THIS women should be shot, along with her followers.

Mariama said:
I understand, clearly you do not...Your use of the English language, is at best - Basic, and extremely colourful...This also goes for your reasoning and grasp of fact.

Are you honestly under the impression that your school girl type insults make a difference other then to shine a light on what kind of person you are?
Mariama said:
I understand, clearly you do not...Your use of the English language, is at best - Basic, and extremely colourful...This also goes for your reasoning and grasp of fact.

Not that I'm much of a grammar Nazi anymore but if you're going to make a bold statement like that you should phrase it properly to demonstrate just how much more advanced in knowledge of the English language you are compared to the individual the above quote was directed towards.

"I understand but it is clear you are not so fortunate. Your use of the English language, your reasoning, as well as your capability to successfully grasp the depth of fact are, at best, both basic and extremely colourful."
Actually, it would be:

"I understand, but it is clear you have the misfortune of a speech impedament. Your use of the English Language, reasoning, and capability to successfully form enough of a thought to grasp any depth in this debate are, at best, both basic and extremely colorful."
Mariama said:
I understand, clearly you do not...Your use of the English language, is at best - Basic, and extremely colourful...This also goes for your reasoning and grasp of fact.

You will get base rebukes with base attacks. Enjoy the Idiot Box, you limey ass-**** turned pig-**** eater.
Mariama said:
You actually think sleeping around is a freedom?

Does your condescending ever end? For that I give you six more days in the box. Get used to the bars, kid... Guantanamo has plenty of them.
RoyalOrleans said:
Does your condescending ever end? For that I give you six more days in the box. Get used to the bars, kid... Guantanamo has plenty of them.

I see Mariama is making friends nicely...

She just hasn't learned to play nicely with others yet.
If I recall...

didn't Jesus say that god has infinite mercy? If so, why would god have wrath if he has infinite mercy? Explain that one to me..

Oh.. and Jesus also said, God did not want churches. So, these people are sinning by having a church!

****in' idiots, I hope they rot in the mass grave we put 'em in.

btw, Im agnostic.
RoyalOrleans said:
Oh-ho! That was so side-splittingly funny... that is, if I knew what in the Hell you meant by it.

like a bull at a gate
if you do something like a bull at a gate, you do it very quickly. Al wants to finish the shelves today so he's going at them like a bull at a gate.

In Aussie vernacular, it simply means you would rather push ahead, than think about the alternatives. ;)
builder said:
In Aussie vernacular, it simply means you would rather push ahead, than think about the alternatives. ;)

AND I think you calling RO that is more like you projecting then anything else...

It's amazing that you have something to say on EVERY subject, I am SO glad to have finally met the one person in the world who knows absolutely everything...Where have you been hiding???
builder said:
In Aussie vernacular, it simply means you would rather push ahead, than think about the alternatives. ;)


I knew what the **** "bull at the gate" meant, but what does it mean in reference to me?
Lethalfind said:
AND I think you calling RO that is more like you projecting then anything else...

It's amazing that you have something to say on EVERY subject, I am SO glad to have finally met the one person in the world who knows absolutely everything...Where have you been hiding???

Ohh... honey. The mean old Aussie didn't insult me. I just thought he was telling me that he had to take a ****. Bull at the gate... jumper at the backdoor, a turtle poking his head out, pressing cotton...
Lethalfind said:
AND I think you calling RO that is more like you projecting then anything else...

It's amazing that you have something to say on EVERY subject, I am SO glad to have finally met the one person in the world who knows absolutely everything...Where have you been hiding???

As far away from you as humanly possible.

Just stay in Florida so I don't have to run into you.

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