Heheheheh -nice to see your mods here are switched on. Typical Taliban style though...tipped off by an informant!
PD has it's place - if you're into a reasonably civilised debate type forum then it's decent. It used to be much better, but there's only so many topics you can flog to death before they're all done. Then it reverts to TV shows and current events. People have been banned from there usually because they're abusive and offer nothing substantial to the discussions - you can have whatever view you like there, but just spewing expletives and attacking people is a no-no...hey - I don't make the rules.
My thoughts on this site? Well it's interesting that you have at least 1 muslim here - makes the Islam discussions more interesting. I'm pretty thick skinned, so I like the free speech allowance (it helps those who can't muster much of an argument otherwise
I like the forum software - really cool. The range of topics seems fairly limited on my first glance around the place, but reasonable.
Overall I'd give it a 7/10. I'd give PD a 6/10. Does this mean I'm defecting? No. It's not an either-or, but both. I think I could enjoy coming here to vent occassionally, maybe pick on some racists, or shed a little light on nasties like homosexuality and islam.
And I reckon some of the more serious debaters could enjoy themselves in PD.
It's all good.