Tired Ranting about Mental Dicipline


New member
Would you agree that there are more people with mental issues now then ever before, statistically speaking and so on etc…
Would you not logically link society’s tolerance of such things and the acceptance and expansion of the “Prozac nation“ mentality to the explosion of people with mental illness, do these people not breed? Would you simmer down and look at the cause and effect with an open mind, and after doing that project 20,30,40,50…100 years down the road.

No, I don't agree that there are more mental issue now. They are more diagnosed, which does lead to over diagnoses. However, it's not the same as being more. It's just that more people died from their issues, and didn't talk about it as we do now. This is the age of technology where you can learn about something at the tip of finger. However, that doesn't make the condition happen more, it means knowledge is easier accessible. I'm not "simmered" up. I'm looking at it from a very objective perspective. But not having the knowledge 200 years ago didn't mean the condition didn't exsist. Projecting into the future? I foresee better research of the medicines, better knowledge by the doctors and better patient advocacy. Education is what helps a condition, not ignoring the problem. And you didn't answer my question. Do you really believe we have more diabetics because of synthetic insulin? It's the same process.



New member
As far as the past goes, I'm glad I'm not living in the dark ages. "suck it up". That is the worst phrase on earth and should never be used. We don't know about how many suicides happened in the past. I'm wagering many. I hear my family talk about just our family and it happened. It just wasn't broadcast. So that eliminates the elimination theory. I say concentrate on better health care in the future and forget the past.
suck it up mm, but never forget the past or it will surely present itself again in your future.



New member
The good old days included dying from diarrhea and simple cuts, so not so good at all. I am not advocating going backwards and applying leaches and blood letting, I am advocating teaching people and encouraging people in learning how to deal with life from a mental stand point and not just pass out the feel good pills.




Cognitive therapy is always a good thing to learn. I believe in therapy. However, the "feel good pill" comment sits on me wrong. It's not about feeling good. It's about functioning. It's about survival. Sure, maybe some people take them to feel good. At least it's legal. But don't shoot the horse in the *** and say "feel good pill". It discounts the people who take medication to have a functioning life every day. I'll go on the personal line here, I don't take Zoloft to feel good. I take it to survive. And I survive very well. But my dependence on Zoloft isn't a matter of making me feel good every day. Trying to understand people who take it for survival will help discourage the people who take it for a feel good moment.



New member
The final word:



Well folks, you heard it from him. That is his final word. :rolleyes:

Bring it on big boy, you are the kind supreme and we have much to learn from you. Hopefully something as wise as "Wipe on, Wipe off." That's a classic. :cool:



New member
More nothing from less, try to refrain from posting anything more in this thread unless you actually have something other then **** to say.


And who are you to tell me what to post and when to? I stated my case earlier in the thread. You refuse to look outside your little brain to grasp a concept or analogy. You refuse to learn anything from a little gal like me. But, you are a nobody. You can't decide who gets to post and who doesn't. You hate that fact. Bring it big boy.



New member
Come up with anything intelligent to say on this subject yet MM-****&***** or are you going to stay on your knees? In the ****-and the beer- and the puke-and the ****??.

If you want to give up just say Uncle


New member
See you cant just keep transferring your issues like that; The question is do YOU have anything else on your mind besides sucking ****? Well? do ya..punk???.


You probably have never met a woman like me who does quite well without a man or ***, so I can see your confusion. In fact, the thought of your dangling ***** makes me want to become a eunich.



New member
You are such a moron.
  • [ ]I have never propositioned you or expressed any sexual interest in you at all. Any reference I may have made to *** or its genitalia was used in a derogatory manner and in no way suggests that I have any type of fixation or interest in you at all other then to point out the fact that you are a ****-tard.
    [ ]You never answer the questions and you avoid any topic other then ****
    [ ]I have no idea if you are really a woman and I don’t care..You said you wanted to become a eunuch, and yet you say you are a woman. Who cares and shut up.
    [ ]You seem to think that you are some how “special” as a woman, when in-fact you are probably so far down the food chain of humanity that you are not even notice by anyone on a public street.
Anyways…..Ol-worthless-one you still have presented nothing..absolutly nothing



Uhhhhhm, show me where I thought you were interested in me??? What I said was you've never met a woman who didn't need a man. If you think that was directed at you, then you need some reading comprehension guidance. But thank you for proving once again that you are like 99.9% of all men and think only of themselves. I would hate to be corrected at this age.

You are so fun to taunt and play with. You think everything is sexually directed at you. When I havethismuchattraction for you. But keep it coming, cat and mouse with you is exciting.



New member
Since it's 4:19am and I don't feel like reading the entire thread (got to page 9), I'll post some general thoughts.

I think, given our current society where we are constantly trying to fix something, to attain that "perfection," that we've created something worse. Some things have become too complicated that were once simple.

It seems to me, as a few people have already mentioned, some conditions are over-diagnosed, or over-treated. With all our knowledge, and the flaws of a quick fix that are beat into a doctor's brain, we end up treating the symptoms, not the problem. Sure, that's a resounding, "DUH" because you'd think that it would fix everything but.. not really.

Two people could exhibit very similar symptoms that would fall into the category of a mental defficiency, however, one may be more "legitimate" because only a drug could fix it, whereas, maybe just a change of environment, or some new choices could fix someone else.

In the end, we have concerned ourselves so much with treating every little thing that there is very little effort to differentiate between illnesses that need to be carefully treated, and those who just need to re-evaluate things in their lives.

Some people DO need an anti-depressant to get on with their day. Some people just need to get off their ***, call a friend, and have some fun.



New member
MM-****&***** said: (bad rep comment on tired ranting about mental discipline)Let is ******* rest; you just have to have the last word like every other man on earth.

You are so ******* stupid, I was responding to another poster in the thread. While you have abandoned the thread because you
I'm not married, that doesn't mean I don't have a man.
I got it from you.

You probably have never met a woman like me who does quite well without a man or ***, so I can see your confusion. In fact, the thought of your dangling ***** makes me want to become a eunich.
At any rate, I can see why you're divorced! I feel sorry the poor guy! He's lucky to have rid himself of you!

Go smoke pot. I get men without you thinking you about it.
Oh yeah, I'm sure you get some guy to hang around long enough to blow a load of **** down your throat... but how many actually stay to smoke afterwards? ... that's right ... ZERO.

Keep on suckin' !

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