These Ungrateful ****s!!!

I agree tht more should have left, BUT if you were without transportation or anywhere to go (money for hotels ect) it's not like anyone was offering a free bus ride out of the city or assistnce for the eldery and sick. If you are going to do a mandatory evacuation you HAVE to accunt for those with no money to get a hotel, a way to get out or anyone to stay with. Providing that assistance BEFORE wouldhave saved a lot of time money and lives
Heres my take on this. For the sake of example, i'm a ****** right, and i'm looting the local wal-mart, mmmkay. Do I -- steal t.v.'s, tennis shoes, jewelry,and tommy hilfiger clothes. OR do I --steal food, water and a GOD DAMN BOAT TO FLOAT MY BLACK ASS AWAY FROM THE MADNESS!!!! :D

Its water people c'mon. We're not talking about crossing the ****ing atlantic here. LEAVE. Why in the crazy friggin' hell did all these **** for brains spooks gravitate like lemmings to the sports arena?? Theres no food there. Theres no water. No power. What the hell.

My white ass would be seen paddling right on past the "terror dome" to somewhere that is'nt crawling with guntoting angry blacks.

Or am I being trite?
I have been to New Orleans... IT WAS A ****ING ARMPIT!

it was an armpit then, and it's going to be worse now! It was an armpit because of the ****ing yard apes that had occupied it, the same ****ing retards and socially maladjusted ****s that are looting and raping and shooting at relief helocopters!

Am I the only one here who see this **** happening for what it is or am I taking ****ing crazy pills! Any time you get a city populated with alot of black people, there seems to be this 'retarded majority' of ****ing ******S that can't seem to handle themselves... Watts riots = ******s.... LA Riots = ******s.... and now NewOrleans = ******S!

WTF PEOPLE! I actually just read a report that a gang of these ****ing grapes actually stole all the medical supplies from the local hospital! DURING A ****ING NATURAL DISASTER! These *****s only care about themselves...

So with this, I can say the following with complete confidence and a clear conscience!

**** EM! I hope the National Guard shoots every ivory smiled spook in the ****ing tri-state area! Because the smart ones left! They won't be around for the carnage... They are outbreeding us 3 to 1, maybe this will set them back a few years and we can have some ****ing peace and quiet in our borders....

PS: **** like THIS is why the word ****** is still around... don't blame tupac....
Gee people couldn't possibly be stealing MED supplies to take them to other hurt people DUH!!!!!!! Poele are completely desperate. I have never been treated as kindly or with more welcome than when in the city of NO. Perhaps you got treated like **** because you acted like ****. Sure there are idiots there who were causing just as many problems a week ago but you have to consider the desparation. People are DYING while standing in teh place they were sent by officials days ago. The **** you are saying right now disgusts me to the core. YOU are the reasons there is hate in this world, war, bias, destruction. Your comments and attitude represent the absolute worst of humanity and cause me embarrasment simply being of the same species
I sit and watch television and just can not believe how these people are behaving. I saw one lady on television yelling and screaming about getting help into the projects and how no one is helping and its because they are poor and black, but **** when the workers are getting shot at, WHAT IN THE **** DO THEY EXPECT?! I mean what really needs to be is the military brought in with orders to shoot dead anyone that is a threat to the safety of others. Anyone looting, who does not have food products or basic tolletries should be shot on the spot as well. 1000s of people are dying and all these worthless ****s can think about is ripping off a tv from the store. This is what happens when you give one group an excess of rights because we got to feeling sorry for what happened 150 years ago. WAKE UP, I wasn't alive 150 years ago, neither where you, I am sorry for what happened but **** half my family where Indians, I don't see anyone getting their ass off the land they stole from us, so why in the **** should give them the right to free load off us TAX PAYING WORKING CITIZENS so they that they can become ignorant, lazy ****s.
You cant blame Bush cause some ****ing parents wont MAKE their children go to school and get a G.D. education. Yes Bush wants money and **** to go for education but you cant blame him for it. Think of the other people who benefit from it. There are some stupid people in the world it just so happens they were in Katrinas path
It's oh so easy for us to sit here with our fresh water to drink, snacks to munch, beds to sleep in and rooves over our heads, and say what we would do. Ain't it nice?
Yeah it is nice and if there was a chance it was gonna be taken from me from sorta of disaster i know my ass would leave out of the path.
I feel sorry like i said for the helpless....but the ones who could have left and chose to stay well....what can we say. And now we must donate what we can to help.
Ya I would get really far too with my $300, a borroed car my two cats and two birds and my daughter. Ya I like to say I would leave too but the truth is my family and friends are all right here and I can't afford a hotel for ONE night let alone an unknown period of time. There is a reality to it all and that is that is is fine to sit there and say what you would do, but then there is what people CAN do. Not always the same thing.
tizz said:
Ya I would get really far too with my $300, a borroed car my two cats and two birds and my daughter. Ya I like to say I would leave too but the truth is my family and friends are all right here and I can't afford a hotel for ONE night let alone an unknown period of time. There is a reality to it all and that is that is is fine to sit there and say what you would do, but then there is what people CAN do. Not always the same thing.

But let me guess, $300 bucks to your name, yet I am sure you have the latest in fashions. It never seems to amaze how people say they have nothing, yet piss every dollar out the door as soon as they get it. If people would save a little instead of pissing money away so fast, just maybe they would be able to handle a rainy day.
I agree tht more should have left, BUT if you were without transportation or anywhere to go (money for hotels ect) it's not like anyone was offering a free bus ride out of the city or assistnce for the eldery and sick. If you are going to do a mandatory evacuation you HAVE to accunt for those with no money to get a hotel, a way to get out or anyone to stay with. Providing that assistance BEFORE wouldhave saved a lot of time money and lives

Tizz, where have you been??? Have you completely cut yourself off from the rest of the world?? Have you ever heard the word MANDATORY EVACUATION?? They have to go somewhere, and staying below sea level
Ya and if it a MANDATORY evac then they should provide SOME way for people to leave, then you wouldn't HAVE this problem. Ya, I am sure you would sit there and watch your children DIE waiting for supplies rather than go into a flooded store and take them. BULSHIT!!! If that is what you would do. really, then you ARE cracked!!!! Have I ever said that I in ANY way supported anyone shooting??? NO! The people shooting are the same people that cause problems any other time. NORMAL everyday hard working poele are simple going in taking what they need to survive when NO supplies are coming. How long should they wait? Until they don't have the strength to stand or when their entire families are dying from dehydration? Come on, you have ALL the answers and know EXACTLY what everyone should do, so tell me. If you live paycheck to paycheck and get paid on the first of the month (yesterday BTW) and have no car and no one to stay with what DO you do? If you have poele in your home unable to get to the superdome what do YOU do? You are so full of **** it's not funny. Have you ever been in their shoes? I HIGHLY doubt it, so quit trying to be so ****ing high an mighty when you sit their in safety with your clean water and food and pretend to know what you would do.
college-educated said:
But let me guess, $300 bucks to your name, yet I am sure you have the latest in fashions. It never seems to amaze how people say they have nothing, yet piss every dollar out the door as soon as they get it. If people would save a little instead of pissing money away so fast, just maybe they would be able to handle a rainy day.

Ya the latest fashions from walmart (two years ago). My daughter wears mostly gifts and hand me downs (including things I wore as a child and toys I played with) So no I don't piss the money away, yet I still fins a way to give to those with less (probabbly because I have HAD less) So don't give me this kind of **** unless you ask first what my situation is and how I live. I CHOOSE to live this way until my daughter is in school full time, because I am al teh parent she has and I would rather raise her like this for teh moment then hand her offf to someone else so that I can have the money to wear GAP.
First off Tizz....

**** your birds, and **** your cats! That is unless you take them for meat!

WORRY ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN AND OWN LIFE... **** the animals... I hate to be cruel, but we are talking about a hurricane that could KILL YOU.... $300 can get you pretty far in a car... And who the **** cares if your child is wearing gifts?!

You have to weight the options

option 1 - Travel the country for a few days, maybe a week, with $300, a borrowed car, your shabbily clothed daughter, and possibly a few sources of food (I meant to say pets) untill eventually going back home and trying to salvage something from the insurance company or just generaly putting the whole ****ed up experience behind you and living your life wiht you friends and familly...........OR

option 2 - Dying at the hands of the storm, or the rusulting crime wave from the less than civilized grapes!

And no... you can't buy a vowel!
Maybe now that military people are down there, they will be and should be able to control the people that are shooting and looting and raping. Not EVERYONE is looting. It's hard to put oneself in this position if one is not actually there.
In every handful of people you will find those that are good and those that are evil, but does it really matter?
Yes most of the people hit hard were poor to begin with, but now they have nothing. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your house and everything in it turn to a pile of matchsticks in the blink of an eye? Then imagine that you have no water to drink? Some people might get desperate in this situation. I know I would. I'm white, and I cant really say that I would sit idly by and wait 4 days for help to arrive. I would not take tv's or drugs but i probably would take water and food if given the opportunity.
I honestly cant say whether or not I would loot the grocery store, I dont know since I've never been in this position.
Maybe the people told to evacuate had no where to go. Maybe hotels in safer areas didnt offer free rooms or even discounted rooms for people who make minimum wage and just lost everything.

I saw something on the news yesterday involving an airline giving people a free plane ride to Chicago. these people get a free plane ride to come to a big city they've never been to, get dropped off and now they're expected to start a new life with only the duffel bag they came with. Were they offered a place to stay, a job? Where are these people supposed to go? Becuase now people in Chicago are going to complain about it. And even if they did have somewhere to go when told to evacuate, eventually they still have to come back and realize their house is no longer there.

This is a tragedy, a disaster and it seems like a lot of people just want to gripe about ..."well they should've left"....."well they're shooting"....."look at those ******s, they're looting"......
Maybe it just so happens that there are a lot of black people living in that area.....SO WHAT? They are human beings. They need help. That's what matters.
Jesus christ you DON'T get it. I have a car, what of the thousands that DON'T and have less than me. I am not worried about myself. I DO have contingency plans. Many people in NO are far worse off than me, they had NO WHERE to go and NO WAY to get there. Take $300, plus four poeple that depend on YOU and that money until you get paid (AFTER the storm) and NO car, WHAT do you do? What if you have one or more poele in your home that you CANNOT move yourself? If it is a mandatory evacuation, why didn't they use the HUGE public transport BEFORE the storm to get people out of the city to shelters? Even to the Superdome, it can be quite a walk from the porrest areas of the city, especially when you have very small children or people that cannot walk on their own. THAT is what they are dealing with here. Not everybody had the option to leave. No one came to the projects and asked if anyone needed help leaving, they just said get out on your own. Even in my afluent town, transportation is offered to anyone who needs it when teh beach area is under MANDATORY evacuation and we hace no TOWN public transportation. Hell I have seen a friend of mine get people out via his canoe during a nor'easter when teh roads out of the beach are flooded. No one offered that to these people BEFORE the floods came. THAT is a big problem here.
Originally posted by tizz:
Ya and if it a MANDATORY evac then they should provide SOME way for people to leave, then you wouldn't HAVE this problem. Ya, I am sure you would sit there and watch your children DIE waiting for supplies rather than go into a flooded store and take them. BULSHIT!!! If that is what you would do. really, then you ARE cracked!!!! Have I ever said that I in ANY way supported anyone shooting??? NO! The people shooting are the same people that cause problems any other time. NORMAL everyday hard working poele are simple going in taking what they need to survive when NO supplies are coming. How long should they wait? Until they don't have the strength to stand or when their entire families are dying from dehydration? Come on, you have ALL the answers and know EXACTLY what everyone should do, so tell me. If you live paycheck to paycheck and get paid on the first of the month (yesterday BTW) and have no car and no one to stay with what DO you do? If you have poele in your home unable to get to the superdome what do YOU do? You are so full of **** it's not funny. Have you ever been in their shoes? I HIGHLY doubt it, so quit trying to be so ****ing high an mighty when you sit their in safety with your clean water and food and pretend to know what you would do.

Get off your ****ing high horse tizzy!! Tell me one person that you know that doesn
Tizz... what you said is why liberals ultimately will die and/or kill off the rest of us if you get in power....

"what of the others without a car?"

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST BABY! Surely you should give a ride to anyone you can, but when the room runs out, so do you!

Military Rule - First Help yourself, because if you die you aren't around to help others!

Once you have secured youre own transportation, offer assistance to someone in need... but when you can't help any further without endangering yourself, RUN BITCH RUN! !

It's a god damned shame that people will die, but that's not your fault... You do what you can and secure your own life and the lives of the people you love... You help out with any resources you have after the first two are done... But when you can't help anymore.... RUN ! ! ! !

Social Darwinism.... it's a bitch I know.... but it's a fact!

Besides... do you think these grapes would cry 1000 tears if you or your daughter were stranded on the roof of your home? Probably not...