These Ungrateful ****s!!!

tizz said:
actually, the mayor of NO (who is IN NO right now) came on this afternoon and was saying (along with a LOT of people IN the city) that the reports of violence were greatly exagerated. Only ONE reporter has witnesssed anything and most reporters have stated that since the first day they have not seen ANY looting other than survival needs. The chiefe of police estimates there may be ten or twenty real criminals to deal with. Even the folks at teh convention center, although scared from rumors, have reported litttle if any violence.

So I guess that ****ing lawn jockey I saw running down the street was carrying a fake AK-47.... I understand that you can't always trust reporting.... but when the video is in front of you... CMON!

Why oh Why didn't we pick our own cotton!?
Did I say there was NO violence or no idiots in teh city? Geex, before you jumpon me realise I am watchig the same **** on the TV as you. As for your cotton coment? **** it it's your Karma
tizz said:
Did I say there was NO violence or no idiots in teh city? Geex, before you jumpon me realise I am watchig the same **** on the TV as you. As for your cotton coment? **** it it's your Karma

I really don't believe that "karma" is understood by many, Tizz. Cause and effect is what it really is.

Interesting blog I found on another site. Worth reading because this guy is actually there.

He turned the corner onto Canal Street and it looked like a flea market. People breaking into every store, going to the neutral gound (median) and trading and selling everything.

They broke into Winn Dixie Monday night. Do they steal food? No. Cigarettes and liquor. Store was a mess. All the meats were going to waste so the districts went over there to salvage food for officers. Many cops have been eating MREs.

The Iberville Housing Projects got pissed off because the police started to "shop" after they kicked out looters. Then they started shooting at cops. When the cops left, the looters looted everything. There's probably not a grocery left in this city.

Over 30 officers have quit over the last three days. Out of 160 officers in his district maybe 55 or 60 are working. He hasn't seen several since Sunday. HQ is closed, evacuated. No phones to contact them.

What is an MRE?
Meal Ready to Eat.... it's the complete meal in a box that the military takes with it into the field...

what no one realizes is that each MRE has 3500 calories... 1 a day in other words, and you had better be running around or some ****... These things are made for 20 year olds who carry a 80 lb ruck and shoot people for a living... not these already diabetic with fat people who are going to eat 3 or 4 a day probably... One of the people I saw today fainted because she had to walk an 1/8th of a mile through 2 feet of standing water to get to food... SHE FAINTED! fat bitch... people with a metabolism that slow could stand a good walk and a week or two without a huge meal...

send them fruit....
I figured it was Military Rations, just couldn't get what the E was all about.

When you say ready-to-eat, is this kind of meal foil-sealed, or dehydrated and ready to cook? 3500 calories is a lot for one meal.

As for the fruit idea, how are they gonna cook it? They deep-fry almost everything they eat there. Even bread for ****'s sake.
You know the violence is ridiculous there! Rapes, murders....What the ****..see the ignorant was left behind
"Not to mention, there is ALWAYS cannibalism if one is REALLY hungry.

Survival of the fittest baby !!"

"Not to mention shoes so you can keep your feet free of infection as you stagger through debree and raw sewage trying to get to safety"
Im sure that was what they were thinking when they broke into Foot Locker...

"Compasionate and empathy are essential to wisdom. Sorry you don't understand that."
Im sure the savages that are killing and raping women are Compasionate...

"although scared from rumors, have reported litttle if any violence."
Are you kidding me? They have been murders and rapes every day there! One man was just on TV saying "our wives are being raped repeadly!"

Anyway I've also seen ALOT of cars on the streets in New Orleans on news.

BTW anyone just see the shootout police had with looters? Looked like a movie!
fullauto said:
So I guess that ****ing lawn jockey I saw running down the street was carrying a fake AK-47.... I understand that you can't always trust reporting.... but when the video is in front of you... CMON!

Why oh Why didn't we pick our own cotton!?

If I was there and had no food and water but only a AK-47, I would be that lawn jockey!

In the thick of it I'm packing!

Was that lawn jockey seen shooting anybody? I didn't see that. Nor did I see or hear about any rapes. Not that none of this is plausible.
I guess we dont' get all the news way way up here in bum **** AK
There were people on the news and refuges from the super dome telling about 6 rapes and three murders the first night, this was inside the super dome. Those 20 criminals really got around they were in one location when the good samaratons stated out in their boats. they were fired on. the helicopter was fired on, a national guardsman was wounded at the super dome. a policeman was shot in the head. Geraldo just reported the knife fights, the man who shot his sister over a bag of ice .
Do you have a clue folks what goes into making crystal meth. I worked for a company that hired ex cons. The cold and alergy medicines have a chemical called epheradran that these solid citizens cook out and use as the main ingrediant in meth.drano was used. do you know enough about medicine tizz to make your own pills from the supplies in the drugstores.
These thugs are guilty of gang rape. one of the victims was a thirteen year old. Feel sorry for the victims not the criminal . Do you have any idea how big a city N. O is. to make the statement that There are only 20 criminals out of the 100,000 plus is not even close to reality.
It is 3:41 et where I am. I'm retired so I have time to watch more than one news cast
Yeah there is constant violence but now people are getting shipped out and things are getting alittle better. I think we should help the ones who need it but the idiots w/ guns and things of the sort should have to stay with their guns in N.O. and survive on their own.
Your Quote from Goethe is very apt Gray Gal. Guess I am just a vindictive savage I would rather leave them gut shot. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Yeah..I might seem heartless about it but sometimes nature is just trying to weed the WEAK out
OK, I am not sure if anyone comented or thought of this, but has anyone ever noticed that EVERY city has it's element of drug users? Given that, have you ever seen hard core users after they have been cut off from supply? Not pretty. I was just wondering if this criminal element might be at least in some part, an element of addicts cut off from supply and act, as most in the situation, irrational and violent. Just a thought...
tizz said:
I was just wondering if this criminal element might be at least in some part, an element of addicts cut off from supply and act, as most in the situation, irrational and violent. Just a thought...

So your saying we should have brung supplies of Heroin to?