Things people said that made your day

Phranka said:
Yeah I respect you very much for being a german who can speak english very well :thumbsup: cause I learned my english majorly from TV. and it's hard in to do that in germany :p

I learned the most from MTV and of course from school...I also learned a lot out of song lyrics and stuff...I always want to know what people sing to understand the meaning of a is the best way to learn I think...
Me "I'm really creeped out...somebody called me a few nights ago and said that they were watching me..*shiver*"
Andy "Don't worry Meaghan. I'm here and i wont let anything bad happen to you, i'll be here always to protect you."

**That made my day, cause i am really creeped from a call i got a few nights ago**
Greyfoxx said:
Me "I'm really creeped out...somebody called me a few nights ago and said that they were watching me..*shiver*"
Andy "Don't worry Meaghan. I'm here and i wont let anything bad happen to you, i'll be here always to protect you."

**That made my day, cause i am really creeped from a call i got a few nights ago**
Creepy <.<

Whoa your boyfriend sounds so great <3 you're so lucky

Whoot-the-fook.. 1000 posts :D:D:D
Phranka said:
Creepy <.<

Whoa your boyfriend sounds so great <3 you're so lucky

Whoot-the-fook.. 1000 posts :D:D:D
grats, *high-5*

yeah, andy is sweet like that... <3

i'm really creeped out tho cause she said she knew where i lived, and....wait, i'll just put this in my journal! *swishes to journal* :thumbsup:
Mother's Day was special because I got to meet the R&B singer Giniwine, and my mother said that she was really happy that I gave her such a nice gift. And we were the only ones to get his autograpy as well. I was happy, because my mother said that next time she would agree to take me to a Linkin Park concert. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek.
technally it was today...but VERY early morning..

Messange on my phone
From andy- Heya, i hope this don't wake u up, but if for any reason you feel sad or stressed, just remember that i love you and i'm always here for you. <3 <3 Not Even death ***he said a while ago that Not Even death will seperate us so thats our "thing"*** I Love you <3 G'night


That made me smile cause i couldnt sleep and after that, i was able to sleep
Teh Vashness: AH! It needs to be Friday....
PayablelOnlDeath: ?
Teh Vashness: Code... Lol
PayablelOnlDeath: Oh, I see.
PayablelOnlDeath: Patience my friend.
Teh Vashness: Lol... I get told that way too much.. XD
PayablelOnlDeath: Haha, so I see.
Len.. :
you're beautiful Franka just no one sees yet
if you'd be only 50% irl of what you're like on msn
I bet any guy would love to date you..
you're so caring for others.. funny..
too much to name..
I could think for 4 hours more, and still not even have said 50% of your good points :)
and that's not because i'm dumb xD:p

>.< that made me cry..
This section of an MSN convo with my friend Ste made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^

Me = blue
Ste = red

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
haha its probably the only thing hes good for.
A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
i'm such a bitch XD
A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
no your not

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
i so am....... its what i do
if girls didnt bitch then they'd have nothing to talk about.

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
yaaa girls are mean
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
yes we are =D

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
i hate loads of girls
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
haha go you.
so do i actually.

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
i wanna jus tell loads of girls wat they actually are
instead of who they think they are

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
amen to that.
i hate the scenester girls
but i think youre friends with them
so i'll shut up

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
who are they

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
you'll tell them!
like the wannabe emo ones.
who act like avril lavigne

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
oh cait an alex
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
yeah... and the rest

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
yaaaaa but out of the people who are your friends i only like you
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
hooray now i feel special ^.^
you dont like helen do you?

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
i kinda figured.. haha.
A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
just the way you were towards her
like the "eeek get away from me" look

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
i hate her
I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
an i dont like your other friends
they are the im better than you girls
an helen is the gay girl

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
i like my friends!
ginas nice... you should like gina

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
i dont no shes ok
doesnt talk
or i dont talk to her
i dont no
but your nice i like you
hate the rest

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
i never talk either.. haha.

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
you do to me
anyways i g2g
hope you hav a great time

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
thank yoou :]
have fun at.. err.. school.

A Wats A Matter You, You Gotta No Respect, A Why You So Sad Its Not A So Bad AAAAA Shutupa Your Face says:
now thats impossible
bye bye

I go around a time or two, Just to waste my time with you... says:
true that

I like the most stupid things.
that happenes a lot, because i have long hair and im a boy, many people say, like "Vut yer hair" "oh, girl! haha" "omg whatta hell is that?" and even though i ignore or kick them into their face (it depends on how many is there of them and it depends on the surcumstances) but it makes my day damnit...
Matt just said this to me, and well, it didn't make my entire day, but it made me laugh like crazy:)

Yacky is like a

A giraff in that she sticks her neck in every topic
A elephant cause she can smell Len from miles away
A vegetable cause....... thats self explanitory
A Picture cause she likes to capture the moment
A Class A drug cause shes always stimulated
A Chicken cause she goes with anything
A sheppards pie cause shes got many layers
A tv cause shes worshiped by many
A ray of sunshine cause she britens up our days
And a alarm cause sometimes u just want to throw her against the wall