Two Girlfriends?!

burning monk

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2004
Cairo, egypt
Help!! I seem to have fixed up with two girls but they don't know about it.
The problem is I like them both so I can't choose one or the other.

What do I do??!!!!!!
Yup...They're gonna move this to the Dark Room any second now....:)

And first of all, you are very stupid, but everyone is entitled to stupidity, so I'm not gonna judge you on that. Secondly, don't worry too much about old are you? If you're younger than 20, then what you're doing now is're not ****in attached from the hip to one of these girls, so just enjoy it. Nobody's forcing you to chose either. would be a REAL problem if one, or two, of these girls have boyfriends. Then, my friend, your ass is toast haha.

You can also tell them about each other...if they're friends, then you're too late 'cause friends tell each other everything. Scratch that...GIRLfriends tell each other everything. Or make it into a 'general' topic and be like: "What would you do if I was dating another girl?" :). But I just don't get one thing...are you dating both of them or are they like your actual girlfriends (you know, like making out and stuff like that)?

You can do this...Please don't get all paranoid about it. OR the best thing to do is actually break it off with both of them. Earn yourself the title of "Heartbraker". lol...good luck, man! :)
well eventually you will have to choose lol
otherwise they'll both choose not to date you...

and I don't think I can help you much with choosing...
ooo errr thats a bad ass situation!!! im shite at realtionship advice so i wont try lol, juts came to give you goodluck hon, youre gonna need it!!! <3
damn bro, i have enough trouble getting one girlfreind! lol

but here's my advice, i would date the second one you asked out.
'cause if you were already dateing the first girl when you asked out the second,
then you didnt really think of the first girl when you did,
which means you didnt care about what she thought.
but either way, break up with one of them, or your gonna get into a crap load of trouble with both!!! lol
omega said:
damn bro, i have enough trouble getting one girlfreind! lol

but here's my advice, i would date the second one you asked out.
'cause if you were already dateing the first girl when you asked out the second,
then you didnt really think of the first girl when you did,
which means you didnt care about what she thought.
but either way, break up with one of them, or your gonna get into a crap load of trouble with both!!! lol

wow thats clever
omega said:
thanks, giving advice is one of the things im good at! *or just lucky with sometimes.* lol!

tis very good advice, you should be like the lpf agony aunt...well agony uncle
keza said:
tis very good advice, you should be like the lpf agony aunt...well agony uncle
i've tried that with my own forum, ("you got problems, i'm here to help ya!")
but it's like nobody in the world has problems anymore. :( lol!
acdcrules04 said:
just consider yourself a pimp and hope they don't find out :D
hehe yeah, your a pimp :p but dude they WILL find out, us girls always do and whe they do um.. your roadkill, choose and make it fast.
omega said:
i've tried that with my own forum, ("you got problems, i'm here to help ya!")
but it's like nobody in the world has problems anymore. :( lol!

aww how selfish of them...loads of people have problems here!!!
be the unofficial agony uncle!
keza said:
aww how selfish of them...loads of people have problems here!!!
be the unofficial agony uncle!
thats a good idea keza, i will revive my thred and take the title of the unofficial agony uncle!!!
I know I have to tell tham at some point, what I'm worried about is how I'm gonna tell em. The real worry is that if I tell one, she will then go on and inform the other...

Best case scenario is that they end up bi-curious...
All I can offer is that you follow one piece of advice.

"The heart never speaks, but you must listen to it to know."

When you see both of them, your feelings will pull you to the one you need to be with. Forget what your brain says, forget what your **** says, listen to the little guy in your chest. Whichever girl he pumps the hardest around is the one you need to be with.

And bi-curiosity? Slow down. :D


burning monk said:
I know I have to tell tham at some point, what I'm worried about is how I'm gonna tell em. The real worry is that if I tell one, she will then go on and inform the other...

Best case scenario is that they end up bi-curious...
i quite agree with majinkamahl, appy with what he said to this advice.
dont worry bro, because if you break up with one, the other girl will feel better knowing that you prefered her! :D just let her know that you liked her better of the two, and she would like you more. *but thats only if shes informed, if shes doesent know, leave it that way! :thumbsup: *

but either way, break up with one soon!!! or there will be more trouble than any of what you had before!!!
Okay let me tell you something. Dating two girls at once not smart. Wont earn you any reps with the ladies. This is what you got to do. Sit down and think. Ok, who's better? Who has been the most GF like? Obviously you like em both. So just whoever seems to like u back the most. If the feelings are equal, who do you notice the most? Who do you think about the most?