Top this one! or Funny Video Thread


New member
[ame=]YouTube - Patti Ann Browne aka "Princess Fist in Face."[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - The Notorious Patti Ann Browne[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Patti Ann Browne aka "Cheapshot McSkirtlifter"[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Patti Ann Browne's Red Eye Intros[/ame]

Patti Ann Browne makes my crotch feel tingly.



New member
This is some funny a$$ material by President Obama...

[ame=]YouTube - (Partial) President Obama at Radio & TV Correspondents' Dinner[/ame]


Old Salt

New member
The good thing is that most can't be bothered with voting. Takes too much time out of their partying.

The bad thing is that the ones who do, walk into the polling place and mark their ballots without knowing anything other than their favorite host on MTV recommended the candidate (or the candidate has a really cool slogan).



Active Members
I thought this was funny as ****:

[ame=]YouTube - The Muppets Band: Devil went down to jamaica[/ame]

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