THIS women should be shot, along with her followers.

Mariama said:

what would you know of freedom

Well, see, in the nations of the USA, Britain, Australia, and Canada, people can actually say what the **** ever they want (I know there are exceptions). We can do whatever we want (if it is legal...). We can **** whoever we want (if it isn't rape or molestation or any kind of forced sex).

I find it interesting that MUSLIM BITCH is talking about freedom. Yeah, we have the kind of freedom where women don't have to cover their faces, bitch.


Anyway, I think that was the first time I have ever agreed with Sean Hannity.
jokersarewild said:
Well, see, in the nations of the USA, Britain, Australia, and Canada, people can actually say what the **** ever they want (I know there are exceptions). We can do whatever we want (if it is legal...). We can **** whoever we want (if it isn't rape or molestation or any kind of forced sex).

I find it interesting that MUSLIM BITCH is talking about freedom. Yeah, we have the kind of freedom where women don't have to cover their faces, bitch.


Anyway, I think that was the first time I have ever agreed with Sean Hannity.

We also don't have to walk behind our men, we can drive ourselves, we can own property, we can have children on our own, our right to custody of children is an established fact in the court system, raping women is actually a crime against the woman...not the ass hole who owns her...all these things are at odds with some of the cess pool countries inhabitied by Muslims.
Lethalfind said:
We also don't have to walk behind our men, we can drive ourselves, we can own property, we can have children on our own, our right to custody of children is an established fact in the court system, raping women is actually a crime against the woman...not the ass hole who owns her...all these things are at odds with some of the cess pool countries inhabitied by Muslims.

Actually thats a huge mis-conception. The only countries to enforce even SOME of these rules are Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Libya.
Those are your freedoms? Oh dear...What an empty pointless life you lead..

You actually think that raping a women is acceptable in Islam? Why then are there record numbers of women becoming Muslim? (Including myself.)

A man in Islam has to spend his money on his family, a women's money and property is her own, she does not have to share any of it! A freedom which women in the west was given not long ago! We have had it for 1400 years!

In Islam women have the utmost respect unlike your women, who are passed about from man to man...passing diseases and having babies out of wedlock on which the result is often not knowing who the father is!

What are the statistics of rape in the West? I am not sure of the actual numbers ( I should check the Home Office) but we all know that it is alarmingly high!

And you sick excuses for human beings make claims against Islam when your own country is filled to the maximum with crimes such as murder, rape, theft, robbery etc etc, need I go on? In America you have the death penatly yet you still murder! What does that tell you of your people.

You display your women like they were worth nothing more than a piece of meat! And you call this freedom...I call that a true example of oppression!

Allah says:

(Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the poor, the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful) (An-Nisaa
Mariama said:
Those are your freedoms? Oh dear...What an empty pointless life you lead..

You actually think that raping a women is acceptable in Islam? Why then are there record numbers of women becoming Muslim? (Including myself.)

A man in Islam has to spend his money on his family, a women's money and property is her own, she does not have to share any of it! A freedom which women in the west was given not long ago! We have had it for 1400 years!

In Islam women have the utmost respect unlike your women, who are passed about from man to man...passing diseases and having babies out of wedlock on which the result is often not knowing who the father is!

What are the statistics of rape in the West? I am not sure of the actual numbers ( I should check the Home Office) but we all know that it is alarmingly high!

And you sick excuses for human beings make claims against Islam when your own country is filled to the maximum with crimes such as murder, rape, theft, robbery etc etc, need I go on? In America you have the death penatly yet you still murder! What does that tell you of your people.

You display your women like they were worth nothing more than a piece of meat! And you call this freedom...I call that a true example of oppression!
Actually, it is generally the woman who wants to be paraded around like a piece of meat. Most men here don't disrespect women.

And those rape stats:

209,880 for the US (includes rape, attempted rape, or sexual assults in 2004)

I don't know where you live, so I can't give you stats on that.
Hamza123 said:
Actually thats a huge mis-conception. The only countries to enforce even SOME of these rules are Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Libya.

You are incorrect...I have seen people here in the states forcing their women to act this way...Muslim people.
Mariama said:
Those are your freedoms? Oh dear...What an empty pointless life you lead..

You actually think that raping a women is acceptable in Islam? Why then are there record numbers of women becoming Muslim? (Including myself.)

A man in Islam has to spend his money on his family, a women's money and property is her own, she does not have to share any of it! A freedom which women in the west was given not long ago! We have had it for 1400 years!

In Islam women have the utmost respect unlike your women, who are passed about from man to man...passing diseases and having babies out of wedlock on which the result is often not knowing who the father is!

What are the statistics of rape in the West? I am not sure of the actual numbers ( I should check the Home Office) but we all know that it is alarmingly high!

And you sick excuses for human beings make claims against Islam when your own country is filled to the maximum with crimes such as murder, rape, theft, robbery etc etc, need I go on? In America you have the death penatly yet you still murder! What does that tell you of your people.

You display your women like they were worth nothing more than a piece of meat! And you call this freedom...I call that a true example of oppression!

Allah says:

(Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the poor, the neighbor who is near of kin, the neighbor who is a stranger, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (you meet), and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess. Verily, Allah does not like such as are proud and boastful) (An-Nisaa
Lethalfind said:
You are incorrect...I have seen people here in the states forcing their women to act this way...Muslim people.

Where ??

Muslim's in America are the most peaceful and coolest people!!

My father never made my mother wear a Burka, so you can't say Islam is opressive against women, It doesn't matter if it's 1/1 billion women or the majority...

'Religion doesn't oppress women, people do'

Berlin - Iran's new Nobel peace laureate, Shirin Ebadi, believes that Muslim women who wear religious headscarves don't see it as a sign of submission and often feel stronger than men.

"Wearing headscarves is obligatory in my country. I respect the laws of my country, so I wear it. Here (in Europe) I have a choice, so I choose not to wear one," Ebadi told the German daily Tageszeitung on Monday.

"As for the headscarf as an Islamic symbol of submission, I can tell you that many veiled women feel stronger than men" in Iran, she said.

Ebadi, the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, said she thought that "those who wear headscarves for personal reasons without trying to convert others should be allowed to do so".

'It's not religion that is against women, but patriarchal society'
"Just like we should be allowed to walk around with a hat on, or even naked," said the 56-year-old human rights lawyer.

"It's not religion that is against women, but patriarchal society. It exerts pressure and uses religion against women," she said.

"There is not the least contradiction between human rights and Islam, and those who commit terrorist or deadly acts in the name of Islam are not Muslims.

"There are many Christians who are murderers. But no one suggests that Christianity made them that way," she said.

On the nuclear row between Iran and the United Nations atomic watchdog, Ebadi rejected any international interference in Iran's affairs.

'We should be left alone to do what we have to do'
"Iran doesn't have the atomic bomb. I'm against nuclear weapons, whether they be in Iran, Israel or the United States. I'm against foreign intervention. We should be left alone to do what we have to do."

Tehran has been given until the end of month to agree to accept a wide-ranging inspections regime aimed at determining whether it is developing atomic weapons under the guise of its civilian nuclear programme. - Sapa-AFP
I've not seen any where here in Halifax, they're just as normal as any other folk. The only distinguishing factor is the berka on some (Certainly not all) muslim woman. Aside from that, shops are co-owned (Husband and wife), muslim woman work, shop, sing, protest etc etc...
Yeah, there are a few around here (that work in a gas station I go to for lunch a lot of the time) that you would never peg as building bombing muslims.
Mariama said:
Those are your freedoms? Oh dear...What an empty pointless life you lead..

...Indeed Allah is just.

You're the one following a cult religion. Having an empty, pointless life is leagues ahead of being a meat puppet towing the fairytale line.

Numbers mean nothing. Also, I have a sneaky feeling that those "conversion" numbers of people joining Islam has a lot more to do with the birth rate than it does the infidels seeing Allah as the supreme being.

How great is Islam? It's a leading cause of the problems this world is facing right now. How could the word of the almighty heathen god Allah provoke such evil acts such as war and oppression?

Any religion which restricts your natural urges and encourages if not outright requires you to acknowledge them as being "sins" or something negative should be shunned by the population. Unfortunately, we haven't progressed to that stage yet.

As for morality... Women in the West are allowed to wear pretty much whatever the **** they like. Sure, a lot of women like to show off more than others but that's their prerogative. I don't want to hear anything about Western women parading around like meat displays from someone who forfeited their complete personal freedoms for a myth.

A woman choosing to be a slut has progressed further than a woman who has given up her right to choose to be a slut.
Gallytuck said:
You're the one following a cult religion. Having an empty, pointless life is leagues ahead of being a meat puppet towing the fairytale line.

Numbers mean nothing. Also, I have a sneaky feeling that those "conversion" numbers of people joining Islam has a lot more to do with the birth rate than it does the infidels seeing Allah as the supreme being.

How great is Islam? It's a leading cause of the problems this world is facing right now. How could the word of the almighty heathen god Allah provoke such evil acts such as war and oppression?

Any religion which restricts your natural urges and encourages if not outright requires you to acknowledge them as being "sins" or something negative should be shunned by the population. Unfortunately, we haven't progressed to that stage yet.

As for morality... Women in the West are allowed to wear pretty much whatever the **** they like. Sure, a lot of women like to show off more than others but that's their prerogative. I don't want to hear anything about Western women parading around like meat displays from someone who forfeited their complete personal freedoms for a myth.

A woman choosing to be a slut has progressed further than a woman who has given up her right to choose to be a slut.

Islam is pig **** under my feet...We need to blow all they hold holy off the map and find a way to corral them in their cess pool countries before they go Jihad again.
phreakwars said:
YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT !!! Don't knock it till you have tried it...

Makes me think of that fine ass Muslim we used to have around here... love to get with her... check her out and rate her yourself: http://Off Topic
Perhaps you might know her ??

She was very pretty but I bet she would require alot of intensive training to hammer that 'uptight frigid bitch thought process' out of her mind when it comes to sexuality...

She would probably feel quilty if she enjoyed sex, nevermind the fact you would have to marry her to **** is nice but is it worth that??
why are you so scared of marriage?
Is it because nobody will have you..

btw, Hamza, what is a Wahabi??

Muslims are to free with this word. He was a fine scholar...
Mariama said:
why are you so scared of marriage?
Is it because nobody will have you..

btw, Hamza, what is a Wahabi??

Muslims are to free with this word. He was a fine scholar...

I'm not affraid of marriage, I just don't think its worth getting married if all you want is sex...
You have stated your you understand English at all???
I understand, clearly you do not...Your use of the English language, is at best - Basic, and extremely colourful...This also goes for your reasoning and grasp of fact.

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