Told LPF story!


New member
I'll consider....i have a ton on my plate as it is, but i think i can give it a go if i have something to work with
so... the story is happening somewhere in Europe... It's bout us (the lpf family) doing a big meet up not everyone of us can't come but most of us find time and do come... Its all happening in 2008 or 2009 which means in sooner future...

ok so here is the start like I imagined it (my part):

Finally the day has come! I'm leaving for two weeks to meet my awesome LPF mates! I'm really excited and can't wait to spend this 2 weeks with them. The hotel we'll stay at seems pretty nice from what I saw on its homepage. Cool thing is that each room will have two beds and I don't know yet with whom I'll share a room. But I'm sure we'll manage all this and have loads of fun! -Jos


Is it ok if everyones part is written from his/her view so its really like a diary entry or should it be different? lol

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