To clear this up.....

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GhostX said:
Yep. But I don't do stuff unless I have feelings. :D ... Well except 2 times.. Haha.. I was horny I guess. :p
yea, i dont bother with those, i like to have a bit of a connection before 'taking the plunge' :thumbsup:
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
I thought you were better than that treeves, obviouly I was mistaken. Sad that.
...I aint said **** to you I dunno what you suddenly got against me
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
Yeah humor that needs to stop its ok the first few times but then you go on and on and on.

Firsty the intention of sex is to keep the human population running not for pleasure. TO GIVE BIRTH TO A CHILD, and if you don't have a proper relationship with someone you shouldn't expect to have it.
shes right.
the invention of condoms is for pleasure :D
Treeves said:
...I aint said **** to you I dunno what you suddenly got against me

Look, I'm just saying is that you need to think outside the box before you attack someone. Say woody were to have commited suicide, for not feeling welcome, for being called a hoe. Maybe there are other problems in her life and the b/f thing was the last staw and then people like you come along and just make it worse. Then how would you have felt? You would have been part of the problem. Sometimes instead of arguing for whats right, you have to shut up and deal with the situation gently.
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
Look, I'm just saying is that you need to think outside the box before you attack someone. Say woody were to have commited suicide, for not feeling welcome, for being called a hoe. Maybe there are other problems in her life and the b/f thing was the last staw and then people like you come along and just make it worse. Then how would you have felt? You would have been part of the problem. Sometimes instead of arguing for whats right, you have to shut up and deal with the situation gently.
she shouldnt have lashed out at every male tho, tahts just practically asking to be flamed
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
And contraceptions were probably made by people like you, who just wants the good stuff without the baggage.

People do have relationships. People do have sex, but there are also times when some people have problems and split up. This dosn't mean we dated that person just for sex.
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