When the powerful fall, it is news unfortunately.
Most of my loving this story is how other people are reacting to it, not Tiger himself.
I do wonder this though......if the situation was reversed, and the man had been beating the **** out of his wife with a golf club, would the cops had let it go? Somehow I doubt it.
Anyway, I don't feel bad for Tiger in the slightest, he was weak, and is getting the penalty for being weak.
Atlantic, don't think for a second that Tiger is the only man in a committed relationship who has to exercise self control. Wearing a wedding band and having a job is all you need for some women to hit on you no matter what you look like.
Sure his money and fame may have increased it some but at the end of the day, he asked for all of this, nobody forced him to sell his image and take the billions of dollars, that was his choice to live this life.
The only people I feel bad for is the wife and kids, the kids are very young now but I am sure they will one day know about these things and the wife will never be able to go anywhere for the rest of her life without everyone she meets knowing her husband slept around on her all the time.
The real question is, will she think this leopard will change his spots?
Sure he feels bad "NOW" because he got busted, but two years down the road after all this has been forgotten, will the personality that gave into temptation still be there? It is like a drug addiction, most will "fall of the wagon" over and over again their entire life.