Two party system (two seperate Herds)


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
"Bush labels himself a Republican so all hail Bush.... Bush can do no wrong..... Anything stating otherwise is propoganda and doesn't need to be proven wrong.....etc"

Or if he labeled himself a Democrate but kept his same beliefs and made the same choices that he has made, the Repugs would be saying,

"Bush labels himself a Democrate so burn in hell Bush....Bush can do no good...anything stating otherwise is bullshit and can't be proven right....etc"

That goes for the Democrates too.

That's how I view the two party system.
Just read some Threads on and
If you mention something on like the Memo that came out recently you'd be called either a Troll,Democrat, or a bunch of other names.
And same with, if you mention something good about Bush you'll be labeled either a Troll or a Republican.
I got my posting privileges revoked on because I disagreed with the rest of the people posting about Terry Schiavo. All I did was show them facts and I instantly was labeled a Troll, and got booted for disagreeing. :confused:
I wasn't being mean or anything. :mad:
And the news programs are accused of being biased towards Republicans by the Democrates when they don't always report negative things about Bush, and the Republicans accuse the news programs of being biased towards the Democrates for not reporting only positive things about Bush.

That really pisses me off!! You just can't disagree with either party without being labeled a Democrat or a Republican.
I am NEITHER a Democrat nor a Republican!!!!
If Bush does something positive I mention it and if he does something wrong I will mention that also.
Talk about being biased geez!! You can get booted of a forum for not agreeing with the people Posting. :mad:
Not here you won't.. we LOVE fighting about it. Only thing that's really gonna get you booted around here is PERSONALLY threatening other members with an act of violence, or by being an IDIOT who won't listen to or respond to an opposing rebutal, but instead chooses to just throw out HATE REMARKS with no substance...

I mean, that just makes sense too... how the hell are you going to debate ANYBODY who just comes off with a ****ing hate remark and nothing else to back it up ??

Its those kind of dipshits that get sent packing..

I HATE ******S, I HATE MEXICANS, I HATE MUSLIMS, I HATE FAGS, I HATE BUSH, I HATE DEMOCRATS, I HATE CHRISTIANS, I HATE, I HATE I HATE... WELL ****ing good for you... now tell us WHY or get the **** out...plain and simple..

I mean would you rather respond to... ******S ARE ****, MONKEYS, COONS, ETC.. Or would you rather respond to... I hate ******S BECAUSE...yada, yada yada...

Its a proven fact, most hatred comes from pure ignorance, or misinformation.

TRUE HATRED, ALWAYS has more information as to WHY.. its the WHY that we are looking for, and its the WHY that keeps this site pretty kick ass.

Its the stupid I hate (INSERT RACE/RELIGION/GROUP HERE) followed by a derogatory stereotyping of the hated subject, that go NO WHERE...

SO HATE AWAY HERE ALL YOU WANT, SOMEONE WILL DISAGREEE WITH YOU, but in the end, your STILL always welcome as long as you can stand your ground with REASONING..

If your lucky, you get to fight with that Fag,******,Mexican,Redneck,Democrat,Muslim...etc.. that you hate so much...

I call that HONOR amongst ASSHOLES. And there are alot of assholes here. And we wouldn't want it any other way.
And that's why I love this forum because I'm allowed to have have my OWN
opinion on subjects and I don't have to be biased in order to post something. :)
phreakwars said:
I call that HONOR amongst ASSHOLES. And there are alot of assholes here. And we wouldn't want it any other way.

True very true. ....i have no problem loathing someone in one thread and praising them in the next

One opinion does not make an entire person. But i do LOVE to pick on those who come out flaming with a nasty attitude with nothing to back it up!

And that's why I love this forum because I'm allowed to have have my OWN
opinion on subjects and I don't have to be biased in order to post something.
and thats good. Insults without reason or backing is a bad thing....and we seem to thrive on that..

back to topic tho....the two party system doesnt least any longer. now my vote is "well which is the lesser of the 2 evils"..and that isnt how it should be.

The logical thing to say is "remove the parties and everything will go fine. Unfortunately they need money and backing (and not like the 2 party system...with money and backing that doesnt have a clear agenda...)...

so it wont work to just open it up to everyone because it would be chaos as we the canidates wouldnt have the funding to share their ideas with the masses... would work to remove the lables....and add more parties...all given equal venue on tv and print ads....Say 6 parties....But none with any clear agenda....other than each canidate has a different plan...a screening process could be had somehow and we could have several choices....But

im dreaming arent i.....
Logically the only partys that could be included are a CENTRIST and a LIBERTARIAN.

Nobody would EVER go for a Statist party.

The only problem with a Libretarian party (which I am all for) is a Libretarian would somehow fall into the Liberal or Conservative category somehow because of a view or 2, and would only end up cancelling out a party that SHOULD have won because of Electoral votes.

Case in point, CLINTON'S WIN !!

Could have been an iffy..
Right there with you! I gave up on the two party system awhile back.....

Both parties have sold this country down the shitter! (Right along with those Qu'rans! :D )

Go to this thread and take the quiz.....find out what your political leanings say to your findings, and take the poll!

http://Off Topic

wolvesslasher said:
"Bush labels himself a Republican so all hail Bush.... Bush can do no wrong..... Anything stating otherwise is propoganda and doesn't need to be proven wrong.....etc"

Or if he labeled himself a Democrate but kept his same beliefs and made the same choices that he has made, the Repugs would be saying,

"Bush labels himself a Democrate so burn in hell Bush....Bush can do no good...anything stating otherwise is bullshit and can't be proven right....etc"

That goes for the Democrates too.

That's how I view the two party system.
Just read some Threads on and
If you mention something on like the Memo that came out recently you'd be called either a Troll,Democrat, or a bunch of other names.
And same with, if you mention something good about Bush you'll be labeled either a Troll or a Republican.
I got my posting privileges revoked on because I disagreed with the rest of the people posting about Terry Schiavo. All I did was show them facts and I instantly was labeled a Troll, and got booted for disagreeing. :confused:
I wasn't being mean or anything. :mad:
And the news programs are accused of being biased towards Republicans by the Democrates when they don't always report negative things about Bush, and the Republicans accuse the news programs of being biased towards the Democrates for not reporting only positive things about Bush.

That really pisses me off!! You just can't disagree with either party without being labeled a Democrat or a Republican.
I am NEITHER a Democrat nor a Republican!!!!
If Bush does something positive I mention it and if he does something wrong I will mention that also.
Talk about being biased geez!! You can get booted of a forum for not agreeing with the people Posting. :mad: