Timmay is literally Burnore's bitch.

On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:45:28 +0000, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>>>>>"Oh, that's right, you follow people around usenet."
>>>>>Best don your tin foil hat, kook.
>>>><...delusions by dimmy...>
>>>Not only are you so afraid of my words you daren't address them, now
>>>you're so afraid of your own words you just have to snip them away.
>>>"I get to laugh at you for snipping and running."
>>>Guess who, Captain Slackbladder?

>>That was you Dimmy, I just figured since you seemed to find it such a
>>necessary part of your repertoire that you would find it acceptable.

>Its your quote, idiot.

Well, gee, Dimmy, really. Shocking. It took you how long to figure it
out? Now, one does have to wonder why it was written, Dimmy. Really,
do you suppose it was because you were snipping and running and I was
laughing at you.

> You wrote that shortly before snipping and
>running away from that 517 line post. Has the swelling subsided around
>the bottom area so you can sit down now, spanky?

Poor Dimmy, still whining like a little baby because no one read your
dreck. Maybe if you repost it someone will read it. Really, why not
give it a try. What's the worst thing that could happen? You already
look like a whiny little **** stamping his feetsies cause mean ole
Ratz won't stoop to wade though you frothing lunacy. So what's the
downside for you?

>>Nice that you show yourself to be another in a long line of whiney
>>little alt.flame hypocrites.

>You snipped and ran from this:
>"Oh, that's right, you follow people around usenet."
>Do you still believe I'm following people around Usenet, kook?

Message-ID: <9re7j3t893mkdid8haveovhcuij697rbrp@4ax.com>
Message-ID: <1cf9d6.q4j.19.1@news.alt.net>

Obsess much, Dimmy?
On Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:45:32 +0000, in alt.usenet.kooks, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>>>Lionel got spanked for spamming from Burnore's server in June. I
>>>sincerely doubt he'll post under his own name again.

>>Still obsessing about Gary & Lionel.

>I remember the last time you accused me of bringing Burntwhore's name
>into a post. It turned out that it was you who'd brought his name into
>it and you've flatly refused to talk about your little mistake since.
>Spankards are so easy to manipulate. Go on, snip any reference to this
>make some inane comment as you normally do.

Yeah, how is the sock puppet stalking business?

(Speaking of easy to manipulate, all it takes to get you frothing is
drop Lionel or Burnores name)

So yes, Dimmy, I love to drop names in posts to you. The reaction is
always so hilarious.
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>>>Still obsessing about Gary & Lionel.

>>I remember the last time you accused me of bringing Burntwhore's name
>>into a post. It turned out that it was you who'd brought his name into
>>it and you've flatly refused to talk about your little mistake since.
>>Spankards are so easy to manipulate. Go on, snip any reference to this
>>make some inane comment as you normally do.

>Yeah, how is the sock puppet stalking business?
>(Speaking of easy to manipulate, all it takes to get you frothing is
>drop Lionel or Burnores name)
>So yes, Dimmy, I love to drop names in posts to you. The reaction is
>always so hilarious.

Making you scarper from that 517 line post was indeed very funny. One
day you were beating your chest and screaming that I was obsessing
about BurntWhore, then next day I pointed out that it was you who'd
brought BurntWhore's name into the thread and you clammed up talking
about it. Your name dropping got you spanked, RatGirl.


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>Do you think its normal to have thirteen toes?
>>>>>No, but that was the point, Dimmy.
>>>>Over three weeks of soul searching, head scratching and deep thought
>>>>have gone into that reply, yet you've still come up short. You
>>>>obviously made a silly little typo and here you are over three weeks
>>>>later still unable to admit you made a typo. Be careful you don't piss
>>>>yourself in public, Captain Slackbladder.
>>>So in your world of typos the 7 is located next to the 3 or the 6 is
>>>located by the 4?

>>On all keyboards, actually. Look to the right of your keyboard...

>Poor, very stupid Dimmy,[...]

Only an imbecile like you would call someone stupid for pointing out
the obvious. You have a problem admitting you're wrong, don't you?

>>Thanks for confirming you didn't make a typo and it was indeed as I
>>suspected, you're a 13-toed halfwitted redneck.

>Dimmy, scream "I WIN!" and reaches for his always handy pack of
>IKYABWAI lames.

So, how do go about buying shoes? Do you just walk around barefoot
most of the time, redneck?

>>>>Since you're in the mood for answering stuff:
>>>>"So Dimmy why would you imagine an Emergency room anywhere other than
>>>>a hospital?" <dq1lg3ttseqd4ne4bbcdmautphs3udd6ue@4ax.com>
>>>>I answered your question with information indicating 'Emergency Rooms'
>>>>are often situated outside of a hospital environment.

>>So, are 'emergency rooms' located outside of a hospital environment?
>>You didn't say, yet again.

>Your claim they are not even located in the UK.

This discussion started with your quote above. I pointed out that the
US has smaller clinic facilities that provide emergency help outside
of hospital facilities, so your statement that Emergency Rooms are not
found outside of hospitals was factually incorrect and I was right.

>>>Ah but Dimmy, that left out your statement that the UK does not even
>>>have emergency rooms:
>>>:They would be located on the continent of the United States because we
>>>:don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant clod.
>>>So no, you clot, you said there were not situated in the UK. Another
>>>nice self-immolation.

>>Read the URL again, idiot. We have no emergency rooms here, comprende?

>Ruh Roh Dimmy:
>:Five-bedded emergency room with en suite x-ray facilities.

You've misunderstood it. An Emergency Room in the US is a collection
of facilities that deal with accidents and emergencies. It is not a
single room per se. The example you've quoted is a single room and
part of the Accident & Emergency Dept, the UK-equivalent of an
Emergency Room.

>Wow Looking for Emergency Room Employees too:
>Emergency Room Nurses

An NZ web site advertising in London for suitable candidates to work
in Saudi. Hardly relevant, is it?

>Maybe Liverpool is not in the UK

"We are on the second floor of the hospital and can be reached via the
2 sets of lifts on the ground floor."

"Ideally you should attend with a letter from your G.P."

They should have given you a clue. Its a single room where
emergencies are dealt with. Its not part of the A&E dept, its part of
gynaecology. I'll bet you feel a bit of a **** for posting that...

>Seems like the term is more ubiquitous than yyou imagine.

No it isn't.

>>'Emergency Room' is a term used in North America. You live in the US,
>>which is part of North America. The UK is 3000 miles east of North
>>America and part of Europe. Why oh why are inbred Yanks allowed
>>Internet connections...

>Wanna go for your ooopsie now?

You best hop off back to Google and find some more straws to grasp.

>>>Speaking of geographically disinclined, Dimmy, learned anything about
>>>Mexico or Australia?

>>Just what have I said about Australia that you're going to disagree
>>with? I've said its both an island or a continent, depending on the
>>continental model taught in the local educational establishments.
>>The Mexico comment was a little joke, along with a few other
>>geographical gags around the same time which made light of a mistake
>>the 2-Belo made. I'm not in the least bit surprised you didn't get it
>>because you're a 13-toed redneck and ignorant of such things.

>Kinda defensive about that subject Dimmy. Why is that?

You mistake 'defensive' for a 'cunningly crafted troll' to see if
you'll enter the discussion on Lionel's side or you'll decide that
Lionel was a bit of a tit and you'll steer clear of another spanking.

>>>>So, you tell me, dumb****, why would you imagine an Emergency room
>>>>solely in a hospital? Are you the type of dumb**** that lives in
>>>>Hicksville USA and have never been to a big city that has specialised
>>>>emergency rooms dotted across metropolitan areas?
>>>You mean the ones that do not exist in the UK?

>>Actually there might be a couple in the UK, but they'll be on American
>>airbases and not accessible to the general public. We have A&E Depts
>>in the UK that serve the same function. We certainly do not have any
>>'emergency rooms'.

>Especially in non UK places like London and Liverpool?

None at all. Keep Googling, numbnuts.

>I suppose I could have looked at two pages of results, rather than
>just one.
>Look Oxford thinks there are Emergency Rooms

Its a book written by a Swede for a worldwide audience and published
by the Oxford Press in the UK. Did you just see the word "Oxford" and
assume 'I've got him!'? Fool.

>Just on an added note, why would you think that the phrase "emergency
>room" is geographic?

Because its not as ubiquitous a term as you think. You're a typical
American: you're stupid and you wallow in your ignorance.


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>> You wrote that shortly before snipping and
>>running away from that 517 line post. Has the swelling subsided around
>>the bottom area so you can sit down now, spanky?

>Poor Dimmy, still whining like a little baby because no one read your

I'm not in the least bit surprised you didn't address that post. You
got ****y, made far too many mistakes to be able to make a credible
response and avoid the humiliation of admitting you were wrong and
made mistakes. You didn't say if the swelling around your arse had
subsided enough for you to be able to sit down now.

>>>Nice that you show yourself to be another in a long line of whiney
>>>little alt.flame hypocrites.

>>You snipped and ran from this:
>>"Oh, that's right, you follow people around usenet."
>>Do you still believe I'm following people around Usenet, kook?

>Message-ID: <9re7j3t893mkdid8haveovhcuij697rbrp@4ax.com>
>Message-ID: <1cf9d6.q4j.19.1@news.alt.net>
>Obsess much, Dimmy?

A single post in a newsgroup I'm known to contribute to is hardly
'following', numbnuts. You need to spend a little time with a
dictionary and look up the meaning of the word 'follow'. You might
want to explain it to that Burton crone as she is as deluded as you.

I find it highly amusing you think the other post is from me. The last
person who thought everyone posting from Altopia was me is that most
infamous of kooks, Andy Beckwith. Best don that tin foil hat, kook.


"You've followed me thread to thread, ng to ng (including those you
claim you don't read) for the last year, spanktoy." Paranoid Burton
imagines stalkers in <259v3uc2um3vbs74s9glrn2kgh22b4mfkj@4ax.com>
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 00:41:51 +0000, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>>>>Still obsessing about Gary & Lionel.
>>>I remember the last time you accused me of bringing Burntwhore's name
>>>into a post. It turned out that it was you who'd brought his name into
>>>it and you've flatly refused to talk about your little mistake since.
>>>Spankards are so easy to manipulate. Go on, snip any reference to this
>>>make some inane comment as you normally do.

>>Yeah, how is the sock puppet stalking business?
>>(Speaking of easy to manipulate, all it takes to get you frothing is
>>drop Lionel or Burnores name)
>>So yes, Dimmy, I love to drop names in posts to you. The reaction is
>>always so hilarious.

>Making you scarper

Not reading dreck, Dimmy, do learn to parse.


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 00:41:56 +0000, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>>>>Do you think its normal to have thirteen toes?
>>>>>>No, but that was the point, Dimmy.
>>>>>Over three weeks of soul searching, head scratching and deep thought
>>>>>have gone into that reply, yet you've still come up short. You
>>>>>obviously made a silly little typo and here you are over three weeks
>>>>>later still unable to admit you made a typo. Be careful you don't piss
>>>>>yourself in public, Captain Slackbladder.
>>>>So in your world of typos the 7 is located next to the 3 or the 6 is
>>>>located by the 4?
>>>On all keyboards, actually. Look to the right of your keyboard...

>>Poor, very stupid Dimmy,[...]

>Only an imbecile like you would call someone stupid for pointing out
>the obvious. You have a problem admitting you're wrong, don't you?

Poor, still stupid, IKYWABI queen, Dimmy, your obvious is, shall we
say, less probable than you having an original thought.

>>>Thanks for confirming you didn't make a typo and it was indeed as I
>>>suspected, you're a 13-toed halfwitted redneck.

>>Dimmy, scream "I WIN!" and reaches for his always handy pack of
>>IKYABWAI lames.

>So, how do go about buying shoes? Do you just walk around barefoot
>most of the time, redneck?

And Dimmy, still confident people reach from the keyboard to the
keypad to type two numbers, grabs another IKYABWAI and lames away.

>>>>>Since you're in the mood for answering stuff:
>>>>>"So Dimmy why would you imagine an Emergency room anywhere other than
>>>>>a hospital?" <dq1lg3ttseqd4ne4bbcdmautphs3udd6ue@4ax.com>
>>>>>I answered your question with information indicating 'Emergency Rooms'
>>>>>are often situated outside of a hospital environment.
>>>So, are 'emergency rooms' located outside of a hospital environment?
>>>You didn't say, yet again.

>>Your claim they are not even located in the UK.

>This discussion started with your quote above. I pointed out that the
>US has smaller clinic facilities that provide emergency help outside
>of hospital facilities, so your statement that Emergency Rooms are not
>found outside of hospitals was factually incorrect and I was right.

:don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant clod.

No, you are not.

>>>>Ah but Dimmy, that left out your statement that the UK does not even
>>>>have emergency rooms:
>>>>:They would be located on the continent of the United States because we
>>>>:don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant clod.
>>>>So no, you clot, you said there were not situated in the UK. Another
>>>>nice self-immolation.
>>>Read the URL again, idiot. We have no emergency rooms here, comprende?

>>Ruh Roh Dimmy:
>>:Five-bedded emergency room with en suite x-ray facilities.

>You've misunderstood it. An Emergency Room in the US is a collection
>of facilities that deal with accidents and emergencies. It is not a
>single room per se. The example you've quoted is a single room and
>part of the Accident & Emergency Dept, the UK-equivalent of an
>Emergency Room.

Nice backpedal
"don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant

That is what you wrote, Dimmy.

So are there Emergency Rooms in the UK, just like that link says?

>>Wow Looking for Emergency Room Employees too:
>>Emergency Room Nurses

>An NZ web site advertising in London for suitable candidates to work
>in Saudi. Hardly relevant, is it?
>>Maybe Liverpool is not in the UK

>"We are on the second floor of the hospital and can be reached via the
>2 sets of lifts on the ground floor."
>"Ideally you should attend with a letter from your G.P."
>They should have given you a clue. Its a single room where
>emergencies are dealt with. Its not part of the A&E dept, its part of
>gynaecology. I'll bet you feel a bit of a **** for posting that...
>>Seems like the term is more ubiquitous than yyou imagine.

>No it isn't.

Wanna bet...

>>>'Emergency Room' is a term used in North America. You live in the US,
>>>which is part of North America. The UK is 3000 miles east of North
>>>America and part of Europe. Why oh why are inbred Yanks allowed
>>>Internet connections...

>>Wanna go for your ooopsie now?

>You best hop off back to Google and find some more straws to grasp.

So you admit then that there are Emergentcy Rooms in the UK?

>>>>Speaking of geographically disinclined, Dimmy, learned anything about
>>>>Mexico or Australia?
>>>Just what have I said about Australia that you're going to disagree
>>>with? I've said its both an island or a continent, depending on the
>>>continental model taught in the local educational establishments.
>>>The Mexico comment was a little joke, along with a few other
>>>geographical gags around the same time which made light of a mistake
>>>the 2-Belo made. I'm not in the least bit surprised you didn't get it
>>>because you're a 13-toed redneck and ignorant of such things.

>>Kinda defensive about that subject Dimmy. Why is that?

>You mistake 'defensive' for a 'cunningly crafted troll' to see if
>you'll enter the discussion on Lionel's side or you'll decide that
>Lionel was a bit of a tit and you'll steer clear of another spanking.

Why would I? All I need to do to get you frothing is remind you of one
of your many online onsessions. Posting paragraphs of "explanation".

>>>>>So, you tell me, dumb****, why would you imagine an Emergency room
>>>>>solely in a hospital? Are you the type of dumb**** that lives in
>>>>>Hicksville USA and have never been to a big city that has specialised
>>>>>emergency rooms dotted across metropolitan areas?
>>>>You mean the ones that do not exist in the UK?
>>>Actually there might be a couple in the UK, but they'll be on American
>>>airbases and not accessible to the general public. We have A&E Depts
>>>in the UK that serve the same function. We certainly do not have any
>>>'emergency rooms'.

>>Especially in non UK places like London and Liverpool?

>None at all. Keep Googling, numbnuts.

So what was that Emergency Room in London?

>>I suppose I could have looked at two pages of results, rather than
>>just one.
>>Look Oxford thinks there are Emergency Rooms

>Its a book written by a Swede for a worldwide audience and published
>by the Oxford Press in the UK. Did you just see the word "Oxford" and
>assume 'I've got him!'? Fool.
>>Just on an added note, why would you think that the phrase "emergency
>>room" is geographic?

>Because its not as ubiquitous a term as you think. You're a typical
>American: you're stupid and you wallow in your ignorance.

And yet you knew EXACTLY what it meant. Funny that.

I bet you even watch ER


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 00:42:02 +0000, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:

>>> You wrote that shortly before snipping and
>>>running away from that 517 line post. Has the swelling subsided around
>>>the bottom area so you can sit down now, spanky?

>>Poor Dimmy, still whining like a little baby because no one read your

>I'm not in the least bit surprised you didn't address that post. You
>got ****y, made far too many mistakes to be able to make a credible
>response and avoid the humiliation of admitting you were wrong and
>made mistakes. You didn't say if the swelling around your arse had
>subsided enough for you to be able to sit down now.
>>>>Nice that you show yourself to be another in a long line of whiney
>>>>little alt.flame hypocrites.
>>>You snipped and ran from this:
>>>"Oh, that's right, you follow people around usenet."
>>>Do you still believe I'm following people around Usenet, kook?

>>Message-ID: <9re7j3t893mkdid8haveovhcuij697rbrp@4ax.com>
>>Message-ID: <1cf9d6.q4j.19.1@news.alt.net>
>>Obsess much, Dimmy?

>A single post in a newsgroup I'm known to contribute to is hardly
>'following', numbnuts.

Except it followed up your own sock puppet, obsesso.

>You need to spend a little time with a
>dictionary and look up the meaning of the word 'follow'. You might
>want to explain it to that Burton crone as she is as deluded as you.

Want the rest of the mids, moron?

>I find it highly amusing you think the other post is from me. The last
>person who thought everyone posting from Altopia was me is that most
>infamous of kooks, Andy Beckwith. Best don that tin foil hat, kook.

What, no comment about following up your own sock puppet. How about
all the other sock puppet posts you did in nanae? I guess that was not
obsessing about Burnore either?

You are a sad little ****. No one followed up your sock puppet, so you


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Aratzio - Usenet ruiner #2
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>>>>Do you still believe I'm following people around Usenet, kook?
>>>Message-ID: <9re7j3t893mkdid8haveovhcuij697rbrp@4ax.com>
>>>Message-ID: <1cf9d6.q4j.19.1@news.alt.net>
>>>Obsess much, Dimmy?

>>A single post in a newsgroup I'm known to contribute to is hardly
>>'following', numbnuts.

>Except it followed up your own sock puppet, obsesso.

You'd better get some help with your paranoia, kook. Did you make
yourself a sooper dooper tin foil hat yet?

>>You need to spend a little time with a
>>dictionary and look up the meaning of the word 'follow'. You might
>>want to explain it to that Burton crone as she is as deluded as you.

>Want the rest of the mids, moron?

Still don't understand the word 'follow', moron?

>>I find it highly amusing you think the other post is from me. The last
>>person who thought everyone posting from Altopia was me is that most
>>infamous of kooks, Andy Beckwith. Best don that tin foil hat, kook.

>What, no comment about following up your own sock puppet.

I've made sufficient comment for a normal person to be able to deduce
that it wasn't me. You're in good company with crazy Andy, kook.

>How about all the other sock puppet posts you did in nanae? I guess
>that was not obsessing about Burnore either?

Oh no, I'm another sock puppet in another newsgroup! Will your madness
never end?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>>>So yes, Dimmy, I love to drop names in posts to you. The reaction is
>>>always so hilarious.

>>Making you scarper from that 517 line post was indeed very funny. One
>>day you were beating your chest and screaming that I was obsessing
>>about BurntWhore, then next day I pointed out that it was you who'd
>>brought BurntWhore's name into the thread and you clammed up talking
>>about it. Your name dropping got you spanked, RatGirl.

>Not reading dreck, Dimmy, do learn to parse.

Those harmful words are back, RatGirl. Snip and run, spanky.


Kook of the Month May 1999
Golden Killfile Sept 1999
Looney Maroon Dec 1998
Looney Maroon Feb 1999
Palmjob Paddle Nov 1999
Palmjob Paddle Oct 2000
George Pickett Sept 2000
George Pickett Oct 2000
Busted Urinal Award
George Armstrong Custer "Kicked @$$" Award
Tar & Feathers Award
Kook Kard Deck, Three of Spades
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> bloviated:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

>>>>>So in your world of typos the 7 is located next to the 3 or the 6 is
>>>>>located by the 4?
>>>>On all keyboards, actually. Look to the right of your keyboard...
>>>Poor, very stupid Dimmy,[...]

>>Only an imbecile like you would call someone stupid for pointing out
>>the obvious. You have a problem admitting you're wrong, don't you?

>Poor, still stupid, IKYWABI queen, Dimmy, your obvious is, shall we
>say, less probable than you having an original thought.

Queen? Are you some kind of homophobe, Captain Slackbladder?

>>>>Thanks for confirming you didn't make a typo and it was indeed as I
>>>>suspected, you're a 13-toed halfwitted redneck.
>>>Dimmy, scream "I WIN!" and reaches for his always handy pack of
>>>IKYABWAI lames.

>>So, how do go about buying shoes? Do you just walk around barefoot
>>most of the time, redneck?

>And Dimmy, still confident people reach from the keyboard to the
>keypad to type two numbers, grabs another IKYABWAI and lames away.

The issue is not whether people use a numeric keyboard, the issue is
whether you can notice something that is less than 12 inches from your
face for many hours of the day.

>>>>>>Since you're in the mood for answering stuff:
>>>>>>"So Dimmy why would you imagine an Emergency room anywhere other than
>>>>>>a hospital?" <dq1lg3ttseqd4ne4bbcdmautphs3udd6ue@4ax.com>
>>>>>>I answered your question with information indicating 'Emergency Rooms'
>>>>>>are often situated outside of a hospital environment.
>>>>So, are 'emergency rooms' located outside of a hospital environment?
>>>>You didn't say, yet again.
>>>Your claim they are not even located in the UK.

>>This discussion started with your quote above. I pointed out that the
>>US has smaller clinic facilities that provide emergency help outside
>>of hospital facilities, so your statement that Emergency Rooms are not
>>found outside of hospitals was factually incorrect and I was right.

>No, you are not.

Great reply.

"So Dimmy why would you imagine an Emergency room anywhere other than
a hospital?" <dq1lg3ttseqd4ne4bbcdmautphs3udd6ue@4ax.com>

I've since proven that some US Clinics have Emergency Rooms.

So, you were factually incorrect and I was right.

>>>>>Ah but Dimmy, that left out your statement that the UK does not even
>>>>>have emergency rooms:
>>>>>:They would be located on the continent of the United States because we
>>>>>:don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant clod.
>>>>>So no, you clot, you said there were not situated in the UK. Another
>>>>>nice self-immolation.
>>>>Read the URL again, idiot. We have no emergency rooms here, comprende?
>>>Ruh Roh Dimmy:
>>>:Five-bedded emergency room with en suite x-ray facilities.

>>You've misunderstood it. An Emergency Room in the US is a collection
>>of facilities that deal with accidents and emergencies. It is not a
>>single room per se. The example you've quoted is a single room and
>>part of the Accident & Emergency Dept, the UK-equivalent of an
>>Emergency Room.

>Nice backpedal
>"don't have 'Emergency Rooms' in the UK, you geographically ignorant
>That is what you wrote, Dimmy.
>So are there Emergency Rooms in the UK, just like that link says?

I refer the hideously stupid gentleman to my previous answer:

"You've misunderstood it. An Emergency Room in the US is a collection
of facilities that deal with accidents and emergencies. It is not a
single room per se. The example you've quoted is a single room and
part of the Accident & Emergency Dept, the UK-equivalent of an
Emergency Room."

>>>Wow Looking for Emergency Room Employees too:
>>>Emergency Room Nurses

>>An NZ web site advertising in London for suitable candidates to work
>>in Saudi. Hardly relevant, is it?


>>>Maybe Liverpool is not in the UK

>>"We are on the second floor of the hospital and can be reached via the
>>2 sets of lifts on the ground floor."
>>"Ideally you should attend with a letter from your G.P."
>>They should have given you a clue. Its a single room where
>>emergencies are dealt with. Its not part of the A&E dept, its part of
>>gynaecology. I'll bet you feel a bit of a **** for posting that...

Did you feel a bit of a **** for using that URL, ignoramus?

>>>Seems like the term is more ubiquitous than yyou imagine.

>>No it isn't.

>Wanna bet...


>>>>'Emergency Room' is a term used in North America. You live in the US,
>>>>which is part of North America. The UK is 3000 miles east of North
>>>>America and part of Europe. Why oh why are inbred Yanks allowed
>>>>Internet connections...
>>>Wanna go for your ooopsie now?

>>You best hop off back to Google and find some more straws to grasp.

>So you admit then that there are Emergentcy Rooms in the UK?


>>>>>Speaking of geographically disinclined, Dimmy, learned anything about
>>>>>Mexico or Australia?
>>>>Just what have I said about Australia that you're going to disagree
>>>>with? I've said its both an island or a continent, depending on the
>>>>continental model taught in the local educational establishments.
>>>>The Mexico comment was a little joke, along with a few other
>>>>geographical gags around the same time which made light of a mistake
>>>>the 2-Belo made. I'm not in the least bit surprised you didn't get it
>>>>because you're a 13-toed redneck and ignorant of such things.
>>>Kinda defensive about that subject Dimmy. Why is that?

>>You mistake 'defensive' for a 'cunningly crafted troll' to see if
>>you'll enter the discussion on Lionel's side or you'll decide that
>>Lionel was a bit of a tit and you'll steer clear of another spanking.

>Why would I? All I need to do to get you frothing is remind you of one
>of your many online onsessions. Posting paragraphs of "explanation".

So you think Lionel was a bit of a tit too. There's hope for you yet.

>>>>>>So, you tell me, dumb****, why would you imagine an Emergency room
>>>>>>solely in a hospital? Are you the type of dumb**** that lives in
>>>>>>Hicksville USA and have never been to a big city that has specialised
>>>>>>emergency rooms dotted across metropolitan areas?
>>>>>You mean the ones that do not exist in the UK?
>>>>Actually there might be a couple in the UK, but they'll be on American
>>>>airbases and not accessible to the general public. We have A&E Depts
>>>>in the UK that serve the same function. We certainly do not have any
>>>>'emergency rooms'.
>>>Especially in non UK places like London and Liverpool?

>>None at all. Keep Googling, numbnuts.

>So what was that Emergency Room in London?

You're hallucinating. Stop sharing MP's drugs.

>>>I suppose I could have looked at two pages of results, rather than
>>>just one.
>>>Look Oxford thinks there are Emergency Rooms

>>Its a book written by a Swede for a worldwide audience and published
>>by the Oxford Press in the UK. Did you just see the word "Oxford" and
>>assume 'I've got him!'? Fool.

I guess this rang a few bells in your belfry! You numpty.

>>>Just on an added note, why would you think that the phrase "emergency
>>>room" is geographic?

>>Because its not as ubiquitous a term as you think. You're a typical
>>American: you're stupid and you wallow in your ignorance.

>And yet you knew EXACTLY what it meant. Funny that.

Of course I did. But Americans who wallow in their ignorance
automatically assume everywhere is like the US. Glad to have taken you
out of Hicksville and taught you a little about the rest of the world.

>I bet you even watch ER

Life is too short to waste watching rubbish like that. I'll happily
waste it watching Scrubs though.


Newbie! Heel!


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
<timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>>>>wading through your muck.
>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>>>Haw Haw!

>><pats head>
>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.

>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.

Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:


(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>

>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>>>>>wading through your muck.
>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>>>>Haw Haw!
>>><pats head>
>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.

>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.

> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)

Yay Timmay!

On Thu, 01 May 2008 13:58:04 -0400, in the land of alt.usenet.kooks,
Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> got double secret probation for

>On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>>>>>>wading through your muck.
>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>>>>>Haw Haw!
>>>><pats head>
>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.

>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)

>Yay Timmay!

Oy Vey, Dimmy! <Dimmy, dull and predictable>


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in

> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
> wrote:
>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>>>>>>wading through your muck.
>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>>>>>Haw Haw!
>>>><pats head>
>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.

>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)

> Yay Timmay!

VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on, Dimmy!
On Thu, 1 May 2008 19:11:33 +0000 (UTC), in the land of
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Cujo DeSockpuppet
<cujo@petitmorte.net> got double secret probation for writing:

>Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in
>> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
>>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
>>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>>>>>>>wading through your muck.
>>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>>>>>>Haw Haw!
>>>>><pats head>
>>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
>>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.
>>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
>>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)

>> Yay Timmay!

>VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on, Dimmy!

Will Dimmy create anything new? Or will Dimmy fall back on his tried
and true, bottle blonde, one size fits none, vanilla flavored cow flop

Maybe Dimmy can call for a poll and see how well he does, this time.


A Number 1, Grade A, Prime USDA 'Ratz
Accept No Substitute
On Fri, 2 May 2008 09:11:08 -0700, in
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Wolf 253 <snuhwolf@netscape.net>

>On Thu, 01 May 2008 12:20:47 -0700
>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, 1 May 2008 19:11:33 +0000 (UTC), in the land of
>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Cujo DeSockpuppet
>> <cujo@petitmorte.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in
>> >news:g41k14ttuv1o3ltjfovl4evicnvg0udscu@4ax.com:
>> >
>> >> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
>> >>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
>> >>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
>> >>>
>> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
>> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
>> >>>>>>>wading through your muck.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>Haw Haw!
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>><pats head>
>> >>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.
>> >>>
>> >>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
>> >>>
>> >>>Zip
>> >>>Zilch
>> >>>Nada
>> >>>
>> >>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)
>> >>
>> >> Yay Timmay!
>> >
>> >VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on, Dimmy!

>> Will Dimmy create anything new? Or will Dimmy fall back on his tried
>> and true, bottle blonde, one size fits none, vanilla flavored cow flop
>> flames?
>> Maybe Dimmy can call for a poll and see how well he does, this time.

>Dude, yer totally spanked.

Now you've done it, Dimmy, dumb as a stump, will slurp that as a
declaration of his VICTOLLY , after 7 months of complete and utter

On Thu, 01 May 2008 12:20:47 -0700
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 1 May 2008 19:11:33 +0000 (UTC), in the land of
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Cujo DeSockpuppet
> <cujo@petitmorte.net> got double secret probation for writing:
> >Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in
> >news:g41k14ttuv1o3ltjfovl4evicnvg0udscu@4ax.com:
> >
> >> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
> >>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
> >>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
> >>>
> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
> >>>>>>>wading through your muck.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Haw Haw!
> >>>>>
> >>>>><pats head>
> >>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
> >>>>
> >>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.
> >>>
> >>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
> >>>
> >>>Zip
> >>>Zilch
> >>>Nada
> >>>
> >>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)
> >>
> >> Yay Timmay!

> >
> >VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on, Dimmy!

> Will Dimmy create anything new? Or will Dimmy fall back on his tried
> and true, bottle blonde, one size fits none, vanilla flavored cow flop
> flames?
> Maybe Dimmy can call for a poll and see how well he does, this time.

Dude, yer totally spanked.

On Fri, 02 May 2008 15:35:28 GMT
Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2 May 2008 09:11:08 -0700, in
> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Wolf 253 <snuhwolf@netscape.net>
> bloviated:
> >On Thu, 01 May 2008 12:20:47 -0700
> >Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> On Thu, 1 May 2008 19:11:33 +0000 (UTC), in the land of
> >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Cujo DeSockpuppet
> >> <cujo@petitmorte.net> got double secret probation for writing:
> >>
> >> >Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in
> >> >news:g41k14ttuv1o3ltjfovl4evicnvg0udscu@4ax.com:
> >> >
> >> >> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com>
> >> >> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
> >> >>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
> >> >>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for writing:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
> >> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even bother
> >> >>>>>>>wading through your muck.
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>Haw Haw!
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>><pats head>
> >> >>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got spanked.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Zip
> >> >>>Zilch
> >> >>>Nada
> >> >>>
> >> >>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)
> >> >>
> >> >> Yay Timmay!
> >> >
> >> >VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on, Dimmy!
> >>
> >> Will Dimmy create anything new? Or will Dimmy fall back on his tried
> >> and true, bottle blonde, one size fits none, vanilla flavored cow flop
> >> flames?
> >>
> >> Maybe Dimmy can call for a poll and see how well he does, this time.
> >>

> >Dude, yer totally spanked.

> Now you've done it, Dimmy, dumb as a stump, will slurp that as a
> declaration of his VICTOLLY , after 7 months of complete and utter
> failure.

I need to bother to find out who Timmay is sometime.
OMGZ! Theres a cute squirrel outside being harassed by a magpie!
Hmmm...whats this thing on my hand?
Thats not a finger...

"Wolf 253" <snuhwolf@netscape.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 02 May 2008 15:35:28 GMT
> Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2 May 2008 09:11:08 -0700, in
> > alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Wolf 253

> > bloviated:
> >
> > >On Thu, 01 May 2008 12:20:47 -0700
> > >Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >> On Thu, 1 May 2008 19:11:33 +0000 (UTC), in the land of
> > >> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Cujo DeSockpuppet
> > >> <cujo@petitmorte.net> got double secret probation for writing:
> > >>
> > >> >Daedalus <jade@newtko0ouks.biz> wrote in
> > >> >news:g41k14ttuv1o3ltjfovl4evicnvg0udscu@4ax.com:
> > >> >
> > >> >> On Thu, 01 May 2008 10:12:15 -0700, Aratzio

> > >> >> wrote:
> > >> >>
> > >> >>>On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 21:54:14 +0100, in the land of
> > >> >>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, Timmay!
> > >> >>><timmay@hell-flame-wars.net> got double secret probation for

> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >> >>>>>Santa's Little Helper <none@dev.null> bloviated:
> > >> >>>>>>Aratzio <a6ahlyv02@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > >> >>>>>>
> > >> >>>>>>>PS: Before your voices start clamoring, no, I did not even

> > >> >>>>>>>wading through your muck.
> > >> >>>>>>
> > >> >>>>>>Ratzo limps off into the sunset, tail between his legs...
> > >> >>>>>>
> > >> >>>>>>Haw Haw!
> > >> >>>>>
> > >> >>>>><pats head>
> > >> >>>>>Yes, brave Sir Robin, you just tell yourself that.
> > >> >>>>
> > >> >>>>I wonder how many others would agree that you just got

> > >> >>>
> > >> >>> Six ****ing months of complete failure and the answer is:
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>Zip
> > >> >>>Zilch
> > >> >>>Nada
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>(Insert next specious claim of victory!!!! here)
> > >> >>
> > >> >> Yay Timmay!
> > >> >
> > >> >VICTOLLY is right at the end of the hook you're chewing on,

> > >>
> > >> Will Dimmy create anything new? Or will Dimmy fall back on his

> > >> and true, bottle blonde, one size fits none, vanilla flavored cow

> > >> flames?
> > >>
> > >> Maybe Dimmy can call for a poll and see how well he does, this

> > >>
> > >Dude, yer totally spanked.

> >
> > Now you've done it, Dimmy, dumb as a stump, will slurp that as a
> > declaration of his VICTOLLY , after 7 months of complete and utter
> > failure.
> >

> I need to bother to find out who Timmay is sometime.

___ |\_/| ___
/ \_ |` ' | _/ \
/ \/ \/ \
\/\/\/\ _'253' _ /\/\/\/

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