The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

GF Admin said:
What we have here is a failure to communicate. The working class, is just that. The working class. Enslaved by their decisions. Lack of imagination, fear, and general mental laziness. They are NOT FREE, they do not even know how to think like a free person, it
Jhony5 wrote:
Say what ya mean, and mean what ya say. You continue to make these sweeping, yet ambiguous statements about all sorts of matters, yet somehow you try to remain neutral to it while saying some very upsetting things.
Yes, and look at the great stuff you've responded with. What response would I have got from "Workers Iz Nise Peepul"? Nothing, because it would be like saying motherhood was a good thing - who's gonna attack that? But the fact that it's been put in a provocative way means we're actually singing off the same page and I'm wondering how long it will take you to twig that I'm on your side.
In the end the fact remains. Humanity itself is subject to shifty behavior and advantageous crimes of opportunity. This transcends social lines. From the lowly migrant worker, to the head brass of billion dollar corporations.
Couldn't agree more, mate & you'd never have said that if I'd posted some ***** twat talk. You're actually a natural poet - keep going, it's good.
I may be a "gorilla" in your purview, however I do not wear a "tuxedo" of any sorts. Torn Levis and Nike's will do just fine for me. My budget allows for fancier dress, however I am a part of a culture that does not seek the appearance of a socialite.
No I don't, because gorillas don't contribute to the social treasury as you do. Gorillas ambush the weaker beasties and run large corporations.Your passion doesn't belong in the jungle -especially the concrete one.
Often the first person that will extend help to you when your in need, say for instance if you needed a jump start for your car or maybe someone to help you fend of an attack. The 'social class' that would be most likely to come to your aid would be the .........."slum scum...****roachs...working class criminals".
Absolutely! I used to work in a car battery replacement shop & the little battlers would just accept their lot & be decent sods with most transactions, whilst the top surgeons & lawyers with their limos would squeal like stuck pigs over a few measly bucks. I wanted to see who'd defend the little fella. You're a champ.
My truck battery died as I had left my lights on while shopping about 2 months ago. So I lifted my hood, readied my jumper cables, and awaited a kind soul to take 2 minutes to help a stranger. I saw the various people make eye contact with me and quickly shift there focus away from me. I even asked a well dressed older gentleman who was driving a Lincoln town car if he could jump me. His answer? "I'm sorry I'm on a hurry". Not to much later a sultry fella with torn pants, long hair, and a tattooed body pulled up in a truck that was comprised of more rust then paint. He hopped out and asked "need a hand bud". "why yes I do" I said. What a nice guy. A ****roach. A slum scum. A working class criminal he was.
Beautiful stuff, mate - I could roll out dozens more clips like that as indeed could you. My original post was actually a satire - a lampoon - a sarcasm - but look at the gold coin ideas it's producing. Good on ya. Cheers!
You makeum me brain hurted. You trick me. Or did you? Wait! No. Um.... Fancy Austrailian man make fool of me. Me angry. Fire bad.
Jhony5 said:
You makeum me brain hurted. You trick me. Or did you? Wait! No. Um.... Fancy Austrailian man make fool of me. Me angry. Fire bad.

Steve Irwin not only CROCK (o'crap) hunter - ugh! Cheers!
GF Admin said:
What we have here is a failure to communicate. The working class, is just that. The working class.

The movers and shakers, you mean?

GF Admin said:
Enslaved by their decisions.

Entrapped by the society they were born into, more likely.

GF Admin said:
Lack of imagination, fear, and general mental laziness.

Or lethargy instilled by a systemic lack of input in school.

GF Admin said:
They are NOT FREE, they do not even know how to think like a free person,

A broad brush, but true for a percentage only.

GF Admin said:
Flatearther said:
Well, delivered an uncorrupt set of unions or a creditable political party for starters.

The Labor party is currently in control of every state and territory in Australia. Do you have a further mission for them?

Flatearther said:
How much time have I got?

All the time in the world.

Flatearther said:
Different social & historical system. You know as much about it as I do - nothing.

Then why posit it in a debate? Red herring perhaps?

Flatearther said:
There were always more workers than bosses - they outnumbered them. They did nothing but allowed themselves to be shoved around - for money.

You're saying that we are all born leaders, when we are clearly not.

Being paid for services rendered is par for the course now, Rumplestilskin.

Flatearther said:
How ethical does it get?

As ethical as the PC crowd determine, I guess. Go ask them.

Flatearther said:
And truly nailed my point. All they care about is their material possessions & cheap creature comforts

That's an assumption. I bought the SUV for taxation reasons. I miss my old troop carrier. Tradies are much smarter than you, old geezer.

Flatearther said:
- Barbarians aspiring to be Philistines for the most part,

Intelligent searchers, seeking and finding through the profits of their hands. Let's stone them all to death, shall we?

Flatearther said:
with the same ethics as Packer & Murdoch, but without the training or the style.

If you think either of those toadies has style, I'll never consult you on the topic ever again.

Flatearther said:
The big fat 4WD and the tasteless widescreen TV's, gadgets gadgets gadgets - just as well they're not subjected to the torture of having to read a book or discuss something important.

I hate TV. I love to read. Type fifty words a min.

Flatearther said:
In Port Lincoln the tuna fishermen have the McMansions on the hill, but they're still the classic gorilla in a dinner suit.They stay gorillas.

So you associate with these gorillas? Sounds like you are neighbours.

Flatearther said:
No - what I'm saying is that terms like 'workers' and 'bosses' and 'anarchists' went that way - with the 18th century - along with your alleged 'ideas'.

Interesting concept, but lacking in several key areas, the first being credibility.

Flatearther said:
Strange how much barking you can bring on when you dangle the stupid "Working class" sausage in the air.

I didn't invite you here to knit doilies.

Flatearther said:
How cheap can the laughs get? Just as well no one wants to discuss anything really important? Cheers!

I think the audience is much better here than PD.
Jimmy Barnes Lyrics

Working Class Man Lyrics

working hard to make a living
bringing shelter from the rain
a fathers son left to carry on
blue denim in his vein
oh oh oh he's a working class man

well he's a steel town deciple
he's a legend of his kind
he's running like a cyclone
across the wild mid western sky
oh oh oh he's a working class man

he believes in god and elvis
he gets out when he can
he did his time in vietnam
still mad at uncle sam
he's a simple man
with a heart of gold
in a complicated land
oh he's a working class man

well he loves a little woman
someday he'll make his wife
saving all the overtime
for the one love of his life
he ain't worried about tomorrow
cause he just made up his mind
life's too short for burning bridges
take it one day at a time
oh oh oh he's a working class man
oh oh oh he's a working class man
oh yeah
yes he is
well he's a working class man
Good post builder. Standing along side you, as a fellow builder. Also earning more than most white collar twats.
Architects! Need I say more?
GrumpyGit said:
Architects! Need I say more?

When hands-on construction becomes part of the training for an architect, then they might earn some respect in the industry. ;)
John Lennon Working Class Hero

As soon as youre born they make you feel small
By giving you no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if youre clever and they despise a fool
Till youre so ****ing crazy you cant follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

When theyve tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you cant really function youre so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

Keep you doped with religion and sex and tv
And you think youre so clever and classless and free
But youre still ****ing peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

Theres room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be

If you want to be a hero well just follow me
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
This is what it's all about, snafu.

Theres room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
Jhony5 said:
You makeum me brain hurted. You trick me. Or did you? Wait! No. Um.... Fancy Austrailian man make fool of me. Me angry. Fire bad.

Almost an adorable sort of beauty in such simplicity. You nay not have made it around all the bases here but boy oh boy did you hit the ball champ! :p
Hands on! I'd prefer it if they were hands well off. Most drawings I've seen by over payed pen jockeys are wrong. A bloody 2 year old can draw better. For the money they get paid , what a joke. Qualified, 5 years at tec school , bollocks. I've yet to see a correct drawing, and they have the audacity to say "built by"......their name. Wankers the lot of them.
builder wrote:
]The Labor party is currently in control of every state and territory in Australia. Do you have a further mission for them?
Yes - clone Morris Dilemma & farm him around so the whole country can lie ****ed and in chaos like NSW. It's just a matter of time.
Then why posit it in a debate? Red herring perhaps?
Yours was the ambiguous connection. Blame the manufacturer.
You're saying that we are all born leaders, when we are clearly not.
Born leaders my arse! It's always been a few thugs in charge of many whatevers & the whatevers NEVER swamp the thugs. Japan, Auschwitz, Babi Yar, Panama Canal - you name it. The sheep always run with the wolves, never agin 'em. The Americal slave trade - why didn't the darkies ever revolt and just bury the owners, genius? More to the point, even though it was tried (and failed) why did they never make slaves out of Apaches, Iriquois, Mexicans or even Germans? Wrong plumbing & wiring, that's why.
Being paid for services rendered is par for the course now, Rumplestilskin.
Yes, but it doesn't have to include the bone marrow of your kids, Jughead.
As ethical as the PC crowd determine, I guess. Go ask them.
Ask them what? How to spell "****** In The Woodpile?" Wake up!
That's an assumption. I bought the SUV for taxation reasons. I miss my old troop carrier. Tradies are much smarter than you, old geezer.
Pity it's a spot-on assumption. Conspicuous consumption is more like it. But you're right, tradies are smarter - that's spelled "s-n-e-a-k-i-e-r". Especially with their creative writing "invoices'.
Intelligent searchers, seeking and finding through the profits of their hands. Let's stone them all to death, shall we?
Sorry, mate, must have missed the living example of that principle - run it past me again? Stone them? They're doing fine on their own. Great drugs.
If you think either of those toadies has style, I'll never consult you on the topic ever again.
Ahhhhhhh, keep yer condom on - I meant style as in the style of Torquemada when stretching the arms for truth and church, dickhead.
I hate TV. I love to read. Type fifty words a min.
As a secretary, you'd be ugly enough to frighten a hungry dog out of a butcher shop
So you associate with these gorillas? Sounds like you are neighbours.
Ahhhh, don't get too snotty - it's just a bit of social climbing - and BTW - they knw you too, but they're too polite to make an issue of it.
interesting concept, but lacking in several key areas, the first being credibility.
What's so hard about pinning some really out of fashion language? Sentiment overruling sense? Feel naked without the comfort of the cliche? Cheer up, there's always 'proletariat' to fall back on.
I didn't invite you here to knit doilies.
Not so quick, Grasshopper. How many & what style you want? Deriver Tuesday, OK? Visa OK?
I think the audience is much better here than PD.
That's the first sensible ****ing thing you've said - what went wrong? Cheers!
Flatearther said:
What have the workers ever done for us? No much, except delivered for their despotic bosses a hell on earth when paradise was an option.

Well Boo Hoo to you, Private School Drop Kick. Your real complaint here is not with the sheep but with the heardsmen controlling them. Why couldn't you have the staff of ellitism to poke and prod the plebs into doing your bidding. Not fair hey?
Sappho2007 wrote:
Well Boo Hoo to you, Private School Drop Kick. Your real complaint here is not with the sheep but with the heardsmen controlling them.
Reasoning with you is like analysing a dog on its hind legs - it's a wonder it can be done at all. But since you've gone to so much effort to avoid the issue, let me bring the mountain to you know whom - ONE Hitler, & 50,000 sheep - I'd say that's some serious outnumbering, no? But they all still go Sieg Baaa! Why? They could have buried him by just squatting on his WWI helmet, but they didn't - why didn't they push baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack? Huh, duuuuuuuuuuhhhh!
Why couldn't you have the staff of ellitism to poke and prod the plebs into doing your bidding. Not fair hey?
Because the plebs are too selfish, ignorant and mindless to be pushed or pulled into anything but a poker machine parlour, Mz Rocket Scientist. Cheers!
Flatearther said:
Sappho2007 wrote: Reasoning with you is like analysing a dog on its hind legs - it's a wonder it can be done at all. But since you've gone to so much effort to avoid the issue, let me bring the mountain to you know whom - ONE Hitler, & 50,000 sheep - I'd say that's some serious outnumbering, no? But they all still go Sieg Baaa! Why? They could have buried him by just squatting on his WWI helmet, but they didn't - why didn't they push baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack? Huh, duuuuuuuuuuhhhh!

Here's another... Jesus Christ. Who else has created a greater following of sheep? One of my favorite exlcamations is "Jesus Chirst!".

Flatearther said:
Because the plebs are too selfish, ignorant and mindless to be pushed or pulled into anything but a poker machine parlour, Mz Rocket Scientist. Cheers!

Ever won anything off of a video poker machine?

Me neither.