Tizz' 2 cents, better then Dear Abby

RoyalOrleans said:
Ok... I have a question, Madame Tizz...

Last week, you gave me crabs. Would you like them back?

I ain't no indian giver!!! When I give a gift I expect you to keep it forever. I just figured a few pets would mellow you is all :p
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Hold on there RO.

I have to give her back this case of syphillis she gave me five minutes ago.

Hold you horses there, Komrade!

The crabs have syphillis and now I have both. She needs to take these nasty little bastards back NOW!
Nobody apreciated my gifts cry

Besides, I was just regifting here, you need to talk to Phreak about all of this EEEP!