Not sure why you are draggin' Chi into this now, but again, I refer you to this:
She follows the attack line you and Ali have set up pretty well, especially when you two are already in the motion. She also has been one of the few who say I am telling lies about every aspect of my life as you do.
In your mind- you know our intent every time. Now, I cannot speak for Ali, or Chi, but I do not attack you all the time. I even showed you where I was one of the first to welcome you back when you first showed back up here. In your mind- you are always right about us, so there is no way I could every be nice to you. Sure, there are times I slam you- but I do it to everyone. But you can't take a joke. You refuse to take the effort to learn us.
So you do as I asked Ali to do and look at all your posts, just go back 50 posts and tell me how many of those have been nice eddo.
Maybe one, if that so how do you expect me to respond? The last time this subject came up you offered a positive reputation entry as your only example of being nice to me eddo. Nothing has changed sense then.
You even went on a tirade against my spelling eddo......until you messed up yourself (such as your use of "every" instead of "ever" I marked above. You mess up spelling too but only "I" get flammed for it. Why would you flame me for spelling? Why go out of your way to try and call me obese and such? Because all you want to do is attack, sometimes it is for the same reasons Ali does, to defend her friends, other times there seems to be no reason at all for it, you just seem to get off on it.
and for the record- I could care less whether or not we ever become friendly, or if you ever share proof with us of who you really are. I only ever point it out to show you that you aren't as high and mighty as you think you are. Co-habitation is doable, but it'd be a whole lot easier if we didn't all think you were just here to be a jackass.
Well I don't believe you eddo, and you have not offered me one reason to believe you would handle new information about me any better than what you already have. I am slammed almost every day by you and Ali when you twist what you do know into lies to flame me with. If you were not doing that I would gladly share more of myself with you guys but at this point, where is the positive for me?
If "all" of you thought I was a jackass I might believe I had part of the problem with this situation but I get a lot of feedback from people from things like Ali's fake indignation about the "motorboating" from people to prove to me I am not the one pushing this mess but it is instead you two who are pushing it.
I know, I know your usual line that I am a complete know that adds to it, if your going to claim everything I say is a lie...why should I ever try to share with you eddo? There is no way I can ever prove anything to you to get you to stop your attacks because you like to do them too much.
That was one of the reasons I offered Ali my riverhouse, I don't mind helping good people I know would not mess the place up but more than that I saw a chance to finally shut you up with all your claims that I lie about everything. You have been a broken record calling me a liar for over two years as again, where do I see anything positive from you? Do you think calling me a liar all the time will make me want to warm up to you?
Ya know, if you tool half the energy that you spend looking down your nose at us and apply it to trying to actually get to know and understand us (this includes understanding our humor- which you are very bad at)- and things would all smooth out on their own.
Your choice.
Oh don't play that understand your humor **** eddo, I have seen several times where all of you seem to have your moments of not understand each other's humor so you can just forget that ****.
I have asked you many times why I would ever expect humor from you in my direction and you do not answer......because you know you have never given me any reason to believe you would ever be friendly with me eddo.....never.
You mistake my humor as well eddo. I guess you have never taken the time to get to know me either right?
We are humans, we will miss things sometimes but if I miss something you and Ali will try to grind my bones into flour as punnishment when you misunderstand something I have said.
respond to all of this if nothing else eddo
You think me stating facts is looking down my nose. Such as your being angry about me sticking up for MrsK where all this really started. You both said I was talking down to you because I did not understand the "history" with MrsK.
I didn't even know Ali and at that time I was at the Jungle because you invited me so I had a somewhat friendly relationship with you at that point.
I certainly did not know MrsK either so when you and Ali were ripping her apart, I had no dog in that fight eddo. There was no history of agression as we have now to motivate me to speak out against you so why do you think I defended MrsK?
Do you think I was trying to "start" a history of us being at each other's throats eddo? I saw how tenacious you were to flaming Wez and I was seeing how vicious Ali could be with what I saw her posting against MrsK so do you really believe I was motivated to get you mad at me eddo?
I really do not know what you think on this but all I do know is I saw two people (Ali and yourself) ripping apart another person and in my mind, no amount of history justified that leval of hatred and nasty actions so I spoke out against that kind of behavior........behaviors you and Ali have been subjecting me to ever sense. This "war" was started because I dared to question what you two were doing, you have been hostile to me in every way ever sense.
I know you two feel justified in what you do, otherwise you would not do it eddo, but I find it interesting you always fall back on excuses for your bad behaviors, you claim "history" justifies. Well I am sorry but I do not see it that way. Today you guys get along with MrsK, so I guess now she is a good person when before she was "bad" and deserved to be ripped apart? How do you make such swings in behaviors eddo? How can people be both completely bad and deserving of the worse treatment you can imagine and then transform into someone who is your friend? Was there a magic wand involved?
Did she "earn" to be considered a human being from you two in some way? What was it she did to change your opinion of her from evil beast that needed to be E-killed to a nice person who should be your friend?
Did she have to perform for you as your trying to make me perform for you eddo? Did she have to fulfill certain tasks and behave as you wanted her to behave to "purchase" decent trereatment from you two?