Timmay is literally Burnore's bitch.

On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 19:06:08 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>Timmay! wrote:
>>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! wrote:
>>>>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! wrote:
>>>>>>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>That's what I thought.
>>>>>>>So why do you constantly repeat the irony meter line? Do you want to
>>>>>>>give the impression of a mentally incompetent fool? Or is it because
>>>>>>>you've got a short memory and that's all that pops into your head?
>>>>>The irony of you snipping a comment about irony meters only to reply
>>>>>with yet another irony meter line is completely lost on you, isn't it?
>>>>The irony of your posts hold no match in the history of all Usenet.
>>>You're a dumb American. You wouldn't know irony if it hijacked a plane
>>>and crashed it into your house.

>>I am in complete control of your impotent snip and run ****wittery.

>Writes everyone's favourite AUK imbecile, immediately after snipping
>and running. Now that's irony. You wouldn't recognise irony if it
>hijacked a plane and crashed it into your house, leaving the main
>fuselage embedded in your garden with the logo IRONY AIRWAYS clearly
>visible from a mile away.

Well, no, he'd recognize an airplane fuselage with Irony Airways
written on it, not irony. Really, Timbob, you have to think these
things through.

Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>Timmay! wrote:
>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>Timmay! wrote:
>>>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! wrote:
>>>>>< snip>
>>>>>> Kevin A. Cannon is a well known alt.flame punching bag
>>>>>Well known by who?
>>>> alt.flame,
>>>Alt.flame is net.dead you twittering snip and run ****wit.

>>Your stupidty never ceases to amaze me. That's twice you've snipped
>>and ran after hilariously trying to accuse me of snipping and running.
>>I'd say something about irony right now, but you wouldn't understand.

>My post was correct.



Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:

>I really am having fun slapping you around.

Please address your penis outside of alt.flame.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>Timmay! wrote:
>> Meat Plow <meat@petitmorte.net> wrote:
>>>Timmay! wrote:

>>>>You're a dumb American. You wouldn't know irony if it hijacked a plane
>>>>and crashed it into your house.
>>>I am in complete control of your impotent snip and run ****wittery.

>> Writes everyone's favourite AUK imbecile

>I am a favorite of many but probably not everyone. But thank you anyway,

You don't meet too many people who'll thank you for calling them an


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:










>Very sad.

Indeed it is, snippy.


"6 toes down, 7 to go." Aratzio, AUK genetic freak counts his toes in
K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>>Cannon <snip>

>More of the "I win and I am the besterest!"

I am better than you. We both know it, that's why you drop threads.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>>I'm not a big talker.
>>>>No, you're a paranoid, lying, seeker of victimhood who imagines people
>>>>following her from newsgroup to newsgroup.
>>>....and socking up

>>No sock there.

>Nice snip job :)

So what was it? Were you deliberately lying to deceive people or
didn't you have a clue what a sockpuppet was until then? Are you
attempting to institute more lies to compensate for your original lie?

>>You're either deliberately lying and trying to deceive
>>people or you're completely stupid and still don't have a clue what a
>>sockpuppet is after all this time on Usenet. My money is on you being
>>a liar as it fits your modus operandi.
>>>in rapid fire succession desperately seeking my attention!

>>I was seeking clarification of your comments.

><pats yer head>
>'mkay....whatever you wanna call it there, Tiny Tim.

What exactly are you hoping to gain from weaseling around your lies
all this time? Do you think you'll gain the upper hand? Do you think
your actions look clever? You've never looked more desperate. You've
got nothing on me and you've known it from the second I jumped down
your throat. Just confess your lie and have done with it.

>>You were telling
>>everyone I was following you around various Usenet newsgroups

>.....humping my posts, cuz you were. Oh wait, you like to call that,
>"seeking clarification of your comments".

You're damn right I'm going to jump on your posts when you accuse me
of following you around various newsgroups. I don't tolerate
accusations of stalking from people like you.

>>and I wanted to know why you thought that. So far you've produced one
>>single post that happened after the event. Why don't you just confess
>>that you lied about me?

>Cuz that would make me as big a liar as you , Dimmy Bob.

I'm not a liar, Sharon. You, on the other hand, have been running
around Usenet squawking that people are following you from newsgroup
to newsgroup to try and engender sympathy. Why don't you just get it
over and done with and confess your lie? Why are you keeping up this
ridiculous facade? Everyone knows you lied. Everyone knows you'll do
anything to try and win some sympathy. Have some backbone for once in
your life and tell everyone why you posted the sentence in my sig.


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>My only failure thus far is to get you to answer those salient points,
>>>>Laverne. I've misjudged how wide that yellow streak is up your back.
>>>Says the boy who ran and hid for 4 days while he gathered his courage
>>>to post again.

>>Much as I would like to kick your stupid behind


Yet another snip and run job. Its almost two weeks since you dropped
the 517 line post. Since then the salient points from that post have
been posted in other threads and you've ran from them wherever they've
been posted. Snipping and running is now your entire repertoire.
You've been stripped of your dignity. You're as spanked as they come.


"6 toes down, 7 to go." Aratzio, AUK genetic freak counts his toes in
Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>Suzieflame <suzieflame@yachtmail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:

>>>>You must have a very poor personal life to be spending your time here.
>>>Oh my. Is that a PKB and bar, Mr Three ****ing Weeks?

>>No, since I've not indicated I find all of Usenet or even all of
>>alt.flame boring. If I did you might have a case. Since you don't have
>>a case it can only lead people to believe you have a very poor
>>personal life to be spending your time somewhere you boring and have
>>done for years.

>Oh my - you really are this stupid...

Its at this point you post a recent quote establishing that I find all
of Usenet or alt.flame boring. Is this just another limp Snoozie
non-sequitur or will it have some substance for a change?

>>>>Is the wife out stripping in a sleazy bar for kicks because you can't
>>>>satisfy her needs any more?
>>>Is this some Noarthern Working Men's Club fantasy you have going

>>Your wife would strip anywhere, but might she get more pleasure from
>>knowing a club full of coal miners are leering at her than a club full
>>of stockbrokers? We both know she doesn't do it for the tips.

>So it is a fantasy you have then. Thanks for confirming that.

Thanks for confirming you can't satisfy your wife and she needs to
take her clothes off in front of strangers to get her kicks.

>>>>I don't control your fantasies, Snooze. If that's how you want to <------------------------------Its here you ****ing idiot.
>>>>imagine me then knock yourself out.
>>>If you don't want to tell why you snipped it, no problem. We'll let
>>>the reader draw his own conclusions. Now sit back down and do up the
>>>seatbelt buckle, before the stewardess gets here.

>>Enjoying your little fantasy?

>Isn't it a strange coincidence that you feel the need to call my
>characterization of your behaviour a "fantasy" just moments after I
>correctly identified your need to oggle women in Working Men's Clubs
>as a fantasy? Do you ever come up with original material?

If you check the thread, Snoozie, you'll find it was I who first used
the word fantasy when I followed up that lame headbanger comment you
made. I've left a pointer so you can find it. Do you ever come up with
original material?

>>>>Bearded blokes in dresses really don't do it for me.
>>>Naked bearded blokes will do you just fine though - hence the
>>>attraction to Dumbass Nava.


>Lack of denial noted.

<nods off>

>>>>I'll bet your wife thinks you're a bit of an oddball too. I'll bet she hates you
>>>>trying on her clothes.
>>>You keep talking about wives and women's clothes, perhaps just a
>>>little too much to be a casual flaming thing. Is there something you
>>>want to reveal to the world? Don't be shy - let everyone into your
>>>rainbow-colored closet.

>>How is Mrs Herman these days, Pee Wee?

>Come on, out of that closet Timmay. Don't be afraid of who you are.

I find it particularly amusing that you just repeated the same
Hermanism again, despite whining "Do you ever come up with original
material?" in the same post. Did you purposefully intend to shoot
yourself in the foot or are you just an imbecile?

>>>>So you don't deny you have anything new to say? Fair enough,Pre-op.
>>>So you don't deny being one of the worst flamers every to have lived,
>>>if the odeous things you do to survive can be termed "living"? Fair
>>>enough, gutterhound.

>><checks time>
>>Nope. Still nothing new to say. Maybe tomorrow?

>Lack of denial noted. Thanks.

Tomorrow comes and still you have nothing new to say. In fact, you've
taken to partially repeating what I type despite accusing me of not
having any original material. Could you be any more stupid?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:27:45 +0100, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote in

>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> wrote:
>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> wrote:

>Do you think you'll gain the upper hand?

You're always the Bottom, Dimmy - be it bottoming to me or SuzieFlame
or Aratzio or MeatPlow or Khaveen or The 2-Belo or......etc.

>Do you think
>your actions look clever?


>You've never looked more desperate. You've
>got nothing on me and you've known it from the second I jumped down
>your throat.

Mebbe if I was prostate on the ground with laughter......otherwise,
your frenetic bouncing doesn't gain you enough height to reach my
throat, Dim.

>>>You were telling
>>>everyone I was following you around various Usenet newsgroups

>>.....humping my posts, cuz you were. Oh wait, you like to call that,
>>"seeking clarification of your comments".

>You're damn right I'm going to jump on your posts

Admission again noted.

Say, are you gonna try again to get poor old Mutt to shoot mine and
MeatPlow's brains out when he gets out of the pokey? Just curious.

"Emmett, his name is Mark Grennan. You know where he lives. Take
your vengeance upon him for all the names he's called you. Hunt him
down and shoot him in the face. You know you want to do it. When
you're finished moping his brains off your shoes I'll give you
Sharon's address and you can do the same to her."

...Thorne advises a convicted stalker on parole...
Message-ID: <3ab644ae.4913932@news.alt.net>
On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:27:52 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>My only failure thus far is to get you to answer those salient points,
>>>>>Laverne. I've misjudged how wide that yellow streak is up your back.
>>>>Says the boy who ran and hid for 4 days while he gathered his courage
>>>>to post again.
>>>Much as I would like to kick your stupid behind


>Yet another

Was there a reason for you to continue? There is nothing new in
anything you write.
On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
<a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> bloviated:

>On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
>>>>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>>>>>>K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> posted:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Daedalus <jade@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
>>>>>>>>hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
>>>>>>>>paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
>>>>>>>>Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
>>>>>>>>like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.
>>>>>>><Dimmy tries to change subject>
>>>>>Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.
>>>>>Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
>>>>>that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
>>>>>lamery to agree with you.
>>>>>Seven ****ing Days
>>>>Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
>>>>mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.
>>>Yep, same thing.
>>>Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
>>>his complete and utter failure is also a spank.
>>>That is all.

>>Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
>>after day.
>>I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
>>seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

>Day Eleven.
>The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their

Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
associated with you plea for help.

On Oct 15, 4:27 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:
> >On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >writing:

> >>On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>writing:

> >>>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>>writing:

> >>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>>>writing:

> >>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
> >>>>><tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>>K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation for writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>[...]

> >>>>>>>>Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
> >>>>>>>>hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
> >>>>>>>>paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
> >>>>>>>>Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
> >>>>>>>>like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

> >>>>>>><Dimmy tries to change subject>

> >>>>>Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

> >>>>>Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
> >>>>>that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
> >>>>>lamery to agree with you.

> >>>>>Squat
> >>>>>Zip
> >>>>>Nada

> >>>>>Seven ****ing Days

> >>>>Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
> >>>>mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

> >>>>Squat
> >>>>Zip
> >>>>Nada

> >>>Yep, same thing.

> >>>Squat
> >>>Zip
> >>>Nada

> >>>Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
> >>>his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

> >>>That is all.

> >>Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
> >>after day.

> >>Squat
> >>Zip
> >>Nada

> >>I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
> >>seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

> >Day Eleven.
> >The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
> >droning.

> >Squat
> >Zip
> >Nada

> Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
> bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
> associated with you plea for help.
> Squat
> Zip
> Nada

Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't
been drunk since sometime in June.

Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
His points are sometimes misconstrued!
He'll spank you with his attitude!
Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

Hi, Timmay!

in article i4j7h357kra1q3gvuub3eoi0nov3h8ck85@4ax.com, Aratzio at
a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com wrote on 10/15/07 4:27 PM:

> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> bloviated:
>> On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> writing:
>>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>> writing:
>>>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>> writing:
>>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>>> writing:
>>>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
>>>>>> <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>>>>>>>> writing:
>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>>>>>>>>>>> writing:
>>>>>>>>>>>> K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation
>>>>>>>>>>>> for writing:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> posted:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Daedalus <jade@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> bloviated:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
>>>>>>>>> hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
>>>>>>>>> paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
>>>>>>>>> Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
>>>>>>>>> like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.
>>>>>>>> <Dimmy tries to change subject>
>>>>>> Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.
>>>>>> Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
>>>>>> that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
>>>>>> lamery to agree with you.
>>>>>> Squat
>>>>>> Zip
>>>>>> Nada
>>>>>> Seven ****ing Days
>>>>> Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
>>>>> mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.
>>>>> Squat
>>>>> Zip
>>>>> Nada
>>>> Yep, same thing.
>>>> Squat
>>>> Zip
>>>> Nada
>>>> Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
>>>> his complete and utter failure is also a spank.
>>>> That is all.
>>> Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
>>> after day.
>>> Squat
>>> Zip
>>> Nada
>>> I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
>>> seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

>> Day Eleven.
>> The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
>> droning.
>> Squat
>> Zip
>> Nada

> Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
> bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
> associated with you plea for help.
> Squat
> Zip
> Nada

Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't been
drunk since sometime in June.

Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
His points are sometimes misconstrued!
He'll spank you with his attitude!
Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

Hi, Timmay!

(posting twice for emphasis)

"Marcia" <design1@insight.rr.com> wrote in message
> in article i4j7h357kra1q3gvuub3eoi0nov3h8ck85@4ax.com, Aratzio at
> a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com wrote on 10/15/07 4:27 PM:
> > On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> > <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> bloviated:
> >
> >> On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >> writing:
> >>
> >>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>> writing:
> >>>
> >>>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>>> writing:
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
> >>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >>>>> writing:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
> >>>>>> <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> >>>>>>>>>> writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> >>>>>>>>>>> writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> got double secret

> >>>>>>>>>>>> for writing:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> posted:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Daedalus <jade@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Sharon B <sharon@lart.com> bloviated:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> [...]
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
> >>>>>>>>> hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If

> >>>>>>>>> paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all

> >>>>>>>>> Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It

> >>>>>>>>> like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> <Dimmy tries to change subject>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
> >>>>>> that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your

> >>>>>> lamery to agree with you.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Squat
> >>>>>> Zip
> >>>>>> Nada
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Seven ****ing Days
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
> >>>>> mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Squat
> >>>>> Zip
> >>>>> Nada
> >>>>
> >>>> Yep, same thing.
> >>>>
> >>>> Squat
> >>>> Zip
> >>>> Nada
> >>>>
> >>>> Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
> >>>> his complete and utter failure is also a spank.
> >>>>
> >>>> That is all.
> >>>
> >>> Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
> >>> after day.
> >>>
> >>> Squat
> >>> Zip
> >>> Nada
> >>>
> >>> I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
> >>> seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .
> >>
> >> Day Eleven.
> >> The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
> >> droning.
> >>
> >> Squat
> >> Zip
> >> Nada

> >
> > Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
> > bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> > pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> > but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> > something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
> > associated with you plea for help.
> >
> > Squat
> > Zip
> > Nada

> Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't been
> drunk since sometime in June.
> Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
> His points are sometimes misconstrued!
> He'll spank you with his attitude!
> Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!
> Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!
> Hi, Timmay!
> (posting twice for emphasis)
> okaythankyouverymuch

Hey, you got some "Big Balls" there! Ratz ain't gonna like that.

Number One
On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:47:27 -0000, in
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, marcia <design1@insight.rr.com>

>On Oct 15, 4:27 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
>> <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:
>> >On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >writing:

>> >>On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >>writing:

>> >>>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >>>writing:

>> >>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >>>>writing:

>> >>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
>> >>>>><tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>> >>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>> >>>>>>>>[...]

>> >>>>>>>>Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
>> >>>>>>>>hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
>> >>>>>>>>paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
>> >>>>>>>>Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
>> >>>>>>>>like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

>> >>>>>>><Dimmy tries to change subject>

>> >>>>>Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

>> >>>>>Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
>> >>>>>that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
>> >>>>>lamery to agree with you.

>> >>>>>Squat
>> >>>>>Zip
>> >>>>>Nada

>> >>>>>Seven ****ing Days

>> >>>>Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
>> >>>>mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

>> >>>>Squat
>> >>>>Zip
>> >>>>Nada

>> >>>Yep, same thing.

>> >>>Squat
>> >>>Zip
>> >>>Nada

>> >>>Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
>> >>>his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

>> >>>That is all.

>> >>Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
>> >>after day.

>> >>Squat
>> >>Zip
>> >>Nada

>> >>I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
>> >>seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

>> >Day Eleven.
>> >The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
>> >droning.

>> >Squat
>> >Zip
>> >Nada

>> Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
>> bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
>> pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
>> but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
>> something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
>> associated with you plea for help.
>> Squat
>> Zip
>> Nada

>Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't
>been drunk since sometime in June.
>Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
>His points are sometimes misconstrued!
>He'll spank you with his attitude!
>Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!
>Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!
>Hi, Timmay!

On Oct 15, 5:42 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:47:27 -0000, in
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, marcia <desi...@insight.rr.com>
> bloviated:
> >On Oct 15, 4:27 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> >> <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:

> >> >On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >> >Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >> >writing:

> >> >>On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >> >>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >> >>writing:

> >> >>>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> >> >>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >> >>>writing:

> >> >>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
> >> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> >> >>>>writing:

> >> >>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
> >> >>>>><tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

> >> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> >> >>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation for writing:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> >> >>>>>>>>[...]

> >> >>>>>>>>Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
> >> >>>>>>>>hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
> >> >>>>>>>>paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
> >> >>>>>>>>Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
> >> >>>>>>>>like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

> >> >>>>>>><Dimmy tries to change subject>

> >> >>>>>Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

> >> >>>>>Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
> >> >>>>>that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
> >> >>>>>lamery to agree with you.

> >> >>>>>Squat
> >> >>>>>Zip
> >> >>>>>Nada

> >> >>>>>Seven ****ing Days

> >> >>>>Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
> >> >>>>mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

> >> >>>>Squat
> >> >>>>Zip
> >> >>>>Nada

> >> >>>Yep, same thing.

> >> >>>Squat
> >> >>>Zip
> >> >>>Nada

> >> >>>Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
> >> >>>his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

> >> >>>That is all.

> >> >>Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
> >> >>after day.

> >> >>Squat
> >> >>Zip
> >> >>Nada

> >> >>I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
> >> >>seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

> >> >Day Eleven.
> >> >The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
> >> >droning.

> >> >Squat
> >> >Zip
> >> >Nada

> >> Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
> >> bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> >> pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> >> but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> >> something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
> >> associated with you plea for help.

> >> Squat
> >> Zip
> >> Nada

> >Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't
> >been drunk since sometime in June.

> >Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
> >His points are sometimes misconstrued!
> >He'll spank you with his attitude!
> >Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

> >Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

> >Hi, Timmay!

> >okaythankyouverymuch


Mwahaha! Oh. I need a word that rhymes with hubris...
On Oct 15, 5:40 pm, "John \"C\"" <honestj...@centurytel.net> wrote:
> "Marcia" <desi...@insight.rr.com> wrote in message
> news:C3394C12.A744%design1@insight.rr.com...
> > in article i4j7h357kra1q3gvuub3eoi0nov3h8c...@4ax.com, Aratzio at
> > a6ahly...@sneakemail.com wrote on 10/15/07 4:27 PM:

> > > On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> > > <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:

> > >> On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > >> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > >> writing:

> > >>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > >>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > >>> writing:

> > >>>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > >>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > >>>> writing:

> > >>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
> > >>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > >>>>> writing:

> > >>>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
> > >>>>>> <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

> > >>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >>>>>>>> Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> > >>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> for
> > >>>>>>>>>> writing:
> > >>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> for
> > >>>>>>>>>>> writing:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret

> probation
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> for writing:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
> > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> > >>>>>>>>> [...]

> > >>>>>>>>> Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
> > >>>>>>>>> hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If

> her
> > >>>>>>>>> paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all

> over
> > >>>>>>>>> Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It

> looks
> > >>>>>>>>> like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

> > >>>>>>>> <Dimmy tries to change subject>

> > >>>>>> Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

> > >>>>>> Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
> > >>>>>> that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your

> repetive
> > >>>>>> lamery to agree with you.

> > >>>>>> Squat
> > >>>>>> Zip
> > >>>>>> Nada

> > >>>>>> Seven ****ing Days

> > >>>>> Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
> > >>>>> mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

> > >>>>> Squat
> > >>>>> Zip
> > >>>>> Nada

> > >>>> Yep, same thing.

> > >>>> Squat
> > >>>> Zip
> > >>>> Nada

> > >>>> Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
> > >>>> his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

> > >>>> That is all.

> > >>> Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
> > >>> after day.

> > >>> Squat
> > >>> Zip
> > >>> Nada

> > >>> I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
> > >>> seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

> > >> Day Eleven.
> > >> The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
> > >> droning.

> > >> Squat
> > >> Zip
> > >> Nada

> > > Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
> > > bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> > > pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> > > but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> > > something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
> > > associated with you plea for help.

> > > Squat
> > > Zip
> > > Nada

> > Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't been
> > drunk since sometime in June.

> > Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
> > His points are sometimes misconstrued!
> > He'll spank you with his attitude!
> > Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

> > Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

> > Hi, Timmay!

> > (posting twice for emphasis)

> > okaythankyouverymuch

> Hey, you got some "Big Balls" there! Ratz ain't gonna like that.
> Number One

Nah. Ratz can hang. :)
On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 22:04:13 -0000, marcia <marcia12345.c@gmail.com>
wrote in <1192485853.395477.87890@z24g2000prh.googlegroups.com>:

>On Oct 15, 5:42 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:47:27 -0000, in
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, marcia <desi...@insight.rr.com>
>> bloviated:
>> >On Oct 15, 4:27 pm, Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >> On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
>> >> <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:

>> >> >On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >> >Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >> >writing:

>> >> >>On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >> >>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >> >>writing:

>> >> >>>On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
>> >> >>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >> >>>writing:

>> >> >>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
>> >> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
>> >> >>>>writing:

>> >> >>>>>On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
>> >> >>>>><tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>> >> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>> >> >>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>> >> >>>>>>>>[...]

>> >> >>>>>>>>Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet another
>> >> >>>>>>>>hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by. If her
>> >> >>>>>>>>paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her all over
>> >> >>>>>>>>Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It looks
>> >> >>>>>>>>like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

>> >> >>>>>>><Dimmy tries to change subject>

>> >> >>>>>Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

>> >> >>>>>Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time knowing
>> >> >>>>>that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your repetive
>> >> >>>>>lamery to agree with you.

>> >> >>>>>Squat
>> >> >>>>>Zip
>> >> >>>>>Nada

>> >> >>>>>Seven ****ing Days

>> >> >>>>Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since Dimmy
>> >> >>>>mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

>> >> >>>>Squat
>> >> >>>>Zip
>> >> >>>>Nada

>> >> >>>Yep, same thing.

>> >> >>>Squat
>> >> >>>Zip
>> >> >>>Nada

>> >> >>>Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to describe
>> >> >>>his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

>> >> >>>That is all.

>> >> >>Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after day
>> >> >>after day.

>> >> >>Squat
>> >> >>Zip
>> >> >>Nada

>> >> >>I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
>> >> >>seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

>> >> >Day Eleven.
>> >> >The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
>> >> >droning.

>> >> >Squat
>> >> >Zip
>> >> >Nada

>> >> Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a drunken
>> >> bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
>> >> pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
>> >> but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
>> >> something can be arranged you will have to accept the current numbers
>> >> associated with you plea for help.

>> >> Squat
>> >> Zip
>> >> Nada

>> >Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't
>> >been drunk since sometime in June.

>> >Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
>> >His points are sometimes misconstrued!
>> >He'll spank you with his attitude!
>> >Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

>> >Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

>> >Hi, Timmay!

>> >okaythankyouverymuch


>Mwahaha! Oh. I need a word that rhymes with hubris...

"do brits"
"marcia" <marcia12345.c@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Oct 15, 5:40 pm, "John \"C\"" <honestj...@centurytel.net> wrote:
> > "Marcia" <desi...@insight.rr.com> wrote in message
> >
> > news:C3394C12.A744%design1@insight.rr.com...
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > in article i4j7h357kra1q3gvuub3eoi0nov3h8c...@4ax.com, Aratzio at
> > > a6ahly...@sneakemail.com wrote on 10/15/07 4:27 PM:

> >
> > > > On Sun, 14 Oct 2007 16:28:48 -0700, in alt.aratzio, Aratzio
> > > > <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> bloviated:

> >
> > > >> On Sat, 13 Oct 2007 17:53:50 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > > >> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > > >> writing:

> >
> > > >>> On Fri, 12 Oct 2007 15:39:28 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > > >>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation for
> > > >>> writing:

> >
> > > >>>> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:53:05 -0700, in the land of alt.aratzio,
> > > >>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> > > >>>> writing:

> >
> > > >>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 19:24:19 GMT, in the land of

> > > >>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret probation

> > > >>>>> writing:

> >
> > > >>>>>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 20:14:45 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks,

> > > >>>>>> <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

> >
> > > >>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > > >>>>>>>> Timmay! <tim...@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
> > > >>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > > >>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret

> > for
> > > >>>>>>>>>> writing:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> got double secret

> > for
> > > >>>>>>>>>>> writing:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> K. A. Cannon <kcan...@insurgent.orgy> got double secret

> > probation
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> for writing:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> posted:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> Daedalus <j...@netk0o0oks.org> bloviated:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> Sharon B <sha...@lart.com> bloviated:
> > > >>>>>>>>>>>> Aratzio <a6ahly...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> >
> > > >>>>>>>>> [...]

> >
> > > >>>>>>>>> Kevin is busy working out which toe goes where after yet

> > > >>>>>>>>> hilariously funny Usenet gaffe. Maybe Sharon will drop by.

> > her
> > > >>>>>>>>> paranoia is so bad its causing her to see me following her

> > over
> > > >>>>>>>>> Usenet again, then she will need to find her tinfoil hat. It

> > looks
> > > >>>>>>>>> like you're left with MP, so effectively you're on your own.

> >
> > > >>>>>>>> <Dimmy tries to change subject>

> >
> > > >>>>>> Lil wanker Dimmy, 7 days and not even a lurker.

> >
> > > >>>>>> Sad how you will have to spend the rest of your usenet time

> > > >>>>>> that not even one of your fellow kooks thought enough of your

> > repetive
> > > >>>>>> lamery to agree with you.

> >
> > > >>>>>> Squat
> > > >>>>>> Zip
> > > >>>>>> Nada

> >
> > > >>>>>> Seven ****ing Days

> >
> > > >>>>> Incredible as it seems, only 8 short days have expired since

> > > >>>>> mewled for his adoring fans to rescue him.

> >
> > > >>>>> Squat
> > > >>>>> Zip
> > > >>>>> Nada

> >
> > > >>>> Yep, same thing.

> >
> > > >>>> Squat
> > > >>>> Zip
> > > >>>> Nada

> >
> > > >>>> Dimmy will return shortly to expound how a daily post to

> > > >>>> his complete and utter failure is also a spank.

> >
> > > >>>> That is all.

> >
> > > >>> Day ten, the results are like a Dimmy post. Same thing day after

> > > >>> after day.

> >
> > > >>> Squat
> > > >>> Zip
> > > >>> Nada

> >
> > > >>> I did try to recruit a friend for Dimmy, but was rebuffed. No one
> > > >>> seems to care about poor Dimmy and his situation .

> >
> > > >> Day Eleven.
> > > >> The crickets are getting louder. There is nothing to halt their
> > > >> droning.

> >
> > > >> Squat
> > > >> Zip
> > > >> Nada

> >
> > > > Well, Dimmy, we may have solved your problem. If I can find a

> > > > bum willing to work for the peanuts (real ones) that you are able to
> > > > pay we may be able to buy you a friend. Sharon has suggest the TLSWD
> > > > but when contacted the dog rolled over and played dead. But until
> > > > something can be arranged you will have to accept the current

> > > > associated with you plea for help.

> >
> > > > Squat
> > > > Zip
> > > > Nada

> >
> > > Not so fast, 'Ratz'. I'm cheering for Timmay! today, and I haven't

> > > drunk since sometime in June.

> >
> > > Timmay! Timmay! He's our dude!
> > > His points are sometimes misconstrued!
> > > He'll spank you with his attitude!
> > > Lookout 'Ratz' 'cause you've been screwed!

> >
> > > Yeah, Timmay! Woot! Woot! Woo Hoo!

> >
> > > Hi, Timmay!

> >
> > > (posting twice for emphasis)

> >
> > > okaythankyouverymuch

> >
> > Hey, you got some "Big Balls" there! Ratz ain't gonna like that.
> >
> > Number One

> Nah. Ratz can hang. :)

Well that's good to hear, sometimes he seems to "go-off" on some, like
"little Petey".

Number One

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