The two Corey's


New member
Yaaaaawn... Cory Shame takes pills, makes a jackass of himself on the set of direct to video Lost Boys 2, crys to shrink and wallows in a sea of self pity..
I would say, shoot 'em, but it'd be a waste of a good bullet.



New member
Wonder what's in store tonight.. Corey Haim chops off Feldmans foot and sells it for crack?


New member
These two have a reality show? Fuuuuuk! Sounds like a half an hour I cold better have spent waxing my legs. They were boring at the high point in their careers. They always look too smooth. I like dirty boys with stubble, and tattoos :p


New member
I like dirty boys with stubble, and tattoos :p

Have you seen Corey Haim these days? He fits that bill.. If a drug induced zombie like trance flips your fancy as well, he's your "man". :p



New member
Been flipping through my Photobucket page, ehhh?

I just showered and shaved 3 days worth off.. Dammit. I'm gonna head uptown and get a tattoo out of a gumball machine..



New member
Then it should be.. I bet Kiefer Southerland has.. Or that dude from Bill and Teds excellent adventure..
That movie singlehandedly ruined Keanu Reeves image as a serious actor. I mean, as good as the Matrix movies are said to be, I have yet to watch more than two-five minutes of each installment. I just don't take him seriously.

The same holds true for Stephen Baldwin. He played McManus in one of the best movies, the Usual Suspets, but followed it up with BioDome with Paulie Shore.

Then you have Nicholas Cage who, I believe, should've stopped making movies after Raising Arizona. Cage has yet to "wow me" with anything else he's done.



New member
That movie singlehandedly ruined Keanu Reeves image as a serious actor. I mean, as good as the Matrix movies are said to be, I have yet to watch more than two-five minutes of each installment. I just don't take him seriously.
The same holds true for Stephen Baldwin. He played McManus in one of the best movies, the Usual Suspets, but followed it up with BioDome with Paulie Shore.

Then you have Nicholas Cage who, I believe, should've stopped making movies after Raising Arizona. Cage has yet to "wow me" with anything else he's done.

Ever seen Keanu in Rivers edge? Strange, dark movie..

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