Ren, it was you and your buddy Haq who created the thread together, trying to pretend like you knew nothing about it is stupid.
Your first post was to say I was stalking you, but that is a lie, it is you who is stalkign me and your showing up at this forum proves it.
As the Boss just said and I said as well, if your truly interested in being a productive member of this forum then even I welcome you with open arms. This thread is only about the lie being told by you and Haq that I am stalking you when it was actully you and Haq that was stalking me.
Even now your at the other forum deleting threads and locking threads trying to hide the fact that your following me around the internet, not the other way around. You posted several attacks on me at the myd2 forum before they shut down so you had to go looking for me at another forum and here you are.
So you make the choice, if you really like it here, go make some threads and show us what you have to offer instead of being a broken record trying to sound all innocent and pure when everyone can clearly see your only reason to come here was me.
By the way, just to further prove your need to be dishonest, you claimed I called for you to be banned, that never happend and I challenge you to show where I ever said such a thing.
I said you and Haq bringing your dirty laundry to this forum was not within the rules of this forum and you should not have done that. I never asked for any punnishment for your rule infraction, I simply pointed out you were breaking the rules.
Oh, a piece of advise, trying to claim Cloaked was not capable of reading your posts correctly might not be the best thing to do, he is fully capable of reading what you said and also seeing through your smokescreen and dodging attempts.
No, I am no angel, but you bringing your dirty laundry to this forum out of spite and a need for revenge clearly proves a lot about your character.
So if you want to get along, I am all for it, let's leave this flame thread behind and go out there and see what we can talk can always make a thread about how sexy you thing justin is as your first step.