This whole contest deal....


New member
Clogz, you amuse me. I didn't say Dany was taking away the people entering mine. I don't even know if anyone has done it or not. Obviously my contest is just fine. I've had A LOT of people enter it. And as you can see, many are getting stuff. The people listed here aren't even half of the people that are getting stuff. Does anyone have a problem with my contest? Anyone think I need to make it better? Does Clogz have a point about my contests (meaning do I need to make them better)? I'm not whining about anything. I'm upset that someone has decided to use my idea and do their own thing. Do you not read through everything? And as for the posts I've been making, they are mostly to respond to what people have said about the matter. I have a right to say whatever I want. And when have I tried to STOP Dany from doing anything as you claim? I've said numerous times she can do whatever she wants. I'm pretty sure you'd be upset if someone copied what you were doing. "Sad but true"---right?

Oh, that still doesn't answer the question as to why she wanted to enter mine if she was doing her own.



Active Members
Clogz, you amuse me. I didn't say Dany was taking away the people entering mine. I don't even know if anyone has done it or not. didn't say that. I'm sorry for trying to rationalize this whole thing. My bad. :rolleyes: Unless you have a real, legitimate reason to complain, why waste time?

I'm not whining about anything. I'm upset that someone has decided to use my idea and do their own thing.
Wow. You have a good idea, but refuse to share it with anyone else? How mean. Maybe you should go on strike with Metallica. :rolleyes:

Do you not read through everything? And as for the posts I've been making, they are mostly to respond to what people have said about the matter.
No one obviously had enough of an opinion to start a thread except you. -_-

I have a right to say whatever I want. And when have I tried to STOP Dany from doing anything as you claim?
Well, of course you can't stop her. I already said that myself. But do you have to flame her?

I've said numerous times she can do whatever she wants.
What? If she can do whatever she wants, why the heck is this thread here?

I'm pretty sure you'd be upset if someone copied what you were doing. "Sad but true"---right?
Not really. People are always copying people. It is nothing new.

Oh, that still doesn't answer the question as to why she wanted to enter mine if she was doing her own.
What is so wrong with that? Honestly. Don't hold a contest if you are going to complain about who joins it.

In light of all of this, it all ties togather into one common theme. You are whining and flaming this person, who copied you. And, personally, I don't see the point in these contests anyway. They aren't official, there are no guarentees, no copyrights, nothing. If you think this is your big function on the LPF, then I can start to understand why you'd be so angry. But since you haven't said that, it is only a guess.



New member
Well then.. this is quite interesting..

both sides have a bit of a point IMO, i mean, cindy did start it..and it seems like dany just wants... people to know who she is, i could be wrong.. but that's what it seems like to me.

this wouldn't be a "flame war" if every didn't react so irrationally. i do think it was wrong of cindy to post this thread..because i mean come on, people are gonna end up doin the same thing as you no matter what.

i mean look at the whole sig makin thing, started by salmanlp (or at least when i got here) and then he stopped.

so no official sig makers for a bit, then i decided to make a shop, and next day misery made one.. did i freak out? no, i was a little flattered in the back of my mind that someone ended up having the same idea as me..uniformity isn't *that* bad. so i teamed up with him. and then what happens after that? chester_chas and hahn team up, with a thread that looks just like mine n misery's...did we flip? no

i guess my whole point is, yeah so what, she may have copied you, maybe she liked the idea so much she wanted to do it as are you gonna do sue her? just let it go..and take it as a compliment..cuz that's the best thing that's gonna come out of this.



New member
OMG! I was done with this right after I started it. Clogz, obviously you haven't read through anything if you came to the conclusion that I wasn't answering peoples posts about it. That's all I've been doing since my original post----commenting on everyones posts. How am I flaming Dany? Flaming is dissing people or saying bad things about her. What have I said to her that's bad? NOTHING. And it seems to me that a lot of people on here agree that she is copying me. Some people are acting like they wouldn't care if someone copied them, but I'd just about bet anything it would upset you. Clogz, I made this thread (since you asked why I made it if I don't care what she does) b/c if you'd read it, I'm asking what everyone wants to do. My statement was that it's stupid to have two contests on here. I was basically asking everyone what they thought should happen. Should one of us not do it, etc. As for me asking why she wanted to join mine----it's as simple as this. If she joined mine, how do I know she wasn't going to take what I sent her and turn around to give it out to people on her contest? That was my point. As for proof that stuff will get sent out---well ask Hahninator. He got his cd in PERFECT condition and exactly when I said he'd get it. That's proof enough for everyone, I believe. (Don't really ask him--I don't want people to bug him. Just scroll down and read his responses.) I have nothing against Dany. She may be the sweetest person in the world. A lot of people understand and agree with me on why I was upset. Hyper, although you think I shouldn't have made this thread, I think I had every right to. As I said above, the reason I made this thread was to basically see what everyone wanted to do. I'm sure it appears I'm really mad about this, but I'm not REALLY REALLY mad. I'm UPSET over this. I have to keep posting here b/c I have to keep responding to everyone. It may appear that I'm going on and on about it, but I'm not. I'm RESPONDING to everyone that posts here. So if you guys have a problem with the post, stop posting in it.


Active Members
Cindy_lp_numb, if you are respodning to everyone's post, then tell me who started this thread and made the first post?

Who made the first, official statement on this subject?


Starting this thread was your idea. I think it is really twisted that you start a thread to whine and flame a member, yet when someone calls you out on it, you turn around and blame everyone around you. I'm sure that makes everyone who agrees with you feel great...the fact you have gone and said they are the ones with the problem.

Misery is right, you should be a little flattered by this, rather then upset. The fact that you are upset sort of says that you do this for attention and LPF 'glory'.

I think you have alot against her, and are trying to marr her contest and even her image so people will ignore her. Like I said, that is selfish and it is a backhanded flame. For shame..

And you know...considering this whole thing is about contests...shouldn't the contest stuff be posted in LPF Games?



New member
WHAT? I am not blaming anything on the people that agreed with me. What are you trying to do? Start a fight or something? I appreciate the people that agree with me---why would I blame them for anything. I don't think it was Misery that said that. It was Hyper that said the flattery thing. How would I get attention and glory from this? That makes no sense. I'm doing to contest to give out stuff to people for fun. What glory would I get from having a contest? You keep saying this whole "glory" bit and it doesn't make a bit of sense. I don't see how this would be in the game. My contest is linked in my sig. I posted this to tell everyone that I'm giving stuff to ALL the people that wanted something. There is no game here. It's in my sig. You need to get over yourself and stop trying to argue with everyone that disagrees with you. I'm thinking here that the people arguing with me are people not on my list. Are you mad that your name wasn't on my list? Seems to be that way......Where else would all this anger come from?


New member
guys let's not fight over this

cindy i don't know what kind of contest you did

i don't think it was like mine-and as you can see the prizes are different

so lets stop this nonsence

cindy i'm not mad at you and you shouldn't be mad at you

this is what i've been trying to do for years since i collect lp information

i have tones of information in my house so it's pretty obvious to me why i'm doing the contest

if u think i've copied you tell me where-on the idea of having a contest?everyone can do's not like you're the only one allowed to do that and if u did that before me that doesn't give u the right to say i'm copying you

i even don't know what your contest was about so you're telling me i'm copying you?

i think you shouldn't say that

but cindy i think we should end up here and make peace

i don't like to fight with ppl

i think u should let the others decide what to do

and if u want u can participate too.........don't take it as an offence pls.....i really don't want you to believe that,i would love that

we can be friends if u want

there is no reason in the world to continue with this fight

it doesn't make any sence

everyone will elect what to do




New member
Dany, I've said before that I have nothing against you! Gosh, doesn't anyone read through everything? I can't even believe how this turned out to be a big thing. First everyone agrees with me, then everyone doesn't. I mean, come on! Dany, I have nothing against you. I was upset that you started one right after I did. At first everyone agrees with me. Then all of a sudden a couple people come in to ***** at me for getting upset over something.


Active Members
Sorry, I got Hyper and Misery mixed up. Yeah, that was Hyper (sorry dude!)

I think Dany has made a very calm and mature post, and I think that is a good first step. So why not take the olive branch and call it a day.

I am not trying to start a fight. I am just trying to defend Dany's side here, because she really didn't do anything wrong here.

And, the members of LPF win this way. Now that we have two contests, they have twice the chance of winning great Linkin Park stuff.



New member
OH I see...she all of a sudden makes the mature post although I've been posting all along that I don't have a problem with her. At least I didn't PM people in all caps "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING". She didn't PM me, but she did someone else. (I believe we all know who) Tell you what. After I send out all the gifts to people, I'll end mine. Then everyone can enter Danys contest. I'll just leave mine open to my two other forums I'm a member of. That'll fix everything. Sorry to everyone that didn't have a chance to enter to win all the LP merchandise I'll be giving away each month.

EDIT: I want to add that I'm a very nice person and Clogz, you're making me out to be a *****. I'm a very nice person. I even bought an LPU membership for someone on here. I sent out my LPU 4.0 cd b/c I like to give them away after I listen to them for a little while. I could have just thrown it away, but I didn't. You know why? I figured someone on here may want it. So I gave it away and paid to have it safely shipped out. Then I decide to do a contest so everyone could win prizes. Many people that live outside the USA have trouble buying LP stuff and this was perfect for them. I've had people tell me that they're glad I started the contest b/c it's hard to order stuff from the USA. They say there isn't much LP stuff where they live. If I wanted to take glory in anything, I would have jumped on here and said "heyyyyy everyone! i sent such and such out to this person and such and such to this person" but I don't. I've bought some LPU memberships for quite a few people actually b/c some people say they can't afford it and some to just be giving them one b/c their parents won't let them buy it. Have I ever mentioned it on here to gloat about it? NO. I do stuff to be nice. I don't take glory in anything. I donate money to people I see on the street. I don't run around taking credit for it. I'm not a ***** Clogz so I'd appeciate it if you didn't try to make me out to be one.



New member
guys stop fighting

i don't like it

cindy,can't u really understand i didn't steal anything from you?i was planning to do this from years since im collecting information about linkin let's stop with this nonsence

and NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i wouldn't have used nothing from you cause i have **** too much information to need it from tou

i never wanted to tell you this but maybe you'll leave me alone if i'll say it-i'm in the street team so i don't need anything from you

i know i may be selfish but u obliged me sice u don't stop this nonsence

ok,i understood-u think i copied you but why are u continuing this

it gives me the impression that you're trying to make me look like the bad girl that did smth bad to u

so,if u wanna go on wth as you want

but what did u say?????

let me finish my contest and then ppl can enter yours???

cindy dear,i have a date-limit and it's april,15 and i'm not kidding so why do i have the impression you're trying to interffear with my contest??

and i don't like that

you know i can be bitchy and bad if u want me to but i think we should end this right now

if u still wanna belive i copied you by having a be it

u mean that all the persons starting a contest on all the other sites are copying u?????

ok,that's my end to all this

cindy pls stop i really want that

and one more thing who did i pm????if u are so nice to tell me :)




New member
DANY-----We are done with this. Stop ******* posting about it. Don't you read through anything? I DIDN'T SAY FOR EVERYONE TO ENTER YOURS FIRST THEN ENTER MINE. EVERYONE HAS ALREADY ENTERED MINE. I SAID I WAS CLOSING MINE OVER HERE. I've had a bunch of people enter my contest, Dany dear, so I don't know where you got that info. As for who did you PM, READ THROUGH THE POSTS. The person posted a comment and said you PMed them. I don't know if it's on this one or my other one. I think it's on this thread. Scroll through and you'll find him. You are the one not letting it go. You obviously haven't read through my last posts. Either that or you aren't letting it sink in. Seriously, stop. It's over now. I said I'm closing mine to the LPF and leaving it open to my other forums. I can't stand to be copied, so I'm closing it here. Which is really a shame b/c I wanted everyone here to have a chance to win cool LP merchandise, but what can you do? If people copy ya....well...

Oh...if you're a member of the Street Team, why did you want in my contest? DON'T really answer that b/c I'm already too ****** to hear anymore. It's rhetorical. Let's see....I think I answered all your questions....didn't really know what you were saying half the time.



New member
Cindy... CALM DOWN! :thumbsup:

Its not worth it, you dont wanna get so angry that you get yourself banned or somein... believe me, Ive seen it happen over stupid stuff like this. :( The best thing you can do it to just drop it. Dany dosent want to fight anymore, in her recent posts, she was just trying to get you can clogz to stop fighting. ;)

Dany... If you really dont wanna fight anymore, just please dont post in here anymore... that will the work the best I think. :)

Clogz... Just stop, plz. You are kinda semi-harassing cindy and I wouldend wanna see you get banned or anthing :(

If any of you still have probems with each other [which I dont think any of you do, you are argueing over stupid stuff :rolleyes: ], then take it off-froums please.

Dont worry any more bout this stuff cindy... :thumbsup:

[My attept a mediating ;) ]



New member
I understand where you're trying to keep the peace Unhinged, but I honestly don't care if I get banned. I wouldn't care one way or another. I actually asked once to have my account deleted right after I first opened it. But then I was told they don't delete them and was asked to just stay on. So I did. I actually stopped caring like 3 days ago, but everyone keeps posting in the thread about it. Especially Dany. I don't think she reads what I post. OH wait, I have a message from her....let me see what it says and I'll get back to you........

EDIT: She called me a ***** and told me to go to ****!!



New member
She got a little testy in the Pm she sent me didn't she? I think it's funny. She just won't let it go. I've already let it go like 3 days ago (as I mentioned) and she just doesn't get it.....


New member
cindy i don't care

i wanted peace and u continued the let's have war if u want that

i really don't care

and i don't understand why u made a thread from my contet

tell me what's bodering you

i just can't seem to understand

u think i copyed u so tell me what did i copy -the contest idea???

i really need to know why u are making all this noise for nothing

i tried to make peace,to be calm but u didn't understand maybe u understand if i use bad words

leave me alone and stop posting about me and my contest and let's just stop this

it's ridicullous




New member
YOU DON'T LISTEN!!!! You're the one that won't let it go! PMing me and calling me a ***** and going on and on about it. **** Let it go.
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