Trivium's new album

hey sygy, welcome back!!

but yeah, like you said, when i got Ascendancy, i didn't listen to anything else for a couple weeks :D i really hope that The Crusade is gonna be as good as Ascendancy.
I've only heard Ascendancy so far and that album just makes me forget about the screaming as 'screaming' and makes me pay more attention to the singing and the instrumentals..:)
yeah, what franka said :D other bands that do the screaming thing, like serious growling/screaming, don't sound that great to me. but trivium, they make it fit with the rest of the song, and they make it sound good :p
sorry bout the double post, had to bump it with some info:

Trivium's myspace account (found here) is now featuring two new tracks titled Anthem and Detonation.

Just thought you guys ought to know :thumbsup:
haha.. well Trivium being emo is bullshit imo.. I just don't get how some people get that idea
People think they're emo because they don't know what emo is. Trivium is metalcore. For those of you who don't know what metalcore is it's Hardcore Punk + Heavy Metal. People will call anything that has remote punk influences emo now a days. I can't wait until the mainstream rock scene phases out this psudeo emo movement because I'm so sick of every band being called emo. -_-