Today's phrase

Chad:Why didnt you smack her ass it was right in your face man.
Me: I was tempted as hell becuase its like nice and round but i gave that drug up.
*Chad gets up and slaps the chicks ass and walks back over and sits*
Chad: That felt good try it.
Me:Sorry no can do
Chad:Your officially gay
Anyways my phrase has been ____ by nature
like if i felt jealous, id be like Jealous by Nature
Fat by nature
Ididot by Nature
Freak by Nature
Punjabi by Nature etc etc
Apudne te vel me? - your place or mine?

Latine loqui coactus sum - I have this compulsion to speak Latin

Latro! fremo! - Woof woof! Grrrr!

Lege atque lacrima - Read 'em and weep

Luke sum ipse patrem te - Luke, I am your father.

Mei capilli sunt flagrantes - My hair is on fire

Ne feceris ut rideam - Don't make me laugh

Nihil - Nothing

Non Gradus Anus Rodentum! - Not Worth A Rats Ass!

Non sum pisces - I am not a fish