The Truth About SD

i dont know what the hell most of the comments were on this topic but i can say I dont like S.D. opinions.She is not open minded at all. Its so sad the young people of today are so dim witted.
This wholoe world is sad. Even sadder when certain parents don't know how to keep their legs closed or use a condom.
I'd say this freak show has gone on long enough. I'm glad most of you proved how astoundingly stupid you are by not being able to figure me out even when I TELL you what I'm all about. I mean damn, I'm pretty sure most of you have ears--or in this case, eyes--and yet you're still shooting in the dark.

GrayGal, you're.....I'm not sure I have the words to describe you. ****tard doesn't quite cover it. Obviously you don't know **** about the world, because even though we call our health care free, it isn't. We DO pay for it, dumbass. We ALL pay for EVERYONE'S expenses, get it? It's called taking care of each other, and it's what any decent, civilized country that DOESN'T have its head up its own ass would do. The government just organizes the money--we're basically say 'hey Bob, you need some surgery? Here, I'll pay for it.' You know, being good neighbours? Being hu--.....ah forget it; I'm wasting my time on you.

Outlaw, I'm breathing just fine. Just because my mind's ****ing PISSED OFF doesn't mean I'm having convulsions over here. Some people don't do the blind rage thing, boyo.

And Tizz, once again I can only shake my head and sort you into the pile with 8ball, GG, jeep, and msixty. Oh, and we can't forget MRIH. At any rate, you're a dumbass. That was a GIANT swing and an even more spectacular miss. Even when I spell **** out for you, you don't know how to spell my name. (To simplify it, since you clearly need it, if I told you exactly what I am, you'd still run yourself into the wall.) You didn't hit a single mark with your 'enlightened' post. Try again--I'll give you two more guesses.

And as an A/N: what a wonderful parent you mark, to say 'I'm drinking tonight' as you completely fail to understand my mind. Also, 85% of teenagers are complete assholes and dumber than a post, and don't HAVE any opinions. Not on anything important. They sit around adjusting their balls and painting their nails and seeing how far down their ass their pants can ride before they actually fall down, talking about who they banged and what stupid TV shows they like. You're stupidity should be documented.

Chartreuse, don't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. When do I ever quote statistics or reference a book? I just state my opinions and back them up with common sense--if MY common sense is in a book, honestly, I'd be a little freaked out. The only way you can find what I think in a book is if I wrote it, dumbass. As for what I KNOW, that's simple schooling. But your school probably just shows you a picture of a microscope. You too fail to know JACK **** about me. But please, keep trying. I think i can I think I can........ You'll get it one day, I'm sure. pats you on the head

Whew, this is getting long. To be continued.

RoyalOrleans, I find it adorable that you still have faith in your country, but I completely disagree. Fellowship? We have a few mad cows and your country says **** YOU. But you get one and it's no big deal. If we tried to shut you out, you'd go ****ing APESHIT. You're pissing all over Japan, a country that has been very good to you, and you shouted from the highest rooftop a BIG ol' GO **** YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!! when the REST of us were GIVING a **** and signing the Kyoto treaty. I would like to hear an example of this fellowship. WE are your closest neighbour, we come to your country and spend money, we trade with you, we're very kind to you even though you're a jackass (you as a nation, not you, RO ;) ) All you ever do is laugh at us behind our back--like we can't hear you--and remain ignorant and rude toward us. How is that neighbourly? Please, enlighten me.

We have problems in our nation, of course, but I mean come on. It's like Martha Stewart's perfurmed, marble ****ing bathroom versus the port-a-john at a car show in Mississippi. Or, of course, so I imagine. People in downtown Toronto leave their doors unlocked and don't give a ****. And nothing happens to them! If someone shoots up a school it's like the ****ing Twilight Zone. Down there it's like ho ****ing hum! We don't even HAVE gangs up here--I've never ever heard of one, and I watched news from Toronto every day. (If we DID have any, that's where they'd be.) We give half a rat's ass about the environment, which is two rats' asses more than I can say for you. So tell me one way in which Canada is a worse place to live than the US.

Thermite, while I'm tempted to throw up my hands and tell you to go **** GrayGal, I'll try to answer stupidity with intelligence, as I always do. We 'hug the border' because of ****ing geography. If we could, we'd be LONG gone from your shithole, but we can't move the earth, so we're stuck with you. Sleeping with an elephant, remember? Like Outlaw, I would attempt to explain to you things like the food chain and the nitrogen cycle, but they'd be lost on you. Let me say this however--if not for the envrionment, you wouldn't have the gas to fill your SUV. Gasp! Horror! Oh, the humanity! Wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Outlaw, I continue to hold firm that my views are correct and most others are just blind, but you're welcome to call me radical if you'd like. Good try with the troll, but it's hopeless.

Gray, saying that I'm not open-minded is the dumbest thing I'VE ever heard, even including Thermite's 'the environment is useless.' Please do explain to me how I am not open-minded, I would be thrilled to hear. Oh, and I must say I AM highly amused by how someone four years older than myself--a proud army wife and mother of FIVE--can call me dim-witted. That's rich. Keep your legs closed and stop being Uncle Sam's whore.

PS: I know finding a new profession can be difficult, but you have friends, remember, to help you through this difficult transition.

And now, I wait for retaliation. Please, go on, everyone. Sits back and folds hands.

A/N: am I smug? Yes, I'm a smug little SOB.
well i like your made up word ****tard. You might have loads of opinions but my guess there are many people here who either DONT agree or DONT GIVE A FLYING ****. You are a child who has a one track mind. Thats great you are atheist and like gay people. It almost sounds like your from San Fransico. But to get to my point, you dont see it any other way. You have a one tracked mind and are ignorant for that. (shes the one i called dim-witted) And sorry i cant MAKE UP WORDS for you but you are badly informed and rude
Oh, ouch! That stung! Oh I don't think I can go on... crawls keep fighting without me, Outlaw, I can't.....combat.....Gal's....razor...wit! dying gasp

Retard. You fail to give any intelligent response--you just keep hurling **** around, hoping some of it sounds intelligent. Just because I've formed my own opinions doesn't make me closed-minded. Another swing, another miss. Care to try again? Tell you what, I feel sorry for you, so the next two tries are free.
You my dear are a ****in ****. There i said it. I HATE THAT ****ing word but you know it suits you. Yeah what i say doesnt make sense. It doesnt make sense to ****in idiots who like i said have one tracked minds. I like how you dont seem threatened....Oh being Uncle Sams whore huh....Bitch I am married and have been married sense i was 18. Any yes i am one of the lucky ones who gets to breed because dumb bitches like you should be sent to...well never mind you already live in Canada. Yeah i have kids and i can say what i want to you even if i am a "little bit" older then you cause i havent lived in one pathetic spot of my whole life. I have seen a lot of this world and you are probably one of the dumbest tree huggers i have ever met.
And if you cant make any sense of that sit on it!
OH! You got me, partner! Help me...someone....everything's...going....dark...... Your intelligent comeback, your ability to reason and make a coherent arguement, your powers of debate have finished me! Oh, I can't continue. You wound me, Gal, I see now how stupid I've been! Bush is my god! **** the environment! Religion is my saviour! Praise Jesus! Everyone, let's take a spin in my hummer! Ciggies and Jack Daniels are ON ME!

God what a moron. Even your insults are weak. Your stupidity is going to tire me out before I even get to work, but I'll see what I can do for you anyway.

If you want to be insulting, use an insulting word that makes sense. Like idiot--it means what you want to say. ****tard is one of my personal favourites because it's a fun insult that says two, in this case very true, things in one. **** is just a weak word of emphasis, a sorry slang term used incorrectly. It's sad, so try again.

I can see now that trying to reason with someone who is proud of being married at 18 is useless, and yet I continue to. It'd be nice if someone could come back me up here--I can only fight stupidity for so long by myself. Oh well, I'll hold down the fort until reinforcements arrive. My point: you're a whore and a moron.

Again, feeling lucky because you're allowed to breed is not only pathetic, but it doesn't make any sense; any idiot can breed, as you so colourful illustrate. I could, if I were an idiot.

Yet again, as I keep saying today, keep your mouth shut until you know what you're talking about. You have NO IDEA where I have been or where I have lived, so your 'insult' doesn't even make sense. The only one shamed here is you.

If you feel wordly, please enlighten us and describe your adventures.

Two little asides, your closing 'arguement' is childish and poorly thought-out, if at all which I doubt, and again, the only one whose...reputation is injured here is you, okay, darlin'? You're just making yourself look stupid. Appropriate and true, so consider this trying to help you save some face.

PS: trying to 'flame' somebody with your already-weak 'arsenal' of 'insults'--man is it hard to make that serious--is already useless, but just becomes sad when you can't even do it with proper grammar. You paint a lovely picture of yourself--fearfully patriotic, superior on account of your physical age but showing a serious lack of mental maturity, making ill-informed assumptions and conjectures and bold, completely incorrect statements, another happy little breeder popping out even dumber children whom I feel very sorry for. I can only imagine your husband must be, and again, the bright futures of your children, and shake my head in sorrow.

An aside for my PS, I suppose: Again, you fail to show me how I have a 'one tracked mind' (it's one-track mind, hon) and I invite you to try again. Say something intelligent and you get a gold star! Oooo, shiny!
Well to my knowledge my husband is highly intelligent. You can bash me all you want but dont start in on my husband or my children. If you want to piss my husband off go ahead and keep your comments going. For one i dont have to explain myself with my "adventures" of the world. And how is being a mom and married at 18 a whore and a moron. Just because your not grown up and ready for the world doesnt mean everyones not. I made my decision yrs ago and DO NOT regret it. Oh and now you need back up huh...someone to agree with you. DO you feel alone in your pathetic world of "flamming" me. Why dont you try to insult someone else since you like taking your time out on me, I am done with you for the moment. Try 8_ball and see how far your little **** throwing goes there.
Silver_dragon87 said:
I'd say this freak show has gone on long enough. I'm glad most of you proved how astoundingly stupid you are by not being able to figure me out even when I TELL you what I'm all about. I mean damn, I'm pretty sure most of you have ears--or in this case, eyes--and yet you're still shooting in the dark.

GrayGal, you're.....I'm not sure I have the words to describe you. ****tard doesn't quite cover it. Obviously you don't know **** about the world, because even though we call our health care free, it isn't. We DO pay for it, dumbass. We ALL pay for EVERYONE'S expenses, get it? It's called taking care of each other, and it's what any decent, civilized country that DOESN'T have its head up its own ass would do. The government just organizes the money--we're basically say 'hey Bob, you need some surgery? Here, I'll pay for it.' You know, being good neighbours? Being hu--.....ah forget it; I'm wasting my time on you.

Outlaw, I'm breathing just fine. Just because my mind's ****ing PISSED OFF doesn't mean I'm having convulsions over here. Some people don't do the blind rage thing, boyo.

And Tizz, once again I can only shake my head and sort you into the pile with 8ball, GG, jeep, and msixty. Oh, and we can't forget MRIH. At any rate, you're a dumbass. That was a GIANT swing and an even more spectacular miss. Even when I spell **** out for you, you don't know how to spell my name. (To simplify it, since you clearly need it, if I told you exactly what I am, you'd still run yourself into the wall.) You didn't hit a single mark with your 'enlightened' post. Try again--I'll give you two more guesses.

And as an A/N: what a wonderful parent you mark, to say 'I'm drinking tonight' as you completely fail to understand my mind. Also, 85% of teenagers are complete assholes and dumber than a post, and don't HAVE any opinions. Not on anything important. They sit around adjusting their balls and painting their nails and seeing how far down their ass their pants can ride before they actually fall down, talking about who they banged and what stupid TV shows they like. You're stupidity should be documented.

Chartreuse, don't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about. When do I ever quote statistics or reference a book? I just state my opinions and back them up with common sense--if MY common sense is in a book, honestly, I'd be a little freaked out. The only way you can find what I think in a book is if I wrote it, dumbass. As for what I KNOW, that's simple schooling. But your school probably just shows you a picture of a microscope. You too fail to know JACK **** about me. But please, keep trying. I think i can I think I can........ You'll get it one day, I'm sure. pats you on the head

Whew, this is getting long. To be continued.

WoW! and you still missed my point. its okay, I'm not mad at you. In fact, you've got a lot of spunk and you make me laugh when i read your attempts to be serious in your defense.
It's amazing how many of you people actually thought I was serious. I knew SD would take the bait, as she is obviously inherently irrational. But you people held on even after the Earth spaceship and the obvious baiting of burning down the rainforest? And my justification of the human race consisting of indoor plumbing? Wow. I don't get out enough.

I do think it's funny who people put down humanity, though. Of course, they never include themselves as the humanity that shouldn't exist. It's really some self righteous bullshit.

She hates humans as a species? Does she hate herself? Would she trade her life for an animal's? Yeah, right.

It's not like animals are more worthy, anyways. Animals are, at best, as worthy as human beings. Animals gladly destroy the environment to suit themselves, just look at what populations of grazing animals can do to plants. They also don't give a **** if they drive other species to extinction, look at the predators introduced into new ecosystems. They don't cry over any of this ****, either. They can't even realize it's happening, they're just caught up in their own petty little existance. Much like SD, though she's human so she knows enough to put on airs of being something greater.

Animals are no better than humans, they just lack bulldozers, guns, and advanced higher mental processes.

I like how SD points out how she believes in math and science. Just how much of an interest does she actually take in these subjects? Or does she say this simply because of the popular illusion that they're against the religions she hates?

She sure does have an overdeveloped sense of conviction for someone who has the rationality of someone who hasn't been beyond the local supermarket. And who fed this BS to her? Do they have MTV in Canada?
where would canada be without the US? a world of **** little girl.

do you think the world could be fed without animals? i would be the first one in line to beat someone who hurt an animal just for the hell of it but some are for food PERIOD.

you are obviously a fat, ugly, bitter ****, but at 17 i am sure you know how to solve all of the worlds problems.
I am starting to remember why I hated High school and have actually had nightmares where I am forced to go back!!! I here people talk about the good old days and wantiong to be young again. **** that. I wouldn't trade my life experiences to be that ignorant again if you offered me the winning numbers to the mega ball drawing LOL. OH well, she will grow up someday, like we all have. That's what cracks me up. She thinks I am busting on her when in actuality I am admitting that I too was once young naive and oh so enlightened myself LOL But then I also know how Pissed I got when anyone talked to me as I am talking to her so it is all good. We grow we change and thank god we develope a good sense of humor regarding our youth ;)
This. Is. Too. Funny. I am just going to sit here and watch. And as for the ummm...animal hater, anti-nature guy...uhhhh yea rock on. Roger that. Your intelligence and experience FARRRRR surpases my futile attempts at using common sense and simple ecology.
skategreen said:
As a dual citizen - (Yep! Both Canadian AND American - I can catch flack from both sides) (dogpile on SkateGreen!!!) Now residing in New Yawk...I longingly recall that oh-so-cheap health care...but don't miss the bloody taxes. Yeah, I paid for that health care ... every fricken raped and pillaged paycheck.

Just, uh, as an aside...
Ok i know we all pay for health care here...its called taxes. I know we pay just because not every smo joe gets to use it isnt my fault. There are plenty of ways to get health care in America if you know how. Yes it could be cheaper to get in the US but its out there and yes anyone with a job or has had a job has paid for healthcare of others.
Outlaw2747 said:
This. Is. Too. Funny. I am just going to sit here and watch. And as for the ummm...animal hater, anti-nature guy...uhhhh yea rock on. Roger that. Your intelligence and experience FARRRRR surpases my futile attempts at using common sense and simple ecology.

This is amazing. I flat out tell you I wasn't completely serious and you still don't get it.
My fault dude...complete brain lapse! Good argument though.

I am man enough to admit my occassional stupidity. :D
Well, I would delete that last post, then, but somehow I have no editing options. ADMIN!

(Wonder if it has anything to do with me being in the idiot box....Hmmm...:) )

It's ballsy to admit fault there, but there is no fault to admit if you didn't catch that last post before you posted. Well, other than maybe not refreshing enough, but I'm worse, so lets ignore that :)
LOL roger that. And don't worry, I wasn't brutal at all...if I was, I would have kept! Because on this site, you gotta save your anger for the really BIG the dumb **** who called us all morons on another post.