Things You Should Be Doing Instead of LPF XD

Sleeping - it's 2:17am and I have work tomorrow - but I don't wanna go so I'm rebelling (which makes no sense at all) :(

That... or working on my latest fic. That's not a necessity so to speak but something I should continue with before I lose the 'creative flow.' Oh well... a risk I'll have to take.
I have to finish some poems for Sinterklaas(kinda like christmas as in presents) or a bit of studying for my upcoming testweek, or take a shower, sleep wouldn't be bad either, haven't done that much this week too, oh well I'll catch everything up next week, and the week after that I'll catch it up from next week :p
@at mariska.. jaa hollander :p

I should be doing homework, work on projects etc.
I'm so bad ¬¬