Too many stereotypes at once


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
I don't have a valid reason to be pissed off about this, but I actually screamed and upset my family when I saw this on tv.

They were blaring Rob Zombie music at a nascar race. It made my brain trickle out my ear, trying to get away from the horror.

Nascar dads have their place. They listen to terrible country music. NOT Rob Zombie. Rob Zombie should never, under any circumstances, go anywhere NEAR nascar.

I have no real reason to say that, but I know in my soul that it's a necessity for the proper functioning of the planet. It just IS.
It's easy, if not pleasant.

Imagine a bunch of rednecks driving around in a circle, and then sing- at the top of your voice - DIG through the ditches and BURN through the witches!... etc. It's scary.
I agree that Rob Zombie shouldn't be played at a NASCAR race. In fact, he shoudn't be played anywhere. :p

NASCAR is trying to go mainstream, and quite frankly it is hard to watch. I am quite the NASCAR buff, but not into country music at all. A few years ago at the big race in Phoenix they had Def Leppard perform 5 or 6 songs before the race. I enjoyed it, but very few others in the crowd paid them any attention at all. It was pretty pointless for the track to spend money (which I am sure they got by raising ticket prices) on something like that when most of the people there to wathc the race could have cared less.
Weirder than that is my wife is Puerto Rican and out from work for an injury and she watches CMBC financial news until she gets bored and then turns on CMT and I see these black chicks in line dances in some of the music videos... Well why not? I had to ask my son who Rob Zombie was and he explained and said he also opened Summer Slam... The CMT videos even have gay faggot scenes as well... marketing I guess...
Crispy Critter said:
The CMT videos even have gay faggot scenes as well... marketing I guess...

well you have to have something to watch while listning to annoying drivel.......

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