"Stop starting **** and there won't be ****." - Stop acting like anyone is remotely afraid of you and what you bring to the table in any way. P-leeease... And I'm not a bully, I'm the nicest person anyone can meet until I get fed up with certain people's ****. THEN that's when I will put people in their place and let them know how it really is. I mainly joke with people, but you, I seriously dislike most times.
Did I start this Chi?
Who started this current mess? Builder did.
Did you have to jump on the bully bandwagon or did you "CHOOSE" to join in?
Let me ask you a question, why is it you can't help but insert your nose in anything that is an attack on me? Why can't you just let Builder have his say and I reply if I want to without you sticking your nose into it?
The reason is your a bully, of course a bully never wants to admit they are a bully but that is exactly what you and many other people here are. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly fine with you guys being bullies, I have the shoulders to carry the load, but what seems funny is you guys start **** then you at the same time cry about the **** you started, that is the one thing I will never understand.
What is it you really want Chi, a punching bag? You think if the estrogen Mafia gets nasty enough you can run me off? Well you bullies have failed before and you will fail again, I am no punching bag and I am not going to get intimidated and run away so why not just leave me alone?
If Builder or anyone else has an issue with me, then let them have an issue, why must you always try to get a few kicks in too?
By the way, you do realize you and emkay hitched your wagon to a idiot who spreads 9/11 conspiracy theories right? I mean you can't get any more deluded and twisted than that and that is the kind of person your defending and bringing into your estrogen mafia? Birds of a feather and all that, I would have thought even you would have been a little more selective than that but I guess the old saying is true, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". He does not like me so that is all that matters right Chi, lol.
Your so completely morally corrupt it is not even funny anymore.
He's busy shaping Wez and builder figurines out of his fresh turds, so he can jab sharp needles in our effigies, where he thinks it might hurt the most. :yucky:
Well it certainly would not hurt if I stick something in your azz because that thing is so worn you could take a telephone pole and not feel it.
Your the guy playing with turds Builder, I have no idea why sick people like you get off on feces, but at the end of the day it really does not matter, you proved you were a twisted person when you started spouting your '9/11 was an inside job garbage', you proved you had not one decent brain cell in your head and there is no reason to give you more consideration than I would a bug crawling on the ground.