. Don't ask me what I was doing, probably reading. Studying. Nerd.


3) Meeting Chester. Of course. I'd like to say this was staged but it wasn't (note the fence has changed? This is part of the 3-times-move, we never stayed in one place very long to start. I must be paranoid. Or something ;). But anyway, all the LP guys are living here in Belladonna Cove, only Chas happened past first. Yay for David. He now has someone else to talk to besides himself ;)


4) Ah here I am, and here's Chas, sitting down at the kitchen table with us. I don't like him even though I don't even know him. There's no chemistry at all (would be a first!), in fact when I look at Chas a lot I grimace, I get black hearts and red crosses all through them. Doesn't matter, he's married with kids and thus off limits (as if something like that ever stopped me before?! haha). But anyway, this is going to cause friction if I can't get along with David's new best friend, I fear...


5) Now this is sweet; one of the several new interactions we get with AL that just made me "Aww" out loud. Here I am lying awake as David cuddles into me. He really is just a big teddybear sometimes, sweetie <3


6) To help make ends meet we decide (or I decide) to get in a new room-mate (which is an NPC in Apartment Life). So in comes, what was her name, Michelle. I didn't really warm to her to start with. She was eerily quiet and stood around staring for long periods of time. Creepy.


7) Of course David thought she was wonderful...


8) About this time in my nerdly ways I started getting right into Astronomy. I spent hours staring through the telescope while David was off doing his own thing. This day a surly man stormed in and abused me for no reason at all! He shoved me and stormed off... my response...


9) ...typical.


10) Days pass and things seem to have settled nicely. Laying out under the clouds David and I just talk. He waffles on about music, me; apparently if that tub-icon is anything to go by, sim-Rav is feeling a mite dirty :spiteful: hehehe


11) Michelle the new house mate has settled in a little too-well for my likings. Not only has she taken to wandering around the house in her underwear forever sulking and sighing and staring off into space etc but she spends an alarming amount of time at the bar. Here David watches on - I'd like to think in amusement.


12) If a picture tells a thousand words... What you don't see of course is what David and I just finished doing on the kitchen benches (thanks xxxsims ;)) and of course a skulking Michelle wandered in to catch us. Of course I'm embarrassed and I cringe but something about the way David keeps smiling at her makes me cringe interally. David is lapping up the attention. He aways smiles whenever any female walks into a room. Not only that, but is she fanning herself over him?! What the-? Hmm, I don't like where this is going...


13) Ah we knew this was inevitable. A naughty in the closet (yes, you can concieve kids in closets now, I can recreate AATM if I want! XD) has led to this. Funny thing is that morning I literally spent half the day in the bathroom throwing up. I've played this game long enough to know what that means - I must be having TWINS (I think) !!


14) So David shirks the lay-about lifetsyle and commits to a job, enlisting of all things in the Armed Forces. Of course I'm not thrilled about the fact it's a dangerous and intensive job but who am I to stand in his way? In two days he has had two promotions. Clearly this is what he was meant to do. So while he works and Michelle sleeps (as much as she can with the neighbours banging on the walls - another AL gem) I lay down and catch a few zzz's on the sofa. It's been a long week. Something tells me it's about to get a whole lot bigger!

That's long enough for now. More later. Cheers :D
I couldn't resist, I already have craploads of pics so why not share?
Here's stacks more...


15) So this is one of David's workmates. I forget her name. Aparently so did David. No sooner had he bought her home than he had his way with her right there in the garage then threw her out again. Well, it's not all his fault, his lifetime want is to shag as many sims as possible (20, I think) so the boy has to be on the ball so-to-speak ;)


16) Speaking of, while I sleep upstairs, the man of the house wanders straight in, and noticing the house-mate is still awake, goes into her room and puts the moves on her... despite the fact he reeks (look at the green fumes!) she must find that manly aroma quite titliating ;)


17) Of course she accepts. In several rooms of the house. Someone's getting game...


18) So now that Michelle is his mistress, she's settling herself into his life nicely. Looks like someone's feeling maternal. David, for his part, isn't listening. Maybe he's trying to face himself for what he's been doing lately in the mirror - or maybe he's just finished brushing his teeth ;)


19) So here I am with the sun in my face aparently deep in thought. Maybe it's all getting on top of me. I have to know that my husband's a cheating ass but still I love him and pretty soon we're going to be parents. Besides, I was the one that picked up the paper and brought Michelle into the house...


20) David and Michelle are now best friends and it's increasingy apparent she's not going to be easy to gotten rid of. Besides, now she has settled in so well and isn't moping around so much, at least she talks to me civilly.


21) Of course David and Michelle are getting ever-closer.


22) But now my other half has become increasingly moody. Maybe he's been working too hard, maybe the fact he was abused by that same ******* neighbour for spying the other day, maybe it's this 'friendship' he has with Michelle or it's the pregnancy, but he comes into the room and shapes up to me.


23) But then just as quick as the temper flares it's gone again and he's back to being his usual sweet self. Here he is cooing over our babies. Aww aint he gorgeous?


24) Oops, I spoke too soon.


25) Now this is just getting damned confusing! And I'm the one that's meant to be hormonal, not him! Sheesh! Haha, well. For the record, I didn't set this up, he really was reacting like this in-game (free-will on, that's why). Big moody *******. Here he is dancing with me. I love this dance. And the kiss at the end. Another "aww" moment.


26) Now while he climbs the ladder of success in the Army, David apparently aspires to be something of a musician in his free time. To start with he sounds like nails down a chalkboard, but now he croons like one of the best. Here I am applauding him. Aww I love my hubby. Probably almost as much as he apparently loves himself ;) Just kidding, just kidding... <3


27) The day is so close now! Last trimester before baby/babies Draiman enter the world, am so excited!


28) No wait, make that exhausted...


29) So while I sleep David goes back to work to keep a roof over our heads and food on our table. He's climbing the ladder at the Army so fast it's amazing! So proud of him. He's part of the Elite Forces now. Wow. Dunno what that entails exactly but he's happy about it so I'm not about to argue!


30) And here I am having a 'talk' with Michelle. It's rare for us to chat alone without David being around - I'd like to think I'm telling her to sod-off, but realistically... I doubt it.


31) Again when he gets home David's getting snappy. Maybe Michelle has said something to him, I dunno. I know especially the last few (sim)days he's been snarling at me so much lately it's begining to be a bit of a concern...


32) But again it's gone in a flash. Is it possible to 'create' schitzophrenic sims?! Anyway, we wander outside to lay under the stars and just talk. Aww look, I point out a shooting star... Show-off. Those early days spying on the neighbours has apparently paid off as I can point out constellations... how does that work?! Hell I dunno...


33) Inside as I retire to bed David stays up a while longer. He's a smart bugger too. In just over a week he's maxed his charisma, creativity and body skills and almost logic too. Well, almost... Now who's a show-off? ;)


34) So it's early in the morning when something rouses me from bed. And sensing something wrong David gets up too. Just as well...


35) Damnit stop making the bed man and get your butt over here and help me!! hahaha

Wow... weird seems like something of an understatement in this household I reckon ;)
Motherhood's here. More later.
haha great story Rav!!! =D

I love the face of Sim-Rav in the last pic XD lmao!!

haha looks great!!
cant wait for mooore :D

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anyone got recommendations where I can get more clothes for my sims? like actual download links, since I tried downloading some, and they didn't work. So some help please? and thank you?

(Originals Sim2 Only if possible)
DL -->
This is the clothes section for MTS2, I frequent them all the time. Best bet.

And thanks Jos, am loving this new EP more than I thought I would actually. Thanks to you :D Cheers!
But where's more of yours? *pouts* Looking forward to seeing more...

So here's more of mine I have from the other day.


36) So Sim-Rav has sim-twins! (I suspected as much ;)); here's our son Jack Draiman. Incredibly it's a rare event we had identical twins! *gasp!* (I know it's rarer to have identical twins of the same sex, we had a boy and girl, but usually all the twins I've ever had have been one skin like me, one skin like the dad, but this time it's amazing our kids are identical and look like their dad, David! Not me at all *pouts* But woo-hoo!!) So here's Jack. Followed a moment later by his little sister Devon, aww.


37) So here's the family; Rav, David, Jack and Devon Draiman. Life is grand, innit? ;)


38) So naturally with a young family in a 2 bedroomed apartment, something had to give. Finally my other half sees the light and says goodbye to Michelle. Yay! Well she wasn't impressed (there was a negative sign above her head when he told her) but Michelle the mistress was given her marching orders and sent packing. Thank god! (Note sim-Rav in the background with Jack I think, just making sure ;))


39) Now that Michelle's gone and we have the twins, David's got time now to focus on the finer things in life - like himself. He maxes out his body skill and thinks he's king sh*t (Indestructible? XD) - and here he is posing for the camera to prove it ;) Gotta love him...


40) And now he's a damn fine specimen (sim-Rav is 'turned on' by fitness... and vampires) so I'm all over David like a rash when he walks in. Naturally. Good to see were still in lurve after what's happened in our short but eventful relationship. Aww.


41) David. Yes. Enuff said really <3


42) The twins are not bad really, they don't cry all the time, but like twins when one starts crying, so does the other. Nappy changes. Bottles. Baths. Lord, it's all I do while David dodges bullets at work. He comes home to more screaming. Life is grand. I almost sort of wish Michelle the fluesy was still around to help... sort of...


43) Another promotion. Junior officer Draiman (I think) who commands his own troops now - and gets a spiffy lil uniform to prove it, aww. Funny to see him in a suit and badges etc with the facial piercings but it's all good. He's so tough and fit (and charisma's so high) no one would be game enough to argue I reckon!


44) So with the promotion Officer Draiman feels it's time we move to a swishy abode more befitting his new title and power. So here we are, the family Draiman, checking out our new digs. It's bigger than the last place - even has a pool! Woot!!


45) Here's our new home Belladonna Cove Beach Apartments. Our new babies, our new home, our new life! Here we go! (Our apartment is top left btw - above my head ;))

More soon :D
So on it continues ^^


46) The first person we meet in our new apartment building is a woman named 'Foxx' who lives upstairs alongside us ;)


47) Whilst the first person I actually stop and chat to is a guy named Jared. Seems nice enough, a bit animated for my likings though, something like some overgrown kid. Meh, nice eye candy I guess.


48) Ah how fast the twins are growing. A day from toddler-hood my kids are already looking sinister with the heavy brow... wild. They definately get that from their father's side of the gene pool XD


49) So I spend the days as I usually do, with the twins, while David runs off playing soldiers. Not that I mind, the place is nice and roomy and has high environment scores everywhere I go - pity some dodgy builder (real life Rav) forgot to put the second bathroom door in - and now we have a second bathroom we can't access - ever! (One of the things I hate about AL, inability to change walls/windows/doors etc)


50) Another promotion?! I'm starting to wonder if perhaps David isn't using his lofty skillbase to threaten and manipulate his way to the top brass, getting so many promotions so fast is somewhat alarming! 0_0 But hey he's chuffed... and the pay (at near $1000 a day) aint any reason to cause problems... best shut my mouth and go along with the flow I reckon ;)


51) New neighbours! Joanna and Joel Madden (and Benj is there lurking somewhere too) - Joanna's nice enough, Benji wanders around a lot I've noticed, and Joel... I dunno what that man gets up to (looking suspicious in those aviator glasses too may I add) but funnily enough, Joanna's another apparent victim of my husband's aparent charm. The minute she meets him she swoons... wtf?


52) But David for his part is getting cosy with our nearest neighbour Foxx. These two are seen talking alone a lot together - and what's worse is that David's always seen in his uniform when he's out and about, which makes me wonder. Is he working his way through the Army for the power - or for the chicks?! Seems I'm not the only one who's a sucker for a sim in uniform - rrrr XD


53) This is how Fox likes to spend her day. Yes, we hear it. No wonder she and David get along like they do - they're both musicians at heart <3


54) Meanwhile I meet one of Foxx's roommates, or one of them, a man named Rob. Aww. We click pretty well. It freaked me out at first after our initial chat I went to check on the babies and came back out to find him making himself at home watching TV on my sofa. That was weird. But the people here are a bit... intrusive. I guess that's their way. We talk a while but then he goes home. It's storming out anyway...


55) As Jared found out. The hard way. :rofl:


56) David. Chillin'. He looks thoughtful. I know he was thinking of me, I saw it. But I know I wasn't the only one... old habits die hard, huh?


57) So not only is my husband a force to be reckoned with - with a gun, or the ladies, apparently he's master of the bar too; here he is downing another drink he says is just 'water' - wonder why he keeps going back to it then, surely the man can't be THAT dehydrated... can he?


58) Hours away from toddlerhood and here we are with the babies, relishing in the last few moments of peace where the little blighters could be left alone and not follow us around the house nagging for attention so much... ah, seems like they were only born a few days ago...


59) Jared and Rob swimming - during a hailstorm. Don't ask me why, I thought this pic was amusing. Aparently Jared likes living dangerously; here he is testing the theory lightening doesn't strike the same sim twice... not even when he's half naked in a swimming pool... idiot. Cute, but an idiot none the less.


60) With another promotion (will it never end?!) David starts strutting around the place like he is, pardon the pun, indestructible. Well, I guess he deserves it, but still... talk about an ego-trip... haha


61) Me, I have other distractions keeping me occupied; namely Rob and his best buddy Mike. That's Mike. Sombre-looking dude. Another crooner from the other side of the wall (like Fox). Life is interesting when you have a housefull of musicians living right next door to you. Fox sings, Rob plays drums, and Mike plays that god-damned DJ scratching booth so much it's a wonder the twins are getting any sleep at all!


62) Looks like someone made an impression - unbeknownst to yours trully. Ignorance they say is bliss... aparently I'm pretty damned happy in my existence then!


63) Aww tender moment between father and daughter. It's true what they say about sim-daddy's and sim-daughters... from the minute she was born David has always been more responsive to her than his first born son... hmm.


64) Ah here we are, still happily together... if only David would stop goofing off for the camera. Open your eyes man! have you been into that 'water' at the bar again??
hahahah great story!!!
Im speechless :D its just so amusing and just... great! xD

oh and btw your Miks looks soooooo cute hahah <3

and bout my sims... well school started for me again so im kinda on more often on the net just like randomly... and dunno monday's and wednesday's I got my drivers liscence instructions etc so time's kinda shoort =S
but Imma do my best and play some as soon as I can ! :D
hahahah great story!!!
Im speechless :D its just so amusing and just... great! xD

oh and btw your Miks looks soooooo cute hahah <3

and bout my sims... well school started for me again so im kinda on more often on the net just like randomly... and dunno monday's and wednesday's I got my drivers liscence instructions etc so time's kinda shoort =S
but Imma do my best and play some as soon as I can ! :D
Aww thanks. It's keeping me entertained. Actually you'd think I sit here for days playing with pics like this but I don't. Work keeps me busy and sims is a good stress reliever when I get home so I guess it serves its purpose. Just dont have time to be addicted to it as I used to be - I still have a book of Nailz' to read yet! 0_0
But anyway, understand you're busy too. Just looking forward to seeing pics, doesn't matter who's or when they're posted really, just like seeing 'em. Like seeing how others play their games as well ;)
Hope you can post again soon.

(Oh and good luck with studies and driving lessons etc :D)
i wish i could play my sims characters at home and have screenshots... the problems are is that they are at my cuzns house, and the majority of them died in a fire.
I had a house of black knights who took prisinors all the time. More people died in my dungeons then in my fire in my castle. twas a pretty sick game until the queen died... making it a bit of a sausage fest... so i let the fire burn...
i wish i could play my sims characters at home and have screenshots... the problems are is that they are at my cuzns house, and the majority of them died in a fire.
I had a house of black knights who took prisinors all the time. More people died in my dungeons then in my fire in my castle. twas a pretty sick game until the queen died... making it a bit of a sausage fest... so i let the fire burn...
Wow now THAT would have been a sight to see! Shame no pics... but sounds great! When I realised how sims could die in the old days (way back when) I tried my hand at making sinister sims, the type that would befriend neighbours, invite them over then take away the pool ladder and watch them drown or take away the doors so they starve to death or simply burn... but later I discovered hacks that meant guns could do it and me as the controller was rendered somewhat obsolete. I did like the chainsaw and the working gun (I think the gun is still there at Paladins) but yeah... now I am far more sedate. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good sim-massacre every now and then, just to shake things up a bit XD
haha yeah killing Sims is one of the best things to do xD
I always invited the NPC Sims who annoyed me or who werent as sexy as my sims and then killed them!!! muahahahhahahah xD

Well Imma go play some as soon as I finish my hw... so pics to come soon ^-^
haha yeah killing Sims is one of the best things to do xD
I always invited the NPC Sims who annoyed me or who werent as sexy as my sims and then killed them!!! muahahahhahahah xD

Well Imma go play some as soon as I finish my hw... so pics to come soon ^-^
Yay, lookin' forward to it! :)

Anyhoos, here's more of mine to keep ya distracted til then... maybe.


65) Self explanitory really. Yeah, we're still like horny bloody teenagers sometimes... keeping the flame alive ^^


66) Jack. I know, he looks almost... Asian here, must be the hair (I just met Mike, I swear! XD)


67) So Chester drops around to visit unheeded one day, checking out the new place probably, bringing along his wife Talinda (I dunno where their kids were, I hope with the nanny!). He and David are the best of friends. Here they are greeting one another with a manly hug... awww.


68) The four of us together, with the twins to the right. It was a little awkward at first because as close as David and Chester are, neither David nor I had met Talinda before and I don't really get along with Chester, so it was... tense to say the least. We watched TV and made idle chit-chat, doing the neighbourly thing, as the youngins played.


69) Again David and Chester hugging. They do that a lot. Just as well I'm married or I'd start to wonder about my other half's sexual preferences at times... no matter. Here David is hugging his best bud extracting promises to catch up again soon as Talinda watches on.


70) David's a great daddy. In spite of how much he works he always seems to have time for the twins, which is incredible in itself. Here he is putting his firstborn to bed, and later potty trains Devon, and still that bond between father and daughter is as strong as it's ever been. She follows him around everywhere, especially now that she's crawling.


71) David watching over his brood as they sleep.


72) ... Including me. Aww. Aint he adorable? :eek:


73) We sleep peacefully in our new home, surrounded by new friends, and life is as great as ever. In the throes of my sleep it seems I'm not as complete as I otherwise seem - here I am dreaming of maybe having another baby...?! Already?! Hmm...

74) Jack and I. My boy. He's still my sook, following me everywhere, wanting attention or food (usually the latter, attention he gets plenty of ;)) After a hair cut he seems like a whole new child, a happy child anyway, that's a start!


75) Devon being doted on as always by her father. Actually here I am watching on as he gives her a bottle. I don't know what made that moment so monumental worth capturing, but still we look good together as a family unit, three quarters of it rather...


76) Playing Peek-a-boo with the twins. They're so adorable when they laugh, it's priceless! Mind you, there were times there little Jacky was raising his fists in front of his face I was starting to wonder if maybe my placid little boy hadn't inheritted his father's occasional lapses into schitzophrenia...


77) Here David is teaching Jacky to walk... it's the epitome of cuteness! (Dunno what I was doing at the time, I think I was eating as usual, it's a comfort / boredom / habit thing XD)


78) Another neighbour making himself at home (as they all seem more than happy to do, just walking on in all hours of the day) - it's Jared, the guy from downstairs. As the kids play we get to talking.


79) David has wandered out to the backyard to test the grill. The yard is quiet - most of the other neighbours are at work anyway. It's Autumn, weird weather for a BBQ anyway, but no matter.


80) For some reason with all those chairs, once the food is cooked, David takes his plate upstairs to eat alone while Jared and I remain outside to eat. Though I don't seem fazed my husband has essentially snubbed me (maybe he was looking after the kids, I dunno) young Jared and I continue talking - I find out he works in the field of Paranormal research - how intriguing is that? Worthy of a toast or two, apparently.


81) OMG what happened? One minute we're talking, the next I'm seeing hearts everywhere! What the hell? Suddenly I have the most intense feelings of attraction to him, though I barely even know him - I can't explain it and I don't know why but I have stronger chemistry with this man than I do my own husband :eek: So of course I can't (or don't) fight it... and we kiss.


82) It's amazing, and as guiltly as I should feel with my husband and kids upstairs blissfully unaware, I'm not. As playful as he is, Jared and I seem to just 'hit it off' with every interraction, I can't do a thing wrong around him. Hidden away behind the back of his apartment (and I'd like to think a bit tipsy from all those toasts we had over the BBQ) we make out...


83) Darkness falls but we don't seem to care. We're caught up in our own little world of flashing hearts, swooning, and hearing harp-music. Hearing footsteps we quickly part and decide to go our separate ways. But little did we know up there on his balcony in the dark another was watching - Rob - and he doesn't say anything - just stares. I hurry upstairs as Jared returns home.

84) The twins are growing up - and showing off their creative side.
Whether it's because we need the room - or something else - we move again - right next to the Bennington's. We take out a sizeable home loan ($160,000 worth) but it is a gorgeous place - even if it is on the rich side of town.


85) The first people we meet ironically aren't rich - they're students from a few blocks down the hill. Two young guys named Jason (Shinoda), Kris ("Fribby"), and Jos (Bennington-Delson). Here's Jason and Frib... nice kids.


86) Talking to Jos really took my mind of things a while. The day we moved in David leaves for work, leaving me alone in a new house with the kids, so Jos is welcome company. We share a few laughs before they head on their way.


87) Despite it all I'm still feeling maternal... maybe a baby will help settle us in... or something like that... Mind you squeezing into my new black dress I feel the pressure of course to 'fit in' in this posh 'hood - despite my tats. There's rich and gorgeous people on all sides of us and of course David's career is as always taking off.


88) Ironically enough, David comes home - with a new badge. Flight commander or something like that. I don't know, quite frankly it's all a bit of a blur to mere civilians like me.


89) But the newly decorated officer isn't too proud to associate with his youngins. He comes in and goes straight to his daughter's side, and as always, as Jack plays at his table, Devon is stoked to see him.


90) She's not the only one. Despite all that had happened in the apartment block when David comes home all is forgotten. In our gorgeous new house and he with his new promotion I am still as in love with him as the day we were married (note the pic on the wall - aww XD That is our ensuite / personal bathroom by the way, how swish is that?!)


91) The twins Jack and Devon sharing a loving hug. How fast they're growing up. Before I know it they will be walking and talking and off to school... Time is passing way too fast, it's frightening.
omg great pics =D
hahah I joined the game? xD haha great lol!!
when we're at that do you have your sim packed? so I can use you too :D
and the last pic of your toddlers is sooooo cute!!! didnt even know thats possible ^^
Aww thanks Jos, yes I thought it appropriate you be in there too, you after all inspired me to start again so why not immortalise you in some sim-fashion? Besides, Sis is in here too (Jojo / Crazy Robster), so is Fox (Greyfoxx, 'the evilnesh') and now Fribs (once called Vi) - I even have little brother Peterdea as well - so yeah, why not you? XD

If you feel that way inclined I will package me and upload in next day or so. The package I have at the mo is an older version, the one I use in game now is a composite using that unflattering base, so I'll get back to you on that one ^^

As for the toddler's interraction just 'be' a toddler and click on another sim and you get 'huggle', very cute ;)
(Its with AL, as you have, so it's all good)


92) So before long loneliness and boredom creep in. Now seemingly living the life, with a gardener and maid at our disposal, I am left with little to do while the kids sleep. There's only so much I feel like studying. And feeling my social life slipping away I do what I know I shouldn't - and call up a new friend ;)


93) Maybe I'm trying to convince myself what happened before back at the apartments was a one-off, and that Jared and I are just 'friends.' Here I am introducing him to Jack - Jared doesn't look too pleased really.


94)Who am I kidding - the minute Jack is back to sleep Jared and I are 'getting better aquainted' in the closet (what is it with me and closets?! XD) Afterwards we are as loving as ever - it seems the flame still burns between us, and have developed a serious crush on one another - I'm a married woman for christsakes!


95) Speaking of, little did I know, someone had arrived home from work and was patrolling the yard, I think at that point paying the bills. Though I didn't see it first hand the look on his face says it all - that, or he just trod in something pretty darn foul...


96) Of course old habits die hard even with David. Whether it's the insignia and medals or something else he's all smiles again when some strange woman in revealing clothes wanders past. He doesn't say anything to her, and little did he see, while he was busy watching that woman mince away, was another man escaping through the back door and dissapear into the suddenly setting darkness behind him...


97) Whether it's the stress now of concealing my dirty little secret, or boredom of being some sim-version of a desperate housewife, I adopt some silly headwear and see visions of chefs standing in front of me. Well okay maybe it's not a vision, and maybe she just walked in like Jared and Rob and Mike used to do back at the apartments *sob* but whatever the reason she comes and goes just as quickly inviting me to some place I've never even heard of before... Kooky elitist bunch here in Belladonna Cove apparently.


98) Commander Draiman (yes, he's done it again) now has such influence over his troops he's now bringing the blighters home with him from work! As soon as they get out of the humvee David sits the officer down for some rousing talk on fitness or something, I wasn't really listening. The rookie was obviously enthralled by whatever David was telling him he didn't get up off the ground until David shut up, and promptly (albeit briefly) sick of talking, sends the man home and wanders inside to reap his accolades.


99) He doesn't get them from me initially, to be expected, the first place he goes is to Devon's side. She coos and reaches out for him as he hovers at her crib and he hugs his little girl.


100) It's a different picture when he steps into Jack's room to watch his son play... from a distance.


101) Now that I see him my bravado goes out the window - I even look a bit tentative as he acknowledges me as if I've been caught out - but David's not thinking about anything else but his grand promotion. Oh and me. The way the (promotion) 'arrow' is situated it's almost suggestive of something else ;) But all hesitation of course fades when we kiss and things feel blissfully normal again.


102) Commander Draiman has a nice ring to it - and we're both all smiles as we catch up on the events of our day. Well his day. I talk a lot about food - and peace. Maybe that means I fear him going into battle incase war in Simland is ever declared. David laughs. He obviously knows something I don't... but he's not the only one anymore, is he?


103) Just a snapshot of our huge 3 bedroomed, 3 bathroomed split-level house - featuring the sunken living room, entrance hall, and inground pool with outside showers, fountain and very fancy garden - it's worth the $200,000 we're paying... so far.

(For those that want to know I think the house was from MTS2 I think - it's originally called 'New York Luxury 5x3 Unfurn - sorry forget creator, when I remember will edit - MTS2 is changing servers at the mo so might be harder to find, but worth it if you want it!)
aahh ok that'd be cool :D

I think I got Sim-Pete packed already on some cd x) gotta look for it lol

uuhh yeh I wanna do iiiit!! LPF invasion :D hahha

oh and nice pics of course!! I just love sim stories where they cheat on each other haha xD
Just uploaded my sim-self if you want:
Haven't tested in-game so let me know if 'she' morphs in different clothes (I have like 4 versions of me that's why ;)) Thanks.

No update today. Been working. Actually a bit bored. Am thinking about trying a new (short) challenge over at TS2 - The Nickel and Dimed Challenge:

In short you are a single parent (mum or dad) you have a child and toddler and have to get your kids to adulthood (the day they become adults they have to move out, with or without going to college) without anyone dying or being taken away by social worker - the catch; the parent can't marry another sim into house (you can have extra kids), can't study for skillpoints (only work for them), start in a challenge house (on a 4x4 lot) and must have only $400 to start.
You can't sell furniture, can't have any more than ONE skillpoint for charisma, body, logic, creativity (the others you acquire as you go through daily life) and you basically have no chance of getting up the ladder of success - yet you still have to raise a happy healthy family and make it to elderhood - and your kids into adulthood before the challenge ends. Sounds easy to start...
Am so used to starting games with cheats etc I will see how this goes.

Cheers :)