

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2004
Since we have a lot of beginner artists here, I figured there should be a single place to put any tutorials.
These can be tutorials for any program pertaining to graphics.

There's a few simple rules:
1) The tutorial MUST be your own, or, you must have permission from the original author to post it here.
2) Try to keep them as simple as possible.
3) Only one tutorial per post please.
4) Please keep it to links, for our broadband challenged
5) Please put the name of the tutorial & the program for the title of your post.

That's it for rules.
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Vash, you should delete all the poss like mine and jojo's and make this thread strickly for posts with TUT's only so people can have easy accsess and not have a bunch of people posting stupid comments and crap...kno what i mean?