This doesn't happen every day....

Oct 17, 2004
This guy at our school almost died. I don't feel like typing it so here's what I wrote in my journal thing....He was in Central riding a moped without a liscence. A car hit him and did a hit and run. He like crashed and someone saw and called the ambulance. He broke and split both of his legs and almost died of blood loss. But, he's living for now. He's had 3 surgeries, I'm not sure what all for but I know he had to get metal rods put in his legs. He won't be able to walk for at least 2 months. I don't even know when or if he's coming back to school. It gets even worse, he's on the guys basketball team. He's not the star player or anything, but he does score a good amount each game. The tournament started this week and the guys played Seneca (our team rival which they barely beat once and killed the nex time) He obviously wasn't there but the guys lost and it's so sad....Luckily, we won our game against Getty's and play Wren Thursday.....But that's about all I know. A lot of people go to see him in the hospitol but I'm not like a good friend or even in the same grade so I haven't gone and probably won't.
I didn't really know him, but it's really scarey. I thought my friend getting hit by a car was tragic, but she didn't get injured like this.
Yeah some kid got hit by a car at my school a couple months ago. I dont even think he broke any bones, or sprained anything.

It was some idiot being chased by the cops for possession, or robbery, or something i dont remember but he slammed right into the kid going about 50. IDK how the kid got off so easy. God was with him thats for sure.
Your school is lucky though, to not have to experience a loss in the student body. Since I've started in 7th grade, our school has lost four kids, which is alot considering that in our school we have about 100 kids per class. We also had one this year who's car got hit by a dump truck, and it almost killed him.
We've lost a star vollyeball player and the biggest social reject just two days apart a few years ago. It is terrible when stuff like this happens. It really isn't fair.
I would go see the guy even though you don't know him. It will help him to know that everyone at the school is pulling for him. :D
Yes I am sure he would like to see you anyways. When people are in a condition like that. Any visitor helps. Even if he doesnt know them. And I dont think you should worry about the games and stuff. His life is a little more important. There is still a chance he could die. In my school in the past year we have had 3 deaths. One suicide, on lukemia pacient and one kid that died from pnemonia or however you spell it.
We have had deaths. I don't know about recently (I know we have, but I can't think of them right now). Our coach told us about why one of the numbers is retired and this kid went through our school and was in collage and was playing a basketball game with some people including our coach in our gym. And he like died right there from a heart attack because his heart was never formed right. But it's kinda scarey that 2 people got hit by cars in the same year. Luckily my friend hardly had any damage. I hope he makes it thoiugh.
its sad..i know two of my friends that are brothers and they were walking down the street and some lady on a 4 wheeler ran them over.. Jesse (1 of the brothers) only like broke his thumb but his brother Christian broke both his legs, 1 arm, his collar bone.. and some other stuff.. he had to be air lifted to a hospital in Orlando.. he is still recovering.. its just sad people can get hurt.. its kinda like the Columbine High School shooting (April 20, 1999) its sad how many people die because of the stupid people that cause it
Humsjieh 2 years ago someone died because of a heart attack he was playing volleybal..that really scary....

and last year again a boy of my age died because of his heart.... he was playing soccer..he just fell down... its so scary... :(
The poor guy :\ At least he's surviving right? Lol, who cares if you lost a basketball game?!!?!? Rather lose a game than a person right?
I think when I was in high school, 1 girl died from a car crash. That was scary, because I use to see this girl in school just being normal. And then suddenly she's not there. Horrible feeling o_0.
My sister got hit by a car just last year I think. Luckily it wasn't driving very fast and it only hit her side. But yeah, you never know lol.
Anyway visit him and wish him get well or something =) He managed a very lucky escape!