The Truth About SD


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
I'd just like to clear a few things up. First of all, for the love of.....whatever you all love, I don't love 'God' so I'll just say ****. FOR THE LOVE OF **** (A/N: I do not love ****) I AM NOT A GUY! Sometimes I would LIKE to be a gay guy because they're just so damn cute, but I'm stuck with what I got--a sexless female. (Figure that one out for yourself.) ANYWAY. I am not a man. Sorry, I guess; you all seem shocked and disappointed when you find out.

Secondly, I am from CANADA, a nation that IS one of the greatest on this ****ed up, infested planet, but never says it because we're too modest. I despise the US as a whole--please stop ****ing up the world--and I don't give half a rat's turd what you morons say about 'pacifist pussies' and 'weaklings' and all that ****--being peaceful is the ultimate achievement of humanity because it defies our very nature. SO for once, I say UP YOURS, nature!

Though if I could, I'd kill every 'American' (connotation: people like Bush) in a heartbeat, so take that as you will.

Yes, I AM 17, almost 18, and I don't give a flying **** if you're older than I am. I feel I am enlightened and intelligent, and while I don't know everything, my opinions are based on reality. A place most people wish to avoid. I do when I can; it stinks. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I don't know ****.

I am an ATHEIST and despise religion. It causes hatred, war, division, and widespread stupidity. I believe in science and math, even though they don't speak to me. I would like to see all radical religious types who scorn science live without it for even a day.

I believe that animals are far more important than any of us, any of you. I would gladly trade YOUR lives for those of animals. Sorry. I hate people as a species.

I believe strongly in the supernatural, but only in a scientific sense. There IS something more, but it has nothing to do with religion. And I don't believe anything I hear, and I'm not a crystal-wearing...sage-burning weirdo. I'm not ****ing new agey, I believe what I believe.

Also, you people need to stop telling me to get laid, for reasons I'm not going to elaborate on. Just piss off about it.

Finally, I'm touched that some of you notice how much MORE ****ing PISSED OFF I am recently, and I'm not sure what's behind it. I'm sick of ****, and I want to run my OWN ****ing planet. At any rate, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT! I'll yell and curse and bash if I want to--why is it a problem? Is this or is this not WHAT PISSES YOU OFF? Is this not the place where I'm SUPPOSED to let off all my steam and rant and rave and puke my guts out when I'm just that pissed off? You people telling me not to be so pissed off is pissing me off!

THAT'S what's on my mind today. So that's me, and now you know. Feel free to use this thread to talk about yourselves, though please don't piss me off even more by spouting anything 'American' about your guns or your God. eye twitches

PS: I'm sending you ALL a bill when I get an ulcer.

Oh wait, my health care's free! Burn.
PS: you thought it would be something juicy, don't you? Like I'm actually a rich white guy who ****s little boys or something. Sorry! No kinks here ;)
Wow. Yet something else we really don't care about. OPINIONS are not always based on FACT. This seems not to register with people like you. NO ONE CARES HOW PISSED YOU ARE! Just like no one cares how tall I am. Jesus H. Christ, get a ****ing life, you dumbass **** rag!

(I needed to let off some steam. Thank you for being a target :))
Your a poor little girl..and yeah we pay for health care cause WE ARENT MOOCHERS. We work for what we get in this country, so its not HANDED to us like Canada. You are annoying and ignorant, Praise GOD because you make MOST OF US look DAMN GOOD.... :p
Ouch, kitten has claws. No, opinions are not always based on fact, but I like to think that I observe the facts before I form an opinion. I've seen PLENTY of evidence that the US sucks and Bush is a moron, yet people still don't believe me. Sad thing is, but now, it's all bled together so it's hard to pick something out to explain to people. I try, though.

PS: I only cuss out people I'm pissed at. If you're not pissed at me, target a moron instead, won't you?
A. I believe you on the bush thing.

B. You were the closest thing other than toilet paper, and you started this thread, so I figured why the hell not?
As I said, I agree with you on alot of aspects but I tend not to get too overboard about it unless I am pressed. I too hate people as a whole, I too think the war is ****ing stupid, and I too notice the importance of many animals over people. And I agree with you mostly about religion. I just don't wanna piss in anyone's Cheerios. Me being a Class A pessimist (as bad as it can get) I just allow most things to take its course since there ain't a damn thing we can do about it.

You are entitled to your opinion and have the right to be pissed off (this is a pissed off site of course) but at the same time, breathe my friend. BREATHE. Do what I do and just say **** THE WORLD, then let it **** itself. It is that simple. :) (I say this now, wait until I get pissed off...LOL!)
jokersarewild said:
Wow. Yet something else we really don't care about. OPINIONS are not always based on FACT. This seems not to register with people like you. NO ONE CARES HOW PISSED YOU ARE! Just like no one cares how tall I am. Jesus H. Christ, get a ****ing life, you dumbass **** rag!

(I needed to let off some steam. Thank you for being a target :))

LMAO. Nice. Took the words right outta my mouth.
Gray~Gal said:
Your a poor little girl..and yeah we pay for health care cause WE ARENT MOOCHERS. We work for what we get in this country, so its not HANDED to us like Canada. You are annoying and ignorant, Praise GOD because you make MOST OF US look DAMN GOOD.... :p

As a dual citizen - (Yep! Both Canadian AND American - I can catch flack from both sides) (dogpile on SkateGreen!!!) Now residing in New Yawk...I longingly recall that oh-so-cheap health care...but don't miss the bloody taxes. Yeah, I paid for that health care ... every fricken raped and pillaged paycheck.

Just, uh, as an aside...
Holy **** you are me. So how much black is in your closet, how punk are you and what color is your hair this week. LOL Sorry but you are EXACTLY what I figured. I have to ask though, do you honestly believe that no one else feels of felt EXACTLY like you? I mean you just totally describe about %85 of every teenager I know or have known. OH I would love to knwo you some day when you are in my position right now. As for sexless you are either a hemaphrodite (ecxuse the spelling I am drinking tonight) confused about your sexuality, or unable. Anyway I am sorry for you and your position there that sux ass. As for teh rest

I'll have to second the opinion of Tizz and say that was totally predictable. the sad thing is, people would probably consider your opinion (and i stress the word opinion) if you weren't so ****ing self righteous! Okay, we get it! Ya don't care for Bush, Americans, religion & God. No matter what the thread is about, you always seem to steer the conversation into that direction. You may think you are extremely enlightened, but many people know about life and how ****ed up it can be. It is true that many people willfully blind themselves to the truth, but you are not gonna sway their opinion by showing off what you learned from a book, magazine or the latest Michael Moore flick. chill out. I used to be just like you. and still do share many of your views, but parading knowledge frivolously makes a person look very foolish.
OK si maybe I am not missing my youth so much anymore, but it's damn fun laughing at it HEHE
Whether you like it or not, America is going to continue to **** **** up. Get used to it. Despite being a pawn in a war that went nowhere, my love for my country has not changed or wavered. I still believe in the good of this country and the fellowship we, as a whole, extend other nations.

On the bright side, I saved a ton of money by switching to Geico.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Ouch, kitten has claws. No, opinions are not always based on fact, but I like to think that I observe the facts before I form an opinion. I've seen PLENTY of evidence that the US sucks and Bush is a moron, yet people still don't believe me. Sad thing is, but now, it's all bled together so it's hard to pick something out to explain to people. I try, though.

PS: I only cuss out people I'm pissed at. If you're not pissed at me, target a moron instead, won't you?

It's not that we don't believe a malignant **** from America's Greatest National Park, you're just preaching to the choir. We know he's a moron... a liar... a thief... call him what you will. The Bush supporters here greatly outnumber those who oppose him. And the opposition is filled with limp-wristed bleeding heart liberals that whine to get their way.

This country has its problems, yes. However we put our imperfections and idiosyncrasies out in the public so all eyes may feast upon, formulate an opinion, or ignore altogether. This is why we have CNN, FoxNews, et. al. running 24 hours a day to expose the problems we have. Man's inhumanity to man lives on.

So before you formulate your little opinion about the United States, take a look at the problems that face your nation.
If the United States is sooo much worse than Canada why do you little bastards hug the border so tightly? What the **** do you people do up there aside from eating ice, shitting brown snowcone, and running from moose?

Animals better than people? What do animals do besides ****, breed, and make more little animals? Oh, I know, attack humans!

When I see squirrels building a car I may give you some credibility. Until then I say that animals are a hindrance to our industrial evolution. How are we ever going to convert this planet into a giant flying city in time enough to escape our exploding sun with all these breeding, shitting animals destroying houses, wrecking dams, and making sinkholes under every other road intersection on the planet? Answer me that, genius. We haven't even managed to get the surface done yet! There are still MILLIONS OF ****ING ACRES OF RAINFOREST TO BURN DOWN, BEFORE WE CAN EVEN PAVE IT OVER!
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
If the United States is sooo much worse than Canada why do you little bastards hug the border so tightly? What the **** do you people do up there aside from eating ice, shitting brown snowcone, and running from moose?

Animals better than people? What do animals do besides ****, breed, and make more little animals? Oh, I know, attack humans!

When I see squirrels building a car I may give you some credibility. Until then I say that animals are a hindrance to our industrial evolution. How are we ever going to convert this planet into a giant flying city in time enough to escape our exploding sun with all these breeding, shitting animals destroying houses, wrecking dams, and making sinkholes under every other road intersection on the planet? Answer me that, genius. We haven't even managed to get the surface done yet! There are still MILLIONS OF ****ING ACRES OF RAINFOREST TO BURN DOWN, BEFORE WE CAN EVEN PAVE IT OVER!

I think SD's view of America is a lil too overboard but your view of animals are not even intelligable. Think about it, WE WOULD NOT LIVE OR HAVE THE **** WE HAVE without animals or nature for that matter. We would starve to death, we would not have the materials to build some of the **** we have, we would not have medicine. They have ALWAYS been more important than us and in fact have done better without our arrival. In fact we are the only species to totally screw Earth in the ass. We are one of the few animals to be able to end the world and save it. So they crap all over the place, kill a few of us, and eat our food. SO WHAT? And we are any better? Think about it sound alot worse than the person you are trying to attack!
Outlaw2747 said:
Think about it, WE WOULD NOT LIVE OR HAVE THE **** WE HAVE without animals or nature for that matter.

I've thought about this, and I agree completely with you. We would not have any of the **** we have, because there wouldn't be animals shitting all over the place!

Outlaw2747 said:
So they crap all over the place, killa few of us, and eat our food. SO WHAT?

"SO WHAT?" is right! So what if we don't reproducing **** factories eating our food and attacking us all over the place? Like I'd really miss THAT!

Outlaw2747 said:
And we are any better?

Hell yes! We use indoor plumbing and sewer systems! See if your precious animals can figure that one out!
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
I've thought about this, and I agree completely with you. We would not have any of the **** we have, because there wouldn't be animals shitting all over the place!

LOL! got the idea. Glad to see you are a representative of our "glorious" species.

Thermite Wielding Troll said:
"SO WHAT?" is right! So what if we don't reproducing **** factories eating our food and attacking us all over the place? Like I'd really miss THAT!

So basically you expect every animal to crawl to your feet and let you pet them and give them orders? Ever consider how many animals we kill as opposed to them killing us? Pretty huge difference genius. And think about it, if some of them didn't eat the same food as we do, then some of them wouldn't be alive for us to utilize. I would go into food chains and ecology and all that stuff but judging by your totally irrational and idiotic comments, I feel that would be too complicated for your feeble "beetleheaded" way of thinking. Then again, I'm insulting the beetle.

Thermite Wielding Troll said:
Hell yes! We use indoor plumbing and sewer systems! See if your precious animals can figure that one out!

Not every creature is expected to build nuclear weapons, cut down a million trees and potentially burn us to oblivion or destroy our own species in a devastatingly way to fulfill our own selfish needs. Oh, and we do have ****-eating animals. Ever wonder why most of us don't live in the wild and the fact that the whole entire planet isnt covered in ****? This one will take you quite a while to figure out...

Sorry, didn't mean to take your post away from you SD, but trying to enlightened the ignorant is something that is kinda irresistable. Then again, I waste my time.
Wow, cutting down the rainforest? Sure, let's completely destroy ALL THE TREES on the planet so we eventually run out of oxygen and smother ourselves to death. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard anyone say.
angie said:
Wow, cutting down the rainforest? Sure, let's completely destroy ALL THE TREES on the planet so we eventually run out of oxygen and smother ourselves to death. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard anyone say.

EXACTLY!!! And this guy thinks that animals are useless and ruin the planet and here we are, killing every tree, making thousands of species that we need EXTINCT, and polluting everything. Not trying to sound like some EPA rep but it is common sense.