This Is How Big Rocks Become Smaller Rocks



On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 22:50:15 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

<> wrote:

>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:46:32 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>> <> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:00:03 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:09:49 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:53:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:44:16 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:17:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What's that last part mean? Something like arthritic

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>people knowing when it's going to rain due to pressure



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shakespeare not one of your fortes then Tim ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No. Have you been reading my conversation with Ted?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it as interesting as reading Shakespeare ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, since talking about how much Shakespeare sucks, sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>less than reading Shakespeare.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Verily ... since the noble discussing of SHAKESPEARE doth

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the palsey to me ... a pursuit more pleasing than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of reading the good bard ... I venture."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is how Shakespeare would have phrased your sentence

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... do you honestly think reading that sucks ... you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, it sucks. Do you walk around talking like that during

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your day? I certainly don't. You've just proven my point.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>We don't talk like that, anymore. It's time to retire that

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>****. I'm talking about this as an HS requirement. If you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>want to study that stuff in college, that's all well and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>good. Enough with "telling" me what I "should appreciate"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>because " I " can't figure this out for myself. And worse

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(for school folks) having it imposed on me. This stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks. It has always sucked (except for during the time it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>was current work and even then a lot of people probably

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hated his little romantic tragedy plots), it currently sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and it will suck in the future forever more. It sucks.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That's about it. It sucks. That's what I'm saying.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. Shakespeare sucks.










>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That about cover it? Yes, I thought so.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you sure you won't reconsider?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "To be ... or not to be " etc. etc. etc.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm going to pluck your feathers ONE... AT... A... TIME...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well ! You don't have to be nasty about it young man.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or ... perhaps more appropriately I should say ... HEATHEN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm good with heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Featherless chicken.




>>>>>>>>>>>> may you sniff the parsons nose.


>>>>>>>>>>>I don't know what that means.




>>>>>>>>>>>But, that's cool.


>>>>>>>>>> the keiser chiefs have a new song out about you and your ilk. heh.


>>>>>>>>>>>I'm quite content to remain ignorant on this one.


>>>>>>>>>> bad luck, i posted a link.


>>>>>>>>>I'll take a bite out of him after he's properly cooked, but I ain't

>>>>>>>>>sniffin' his ***.


>>>>>>>> not even for the cooked chicken aroma coming out of it?


>>>>>>>Well... If you mean after he's had all his innards taken out and I'm

>>>>>>>just checking to see if he's properly cooked, uUhhh..., yes I would do

>>>>>>>that in that case.


>>>>>> i bet the sneaky beaky would have one carefully stashed to let rip


>>>>>> your face.


>>>>>If he could manage to maintain it's integrity after being fully cooked,

>>>>>I guess I'd deserve it.


>>>> would you put it past him to be so devious?


>>>Devious, yes. But, I don't think he has the ability to pull off such a



>> i bet he can pull off his chicken quite well without the need of

>> artificialy generated women iykwim&ikyd. heh.


>Wha?!? Pull it completely off?!?

more correcly, its often refered to as choking the chicken.


Tim Weaver

metro-golden-meower wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 22:49:20 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

> <> wrote:


>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:36:45 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>> <> wrote:


>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:58:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:07:50 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:51:01 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:38:51 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:50:08 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "mimus" <> wrote in message


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:49:42 -0800, pscissons wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > "mimus" <> wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:11:59 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> baxter wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> On Dec 15, 2:06 pm, mimus <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:52:40 +0000, Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> mimus wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> What's that last part mean? Something like

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> arthritic people knowing when it's going to rain

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> due to pressure differential?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> It means when I look at the Mega-Clipper comin' on

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the radar and temperature charts it makes my thumbs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> tingle (dam' thing stabbed all the way South from

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Canada across the Great Plains to the _Gulf_, looks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> like).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> To give you some idea of the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> temperature-differential across the coming front,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> it was close to 60 F here today, and in St. Louis,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> about 300 miles West, it was

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> 16 F.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Although it's supposed to be warmed considerably by

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the time the lowest-temp part of it rolls over

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> here, and we're not supposed to go much lower than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> freezing tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> That jingling sound you hear is everyone's nerves

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> as they batten down the hatches just in case.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> what you are saying is very intresting.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> please don't think me rude, i'm just not sure what

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> you're talking about.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> He's just griping because it's going to get **** cold

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> at his place tonight. Claims just thinking about it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> makes his thumbs tingle. Have you ever heard of such

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> nonsense?!? I think he just needs a good helping of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> fudge.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Home-cooked "soup-beans and cornbread", a regional

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> peasant favorite, in this case pressure-cooked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> navy-beans and "Mexican" corn-bread with sugar and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> cayenne and green-onion shreds in it, with onions and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> pickles added, should do just as well.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <sound of jiggly thing hissing>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hmmm, how do you do that? My pressure cooker

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > instructions tell me NEVER to cook beans or rice in

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > mine because they'll froth and plug up the jiggly

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hissing thing.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > BTW, your cornbread recipe sounds decidedly yummy.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Smee


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See reply to Tim's reply.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My instruction-booklet sez it's alright to do most beans

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and so on if you pre-soak them overnight, which is for

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wimps (after all, one-a the charms of pressure-cooking is

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cooking dried beans in about a half-hour or so).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mostly, you do want to avoid things that make thick foam

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and can clog the pressure-outlet, for the obvious reason

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (OTOtherH, the pressurized steam itself does some

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-cleaning of the outlet).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or over-loading the cooker, ditto (the booklet says

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half-way at most for foamy stuff-- I do up to approaching

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two-thirds, with some nervousness).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which means reducing amounts of anything you're

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspicious might foam (my booklet actually has a recipe

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for doing Boston baked beans, which means among other

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things adding molasses and sugar and, and-- it makes my

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blood run cold to even think of sticking that in a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-cooker).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And, after all, if it blows, normally that just means you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a ceiling to clean and a new cooker to buy . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people pressure-cook with _oil_, usually meats, I

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess, which is what I believe KFC does, too, and which

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not only increases temperature and pressure (I don't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think a regular regulator/cooker works with that) but

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adds a major fire-hazard to the equation (geyser of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flaming oil, anyone?) . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I'll just stick with the way I've been doing it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for years and years. Haven't had to clean anything off the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ceiling so far and plan to keep it that way.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'Fradie-cat, stubborn ole' bitty, scared to try anything new

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typical female. That stuff mimus is talking about is just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the BEGINNING of the fun you could have with an overloaded,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>over pressurized pressure cooker.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Think of the fun you're missing out on.... Oh....... If

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you weren't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>such a pu...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Well, you get the idea.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you're so ******* brave, tim, why not put a can of

>>>>>>>>>>>>> peasurized gas in _YOUR_ preasure cooker and see what

>>>>>>>>>>>>> happens.


>>>>>>>>>>>>What kind of gas? Nothing stinky.


>>>>>>>>>>> oh. let me see. how about hydrogen?


>>>>>>>>>>No problem. I'll screw in a pressure gauge to see how many PSI

>>>>>>>>>>I get before it goes boom. The Mythbusters are going to be so


>>>>>>>>>> I'll put their hot water heater rocket to shame.


>>>>>>>>> i really should watch that show more often than i do. it can be

>>>>>>>>> quite entertaining.


>>>>>>>>It's an excellent show. Were you aware there is a different

>>>>>>>>narrator for the US and the UK shows? I didn't know until a

>>>>>>>>couple of years ago.


>>>>>>> several of the shows on discovery are like that including the

>>>>>>> orange county custom bike thing.


>>>>>>Hmm. I didn't know that. The lines between US and UK TeeVee are

>>>>>>getting more blurry all the time. I still hate you bastards for

>>>>>>starting all that


>>>>> maybe an eyesight test is in order? or a hearing one. i can guarante

>>>>> if you heard a lot of the accents we have over here, you'd

>>>>> understand less than a cockney wide boy trying to talk to a geordie!


>>>>>>"reality" ****. I despise ALL reality programming.


>>>>> ******* hate yourselves. you fucktards started it with the 'real

>>>>> world' or whatever the ***** was called, on mtfuckingv.


>>>>**** MTV. It was Britain's Got Talent (or whatever it's called) that

>>>>made the whole thing explode.


>>> if you say so and it helps you cope with the reality show tv

>>> infestation. who am i to judge your stupidity. oops. already done that

>>> in, i think it was, 2 out of 3 of my last replies to you.


>>I can't help it if you're wrong 2/3 of the time.


> my mistake. you are a ******* for at least %99 of the time.

Take it to a.u.k.


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.


Tim Weaver

metro-golden-meower wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 22:50:15 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

> <> wrote:


>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:46:32 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>> <> wrote:


>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:00:03 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:09:49 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:53:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:44:16 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:17:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> t>, it appeared Tim Weaver <> had

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , it appeared Tim Weaver <> had

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What's that last part mean? Something like

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>arthritic people knowing when it's going to rain

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>due to pressure differential?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shakespeare not one of your fortes then Tim ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No. Have you been reading my conversation with Ted?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it as interesting as reading Shakespeare ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, since talking about how much Shakespeare sucks,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks less than reading Shakespeare.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Verily ... since the noble discussing of SHAKESPEARE

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doth bring the palsey to me ... a pursuit more

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pleasing than that of reading the good bard ... I

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> venture."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is how Shakespeare would have phrased your

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sentence ... do you honestly think reading that sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... you heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, it sucks. Do you walk around talking like that

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>during your day? I certainly don't. You've just proven

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>my point. We don't talk like that, anymore. It's time

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to retire that ****. I'm talking about this as an HS

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>requirement. If you want to study that stuff in

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>college, that's all well and good. Enough with

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"telling" me what I "should appreciate"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>because " I " can't figure this out for myself. And

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>worse (for school folks) having it imposed on me. This

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>stuff sucks. It has always sucked (except for during

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the time it was current work and even then a lot of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>people probably hated his little romantic tragedy

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>plots), it currently sucks and it will suck in the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>future forever more. It sucks. That's about it. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks. That's what I'm saying. It sucks. It sucks. It

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks. Shakespeare sucks.












>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That about cover it? Yes, I thought so.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you sure you won't reconsider?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "To be ... or not to be " etc. etc. etc.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm going to pluck your feathers ONE... AT... A... TIME...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well ! You don't have to be nasty about it young man.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or ... perhaps more appropriately I should say ... HEATHEN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm good with heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Featherless chicken.




>>>>>>>>>>>>> may you sniff the parsons nose.


>>>>>>>>>>>>I don't know what that means.




>>>>>>>>>>>>But, that's cool.


>>>>>>>>>>> the keiser chiefs have a new song out about you and your ilk.

>>>>>>>>>>> heh.


>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm quite content to remain ignorant on this one.


>>>>>>>>>>> bad luck, i posted a link.


>>>>>>>>>>I'll take a bite out of him after he's properly cooked, but I

>>>>>>>>>>ain't sniffin' his ***.


>>>>>>>>> not even for the cooked chicken aroma coming out of it?


>>>>>>>>Well... If you mean after he's had all his innards taken out and

>>>>>>>>I'm just checking to see if he's properly cooked, uUhhh..., yes I

>>>>>>>>would do that in that case.


>>>>>>> i bet the sneaky beaky would have one carefully stashed to let rip

>>>>>>> into your face.


>>>>>>If he could manage to maintain it's integrity after being fully

>>>>>>cooked, I guess I'd deserve it.


>>>>> would you put it past him to be so devious?


>>>>Devious, yes. But, I don't think he has the ability to pull off such

>>>>a thing.


>>> i bet he can pull off his chicken quite well without the need of

>>> artificialy generated women iykwim&ikyd. heh.


>>Wha?!? Pull it completely off?!?


> more correcly, its often refered to as choking the chicken.

At the age of 46, I can do that or watch a good movie. Either, or, one is

as good as the other.


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared

metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean


>On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:46:32 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

><> wrote:


>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:00:03 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>> <> wrote:


>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:09:49 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:53:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:44:16 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:17:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What's that last part mean? Something like arthritic

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>people knowing when it's going to rain due to pressure



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shakespeare not one of your fortes then Tim ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No. Have you been reading my conversation with Ted?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it as interesting as reading Shakespeare ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, since talking about how much Shakespeare sucks, sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>less than reading Shakespeare.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Verily ... since the noble discussing of SHAKESPEARE doth

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the palsey to me ... a pursuit more pleasing than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of reading the good bard ... I venture."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is how Shakespeare would have phrased your sentence

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... do you honestly think reading that sucks ... you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, it sucks. Do you walk around talking like that during

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your day? I certainly don't. You've just proven my point.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>We don't talk like that, anymore. It's time to retire that

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>****. I'm talking about this as an HS requirement. If you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>want to study that stuff in college, that's all well and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>good. Enough with "telling" me what I "should appreciate"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>because " I " can't figure this out for myself. And worse

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(for school folks) having it imposed on me. This stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks. It has always sucked (except for during the time it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>was current work and even then a lot of people probably

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hated his little romantic tragedy plots), it currently sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and it will suck in the future forever more. It sucks.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That's about it. It sucks. That's what I'm saying.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. Shakespeare sucks.










>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That about cover it? Yes, I thought so.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you sure you won't reconsider?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "To be ... or not to be " etc. etc. etc.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm going to pluck your feathers ONE... AT... A... TIME...


>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well ! You don't have to be nasty about it young man.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or ... perhaps more appropriately I should say ... HEATHEN

>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm good with heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>Featherless chicken.




>>>>>>>>>>> may you sniff the parsons nose.


>>>>>>>>>>I don't know what that means.




>>>>>>>>>>But, that's cool.


>>>>>>>>> the keiser chiefs have a new song out about you and your ilk. heh.


>>>>>>>>>>I'm quite content to remain ignorant on this one.


>>>>>>>>> bad luck, i posted a link.


>>>>>>>>I'll take a bite out of him after he's properly cooked, but I ain't

>>>>>>>>sniffin' his ***.


>>>>>>> not even for the cooked chicken aroma coming out of it?


>>>>>>Well... If you mean after he's had all his innards taken out and I'm

>>>>>>just checking to see if he's properly cooked, uUhhh..., yes I would do

>>>>>>that in that case.


>>>>> i bet the sneaky beaky would have one carefully stashed to let rip

>>>>> into your face.


>>>>If he could manage to maintain it's integrity after being fully cooked,

>>>>I guess I'd deserve it.


>>> would you put it past him to be so devious?


>>Devious, yes. But, I don't think he has the ability to pull off such a



>i bet he can pull off his chicken quite well without the need of

>artificialy generated women iykwim&ikyd. heh.

Are you completely obsessed with chickens ?

Looks like my choice of name may have been rather misfortunate.


sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008



Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

<>, it appeared Tim

Weaver <> had made a clean getaway:

>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 22:49:20 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>> <> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:36:45 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:58:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:07:50 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:51:01 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:38:51 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:50:08 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "mimus" <> wrote in message


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:49:42 -0800, pscissons wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > "mimus" <> wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:11:59 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> baxter wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> On Dec 15, 2:06 pm, mimus <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:52:40 +0000, Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> mimus wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> What's that last part mean? Something like

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> arthritic people knowing when it's going to rain

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> due to pressure differential?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> It means when I look at the Mega-Clipper comin' on

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the radar and temperature charts it makes my thumbs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> tingle (dam' thing stabbed all the way South from

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Canada across the Great Plains to the _Gulf_, looks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> like).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> To give you some idea of the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> temperature-differential across the coming front,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> it was close to 60 F here today, and in St. Louis,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> about 300 miles West, it was

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> 16 F.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Although it's supposed to be warmed considerably by

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the time the lowest-temp part of it rolls over

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> here, and we're not supposed to go much lower than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> freezing tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> That jingling sound you hear is everyone's nerves

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> as they batten down the hatches just in case.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> what you are saying is very intresting.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> please don't think me rude, i'm just not sure what

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> you're talking about.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> He's just griping because it's going to get **** cold

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> at his place tonight. Claims just thinking about it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> makes his thumbs tingle. Have you ever heard of such

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> nonsense?!? I think he just needs a good helping of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> fudge.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Home-cooked "soup-beans and cornbread", a regional

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> peasant favorite, in this case pressure-cooked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> navy-beans and "Mexican" corn-bread with sugar and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> cayenne and green-onion shreds in it, with onions and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> pickles added, should do just as well.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <sound of jiggly thing hissing>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hmmm, how do you do that? My pressure cooker

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > instructions tell me NEVER to cook beans or rice in

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > mine because they'll froth and plug up the jiggly

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hissing thing.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > BTW, your cornbread recipe sounds decidedly yummy.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Smee


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See reply to Tim's reply.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My instruction-booklet sez it's alright to do most beans

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and so on if you pre-soak them overnight, which is for

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wimps (after all, one-a the charms of pressure-cooking is

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cooking dried beans in about a half-hour or so).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mostly, you do want to avoid things that make thick foam

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and can clog the pressure-outlet, for the obvious reason

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (OTOtherH, the pressurized steam itself does some

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-cleaning of the outlet).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or over-loading the cooker, ditto (the booklet says

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half-way at most for foamy stuff-- I do up to approaching

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two-thirds, with some nervousness).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which means reducing amounts of anything you're

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspicious might foam (my booklet actually has a recipe

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for doing Boston baked beans, which means among other

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things adding molasses and sugar and, and-- it makes my

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blood run cold to even think of sticking that in a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-cooker).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And, after all, if it blows, normally that just means you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a ceiling to clean and a new cooker to buy . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people pressure-cook with _oil_, usually meats, I

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess, which is what I believe KFC does, too, and which

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not only increases temperature and pressure (I don't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think a regular regulator/cooker works with that) but

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adds a major fire-hazard to the equation (geyser of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flaming oil, anyone?) . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I'll just stick with the way I've been doing it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for years and years. Haven't had to clean anything off the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ceiling so far and plan to keep it that way.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'Fradie-cat, stubborn ole' bitty, scared to try anything new

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typical female. That stuff mimus is talking about is just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the BEGINNING of the fun you could have with an overloaded,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>over pressurized pressure cooker.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Think of the fun you're missing out on.... Oh....... If

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you weren't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>such a pu...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Well, you get the idea.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you're so ******* brave, tim, why not put a can of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> peasurized gas in _YOUR_ preasure cooker and see what

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happens.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>What kind of gas? Nothing stinky.


>>>>>>>>>>>> oh. let me see. how about hydrogen?


>>>>>>>>>>>No problem. I'll screw in a pressure gauge to see how many PSI

>>>>>>>>>>>I get before it goes boom. The Mythbusters are going to be so


>>>>>>>>>>> I'll put their hot water heater rocket to shame.


>>>>>>>>>> i really should watch that show more often than i do. it can be

>>>>>>>>>> quite entertaining.


>>>>>>>>>It's an excellent show. Were you aware there is a different

>>>>>>>>>narrator for the US and the UK shows? I didn't know until a

>>>>>>>>>couple of years ago.


>>>>>>>> several of the shows on discovery are like that including the

>>>>>>>> orange county custom bike thing.


>>>>>>>Hmm. I didn't know that. The lines between US and UK TeeVee are

>>>>>>>getting more blurry all the time. I still hate you bastards for

>>>>>>>starting all that


>>>>>> maybe an eyesight test is in order? or a hearing one. i can guarante

>>>>>> if you heard a lot of the accents we have over here, you'd

>>>>>> understand less than a cockney wide boy trying to talk to a geordie!


>>>>>>>"reality" ****. I despise ALL reality programming.


>>>>>> ******* hate yourselves. you fucktards started it with the 'real

>>>>>> world' or whatever the ***** was called, on mtfuckingv.


>>>>>**** MTV. It was Britain's Got Talent (or whatever it's called) that

>>>>>made the whole thing explode.


>>>> if you say so and it helps you cope with the reality show tv

>>>> infestation. who am i to judge your stupidity. oops. already done that

>>>> in, i think it was, 2 out of 3 of my last replies to you.


>>>I can't help it if you're wrong 2/3 of the time.


>> my mistake. you are a ******* for at least %99 of the time.


>Take it to a.u.k.

A U.k. what ?


sychotic <c>hicken

Friends intervene on Friends.

Something seems to be seriously wrong with my computer. It is working!

> If I took you at your word then I would be a raving hopeless idiot.


Well, more of one, anyway. Emo Haircut 1/12/2008


Tim Weaver

sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


> A U.k. what ?

alt.usenet.kooks. Don't bother even looking. It's not worth the effort.


Tim Weaver

I know you believe you understand what you think I said,

but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not

what I meant.



On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 18:31:04 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

<> wrote:

>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>> On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 22:49:20 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>> <> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:36:45 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:58:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:07:50 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:51:01 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:38:51 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:50:08 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "mimus" <> wrote in message


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 22:49:42 -0800, pscissons wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > "mimus" <> wrote in message

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 21:11:59 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> baxter wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> On Dec 15, 2:06 pm, mimus <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 17:52:40 +0000, Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> mimus wrote:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> What's that last part mean? Something like

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> arthritic people knowing when it's going to rain

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> due to pressure differential?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> It means when I look at the Mega-Clipper comin' on

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the radar and temperature charts it makes my thumbs

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> tingle (dam' thing stabbed all the way South from

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Canada across the Great Plains to the _Gulf_, looks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> like).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> To give you some idea of the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> temperature-differential across the coming front,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> it was close to 60 F here today, and in St. Louis,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> about 300 miles West, it was

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> 16 F.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Although it's supposed to be warmed considerably by

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> the time the lowest-temp part of it rolls over

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> here, and we're not supposed to go much lower than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> freezing tonight.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> That jingling sound you hear is everyone's nerves

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> as they batten down the hatches just in case.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> what you are saying is very intresting.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> please don't think me rude, i'm just not sure what

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> you're talking about.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> He's just griping because it's going to get **** cold

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> at his place tonight. Claims just thinking about it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> makes his thumbs tingle. Have you ever heard of such

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> nonsense?!? I think he just needs a good helping of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>> fudge.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Home-cooked "soup-beans and cornbread", a regional

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> peasant favorite, in this case pressure-cooked

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> navy-beans and "Mexican" corn-bread with sugar and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> cayenne and green-onion shreds in it, with onions and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> pickles added, should do just as well.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> <sound of jiggly thing hissing>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hmmm, how do you do that? My pressure cooker

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > instructions tell me NEVER to cook beans or rice in

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > mine because they'll froth and plug up the jiggly

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hissing thing.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > BTW, your cornbread recipe sounds decidedly yummy.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Smee


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See reply to Tim's reply.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My instruction-booklet sez it's alright to do most beans

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and so on if you pre-soak them overnight, which is for

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wimps (after all, one-a the charms of pressure-cooking is

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cooking dried beans in about a half-hour or so).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mostly, you do want to avoid things that make thick foam

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and can clog the pressure-outlet, for the obvious reason

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (OTOtherH, the pressurized steam itself does some

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> self-cleaning of the outlet).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or over-loading the cooker, ditto (the booklet says

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> half-way at most for foamy stuff-- I do up to approaching

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two-thirds, with some nervousness).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which means reducing amounts of anything you're

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suspicious might foam (my booklet actually has a recipe

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for doing Boston baked beans, which means among other

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> things adding molasses and sugar and, and-- it makes my

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blood run cold to even think of sticking that in a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pressure-cooker).


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And, after all, if it blows, normally that just means you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a ceiling to clean and a new cooker to buy . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people pressure-cook with _oil_, usually meats, I

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guess, which is what I believe KFC does, too, and which

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not only increases temperature and pressure (I don't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think a regular regulator/cooker works with that) but

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adds a major fire-hazard to the equation (geyser of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flaming oil, anyone?) . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think I'll just stick with the way I've been doing it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for years and years. Haven't had to clean anything off the

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ceiling so far and plan to keep it that way.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'Fradie-cat, stubborn ole' bitty, scared to try anything new

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>typical female. That stuff mimus is talking about is just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the BEGINNING of the fun you could have with an overloaded,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>over pressurized pressure cooker.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Think of the fun you're missing out on.... Oh....... If

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you weren't

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>such a pu...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Well, you get the idea.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you're so ******* brave, tim, why not put a can of

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> peasurized gas in _YOUR_ preasure cooker and see what

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happens.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>What kind of gas? Nothing stinky.


>>>>>>>>>>>> oh. let me see. how about hydrogen?


>>>>>>>>>>>No problem. I'll screw in a pressure gauge to see how many PSI

>>>>>>>>>>>I get before it goes boom. The Mythbusters are going to be so


>>>>>>>>>>> I'll put their hot water heater rocket to shame.


>>>>>>>>>> i really should watch that show more often than i do. it can be

>>>>>>>>>> quite entertaining.


>>>>>>>>>It's an excellent show. Were you aware there is a different

>>>>>>>>>narrator for the US and the UK shows? I didn't know until a

>>>>>>>>>couple of years ago.


>>>>>>>> several of the shows on discovery are like that including the

>>>>>>>> orange county custom bike thing.


>>>>>>>Hmm. I didn't know that. The lines between US and UK TeeVee are

>>>>>>>getting more blurry all the time. I still hate you bastards for

>>>>>>>starting all that


>>>>>> maybe an eyesight test is in order? or a hearing one. i can guarante

>>>>>> if you heard a lot of the accents we have over here, you'd

>>>>>> understand less than a cockney wide boy trying to talk to a geordie!


>>>>>>>"reality" ****. I despise ALL reality programming.


>>>>>> ******* hate yourselves. you fucktards started it with the 'real

>>>>>> world' or whatever the ***** was called, on mtfuckingv.


>>>>>**** MTV. It was Britain's Got Talent (or whatever it's called) that

>>>>>made the whole thing explode.


>>>> if you say so and it helps you cope with the reality show tv

>>>> infestation. who am i to judge your stupidity. oops. already done that

>>>> in, i think it was, 2 out of 3 of my last replies to you.


>>>I can't help it if you're wrong 2/3 of the time.


>> my mistake. you are a ******* for at least %99 of the time.


>Take it to a.u.k.

i have a suspicion you may be on your way there.



On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:12:01 -0800, " sychotic <c>hicken" <"\"Bill

Jillians\""> wrote:

>Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

><>, it appeared

>metro-golden-meower <> had made a clean


>>On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:46:32 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>><> wrote:


>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:00:03 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>> On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:09:49 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 19:53:35 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 16:44:16 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>metro-golden-meower wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:17:25 +0000 (UTC), Tim Weaver

>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>, it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a clean

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made a

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sychotic <c>hicken wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lurching erratically into the sunlight holding

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , it appeared Tim Weaver <> had made

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a clean getaway:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's 60 F, moonlit and windy right now, just

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gorgeous, just unreal.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's going to be 30 F tonight.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By the pricking of my thumbs . . . .


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What's that last part mean? Something like arthritic

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>people knowing when it's going to rain due to pressure



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shakespeare not one of your fortes then Tim ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>No. Have you been reading my conversation with Ted?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it as interesting as reading Shakespeare ?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, since talking about how much Shakespeare sucks, sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>less than reading Shakespeare.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Verily ... since the noble discussing of SHAKESPEARE doth

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the palsey to me ... a pursuit more pleasing than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of reading the good bard ... I venture."


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is how Shakespeare would have phrased your sentence

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ... do you honestly think reading that sucks ... you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, it sucks. Do you walk around talking like that during

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>your day? I certainly don't. You've just proven my point.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>We don't talk like that, anymore. It's time to retire that

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>****. I'm talking about this as an HS requirement. If you

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>want to study that stuff in college, that's all well and

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>good. Enough with "telling" me what I "should appreciate"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>because " I " can't figure this out for myself. And worse

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(for school folks) having it imposed on me. This stuff

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sucks. It has always sucked (except for during the time it

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>was current work and even then a lot of people probably

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hated his little romantic tragedy plots), it currently sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and it will suck in the future forever more. It sucks.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That's about it. It sucks. That's what I'm saying.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It sucks. It sucks. It sucks. Shakespeare sucks.










>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That about cover it? Yes, I thought so.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you sure you won't reconsider?


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "To be ... or not to be " etc. etc. etc.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm going to pluck your feathers ONE... AT... A... TIME...


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well ! You don't have to be nasty about it young man.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or ... perhaps more appropriately I should say ... HEATHEN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !!!!!


>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm good with heathen.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>Featherless chicken.




>>>>>>>>>>>> may you sniff the parsons nose.


>>>>>>>>>>>I don't know what that means.




>>>>>>>>>>>But, that's cool.


>>>>>>>>>> the keiser chiefs have a new song out about you and your ilk. heh.


>>>>>>>>>>>I'm quite content to remain ignorant on this one.


>>>>>>>>>> bad luck, i posted a link.


>>>>>>>>>I'll take a bite out of him after he's properly cooked, but I ain't

>>>>>>>>>sniffin' his ***.


>>>>>>>> not even for the cooked chicken aroma coming out of it?


>>>>>>>Well... If you mean after he's had all his innards taken out and I'm

>>>>>>>just checking to see if he's properly cooked, uUhhh..., yes I would do

>>>>>>>that in that case.


>>>>>> i bet the sneaky beaky would have one carefully stashed to let rip

>>>>>> into your face.


>>>>>If he could manage to maintain it's integrity after being fully cooked,

>>>>>I guess I'd deserve it.


>>>> would you put it past him to be so devious?


>>>Devious, yes. But, I don't think he has the ability to pull off such a



>>i bet he can pull off his chicken quite well without the need of

>>artificialy generated women iykwim&ikyd. heh.


>Are you completely obsessed with chickens ?


>Looks like my choice of name may have been rather misfortunate.

i guess its a good thing uncle antny isn't posting as he was using

spanky the thunder chicken.

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