Twitter Anyone?

what's the point...its just another pointless trend, lol
and besides that, it follows the trend of worsening literacy and shorter attention-spans...
It is a great service, I think. It's only the people who have bad literacy skills who make it look bad. I mean it doesn't restrain you from using correct grammer. I think it's good for someone who has a design portfolio site as it allows for quick updates etc. I still think facebook is better though.



New member
lol, nice to spark some reactions...

I dunno whether my language is failing here but does "literacy" in english refer to grammar at all?

besides that...where are all those narcissistic web pages taking society? like, "Im doing this, Im doing that, Im not talking to anyone in person..."

shoot me down if you like...this is my perception of all of this


Shadowed Heart

New member
Love ya, but the thread was started so that other people on Twitter could find people on LPF.

So shut up m'dear. Lol.

Also, a quick stab at your argument, literacy is being able to read and write, so I guess grammer can, but I don't think that's what's implied...

And I just got a Twitter today, so Idk how I feel about it, but I use Facebook regularly (I love it) and I maintain strong relationships with people in person.



Active Members
I don't have Twitter because I have to use it at work so much, so I'm sick of the little thing already.


New member
I don't have Twitter because I have to use it at work so much, so I'm sick of the little thing already.

how long has twitter been out, I think i been living under a rock because I just found out about a few months ago, and saying a few months is stretching it.

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