The White Stripes

They are alright. The guitarist is pretty talented and the lyrics are good, but the drumming is absolute garbage. She plays the same fill on every track! And if its not the same fill its only different by a tiny bit. It takes no talent to keep a beat.
Well, we all know that Jack is one of the greatest musicians we all know that his ex-wife sucks like hell!!
Anyway, I love their song "Seven Nation Army", "Blue Orchid" is not bad either...
I love the white stripes. I agree that Meg isn't a very good drummer, but it works, and it keeps Jack in the spotlight. Did anybody else watch 100% White Stripes on fuse a couple of months back? Notice that during the whole thing she doesn't say a thing, she just sit there and lets Jack talk.
Mikes_Shadow said:
O.O holy crap! Sarah, I never knew you were the kind of person to listen to the white stripes! x.x
*luffs them*
*now wants to listen to them*

Holy crap Gemma, you don't know me that well then.

Jack white ... no wonder it sounded familiar ... lol..
i heard about this song about how the guy has a imaginary friend or something like that ...
Jack is a great musician, his sister isnt

Nuff said

Get Behind Me Satain was a dissapointment and over rated especially when SHE tried to sing again.