To Young to Love?

Shadowed Heart said:
So before I tell my story, I want to know do you think there is such a thing as being too young to love? Just wondering..
you can never be too young to love...
my mum keeps saying i'm too young to know what love is..... but i say wrong. I know what love is, its impossible to be too young to know love. You can't help yourself if you fall in love....its nature
At first I thought it was impossible to be in love so young. But then I met someone, and even though we aren't together anymore. He made me believe that you're never to young to love, but I do believe that you can be to young to understand relationships. And the more we become older and wiser the more we do understand. But no you are never to young to be in love.

I hope that came out right... :)
i agree, and i disagree.
for the majority of people, and im talking in the age limit 15 and under, i dont think there is a lot of potential for "love". When I was younger, i was in a few relationships, which i thought was love, but it was far from it. its wasnt until i was older and truely in love, that I realised the past wasnt love at all. mind you, there are unique cases of younger people, who can be in love, i wont deny that, ive seen it happen.

i honestly think its just up to the individual.
When parents say "your to young to love", i think they are most likely just describing what I have just stated, with that feeling of love, even though it isnt.
shadowfax1007 said:
i agree, and i disagree.
for the majority of people, and im talking in the age limit 15 and under, i dont think there is a lot of potential for "love". When I was younger, i was in a few relationships, which i thought was love, but it was far from it. its wasnt until i was older and truely in love, that I realised the past wasnt love at all. mind you, there are unique cases of younger people, who can be in love, i wont deny that, ive seen it happen.

i honestly think its just up to the individual.
When parents say "your to young to love", i think they are most likely just describing what I have just stated, with that feeling of love, even though it isnt.
that is by far the best way to put it!
well i think no one is ever too young to love

but maybe there's some people are too yong to know how to deal with love !!
Ummm...I think that at age 15 and bellow a person doesn't really know that kinda feeling of love. I mean, of course we do love but in majority only our family and friends... The real love in my opinion is far different from the feeling of falling in love in that age. But there's of course a question: What is the real love to you? Cuz like almost everybody has his own "definition"... I forgot what I wanted to I think you got the idea of my saying... :)
im sure we all know wat love wood be like,maybe not so much the intimacy of a relationship for all of us, but certainly we d know wat love is,wat it feesl like,family wise. i hope that made sense haha

but i spose it wood dpend on the person. everyone has their own ideas,theyve been brought up differently etc. so its hard to say. but i woodnt think ur too young to love,you can always love ur mum and dad ^^
Hazi[LP]Tonz said:
im sure we all know wat love wood be like,maybe not so much the intimacy of a relationship for all of us, but certainly we d know wat love is,wat it feesl like,family wise. i hope that made sense haha

but i spose it wood dpend on the person. everyone has their own ideas,theyve been brought up differently etc. so its hard to say. but i woodnt think ur too young to love,you can always love ur mum and dad ^^

we are talking man to woman love, not family.

so shadowed heart, gonna tell that story?
yer yer i deald with that with a simple "its up to the individual thing" and "i wouldnt think your too young to love"

the family thing was spose to be abit of a lighter moment....
*shurgs* just not on the same wavelength today i spose
Errr sorry....

Okie my story...

I'm 13 years old, and I'm in love will a 16 year old boy... I was 12, and he was 15, when we met in May this year.
I asked this question because I'm not sure if I'm in love. I feel like I am, I tell him and myself that I am. Because I don't know any better I 'spose. If I could know EXACTLY how it felt, I could be sure, but as far as I know, I am in love.
But I've questioned it before. I mean. I was "In love" before I met him. Went out with a 16 year old (Andrew) while I was 12... And we broke up a couple months before I met him.(Will). But the exception here is that, when I was with Andrew, I think it was lust, our "relationship" lasted a little over a month, but us being 'an item' was probably more like two months. In fact, we STILL have arguments as if we were a couple, in fact, some days he tells me that he's in love with me, and once a few weeks ago I told him that I loved him back. Stupid mistake, I know, but I told Will about it and I told Andrew that I didn't really feel that way. And in this relationship, I feel the need to carry things on, the other night he almost dumped me and I tried my hardest to change it. To make it work. Where as with Andrew I wouldn't have done that... I didn't...Anyways..
And also, I guess my next question is, long distance relationships?
Yeah I know... Ok, I might have passed for being in love until that. Where the ding went off in your head saying "No! No way! He's going to ****ing rape her next month!" But no, it's not like that. We don't even plan to meet until he's 18. And I'm 16...
Not even an internet relationship... He calls me on the weekends (only happened this weekend and the one before that so I'm not sure if it's a regular thing yet...) and I guess the rest is online, but I still really love him... At least I think I do.
And here's a link to what happened the other night in case any body's interested...
Shadowed Heart said:
Errr sorry....

Okie my story...

I'm 13 years old, and I'm in love will a 16 year old boy... I was 12, and he was 15, when we met in May this year.
I asked this question because I'm not sure if I'm in love. I feel like I am, I tell him and myself that I am. Because I don't know any better I 'spose. If I could know EXACTLY how it felt, I could be sure, but as far as I know, I am in love.
But I've questioned it before. I mean. I was "In love" before I met him. Went out with a 16 year old (Andrew) while I was 12... And we broke up a couple months before I met him.(Will). But the exception here is that, when I was with Andrew, I think it was lust, our "relationship" lasted a little over a month, but us being 'an item' was probably more like two months. In fact, we STILL have arguments as if we were a couple, in fact, some days he tells me that he's in love with me, and once a few weeks ago I told him that I loved him back. Stupid mistake, I know, but I told Will about it and I told Andrew that I didn't really feel that way. And in this relationship, I feel the need to carry things on, the other night he almost dumped me and I tried my hardest to change it. To make it work. Where as with Andrew I wouldn't have done that... I didn't...Anyways..
And also, I guess my next question is, long distance relationships?
Yeah I know... Ok, I might have passed for being in love until that. Where the ding went off in your head saying "No! No way! He's going to ****ing rape her next month!" But no, it's not like that. We don't even plan to meet until he's 18. And I'm 16...
Not even an internet relationship... He calls me on the weekends (only happened this weekend and the one before that so I'm not sure if it's a regular thing yet...) and I guess the rest is online, but I still really love him... At least I think I do.
And here's a link to what happened the other night in case any body's interested...

Im giving my honest opinion here, after reading that other thread you posted, and this one, so this is just my opinion, not me being rude or that.

I dont think the relationship will last till when your 16 and he is 18.
You said its long distance, there is an age gap and you two have already started fighting. That is 3 things already that, although they might not destroy the relationship, they will make it harder.
Internet relationships are a touchy thing. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont. Sometimes people get hurt, other times they dont.
The problem with internet relationships is that you dont get the whole picture. you only get a certain part of someone. You dont get a full insight into the person, whether you think you do or not.
There is a 3 year gap between you two, and although when your much older, it doesnt seem much, like, married couples etc, but when your 12 years old, and your bf is 3 years older then you, thats a huge thing.
Because of that age gap, you will both be growing up at different stages. When he is 18, there will be so much he will want to do, uni, work, etc etc, whilst you will only be 16 and still studying. Your interests will be different, they will conflict and take time away from each other.
And no offence, but I dont think what you feel is love.
a) because of your age - it just seems too young to feel that sortta powerful feeling - i could be wrong though
b) the things i already read in that previous thread and this one.
Love is an extremely powerful emotion, and you will know it when it happens. When it actually happens, there is no mistaking what it is.
When I was around 14 years old, I dated a few girls, and I thought I was in love, but it was little more then lust. Determining the difference between love and lust can be tricky.

anyway, im tired, I would keep writing but i cant,
good luck
You're very intelligent for a 13 year old.

People also tell me I'm intelligent for my age.

If you think you are mature and responsible enough, I guess it'd be okei. Buuut if I were your mother I wuld be worried about you.
She would be.
If she knew the truth.
She's take my phone, the computers, my library card and everything that would help me get in contact with him.
But she doesn't know that we've never met...
Far as she knows, we were friends before...
rissy hun i dont think your too young to love, but i do think your too young to be in love. loving someone is when you get that fuzzy feeling in your tummy eveytime you see them and when you think about them when they are not there. being in love is so diffrent, you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, settle down and start a family. i know this because i have been there and done it, i loved many boys when i was younger, when we split up i was upset but soon got over it. i am now "in love" i know this because i could never imagine my life without andy, my whole world would collapse without him, hes my soulmate and the one i will spend the rest of my life with.

so yes i do think your old enough to love, anyone is, at any age. as for being in love you will know when that happens because it changes your life forever!!