Tired of Gal being a child.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
What more can I say? Is it just me who's sick of this? Let me know. "My whole thing with you is i DO NOT like any of your opinion.Maybe its nothing personal against u but i dont like ur views or how you talk..." Should I take my dolls and go home?
Silver_dragon87 said:
What more can I say? Is it just me who's sick of this? Let me know. "My whole thing with you is i DO NOT like any of your opinion.Maybe its nothing personal against u but i dont like ur views or how you talk..." Should I take my dolls and go home?
I think you were thinking about urself again and just put my name instead of urs...cause i KNOW your always thinking of yourself.
But that was oh so sweet to consider my name to put in your poll
8_BALL said:
...just because I know you'll ruin any thread you reply to. What the **** is this thread about anyways?...

funny. I kind of feel that way about a lot of people here, but not her. At least she's got the balls to say what she thinks, WITH intelligence and class, and a good back-story to cover her ass. It's not just random **** pulled out of the crack.
Chairman Mao said:
Thats what the ignore feature is there for.

Use it or stop bitching
Exactly, everyone is getting worked up over the wrong reasons (imo)
Hey,I already explained I'm having problems with my keyboard.

The R's work sometimes and sometimes they just don't.

i was kidding......and tipsy
Yeah i will admit...this is getting CHILDISH!
But i am proving a point. And AIG i told u that 8ball was my husband so that would make me his "wifey" LOOK at his profile pic...yeah bad pics but i was way preg. there. N E ways, he will ALWAYS defend me so ...
XD Looks like most people agree with the 'gay gal' XD. Oh well, I guess it's just looks five people who agree with me. Good enough for me!