This is gayer than Michael!

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2004
I bought a pink name, thinking it'd be bold and hot pink. Boy was I wrong. It's not bold, it's pink, and it has fruity little sparkles.

This username is more gay than Michael himself!

Edit: Why is it that when Ragezone does something, everyone copies? Example; subscriber colors, subscriber fruity sparkles.
This thread isn't for lulz.. :( I want my username fixed! Give me my own hot pink, bold rank <3
Josh, it's not bold, and I hate the sparkles. I want it bold, pink, and no sparkles.

Like it's supposed to be.
Okay, the purchase page for subscriptions lies. It shows that a black subscription is not bolded. But it actually is. It shows pink as bolded, but it isn't. ****.
Okay fair do's it's not bold, but if you checked the user legend Pink Subscriber does have sparkles - you could also look up other users to see their subscribers.

But I agree one of the other needs changing.
Yes they did, don't try to kid yourselves. Everyone copies Ragezone.
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