Big difference between choosing to smoke and not choosing to get sick or injured. Is that REALLY your counter arguement against me, TSTKYS?
My concern was for the unfair taxes imposed on the poor who smoke Bender, I feel compassion for anyone who is unfairly targeted by big Government.
I went without insurance coverage in my life and that was one of the driving motivations for me to improve my situation. If the Government gives medical care away for free you remove one of the reasons for people to work harder.
Because I'm not an **** hole like you who doesn't care if others suffer.
So the only way a person can care is if we create a massive, wasteful, all powerful Government to live our lives for us? Really? That is the limit of a Progressive mind to find solutions to their problems?
I care about people Bender, I care so much I don't want to add to the condition that transforms them all into unmotivated and dependent half-humans just to buy their votes. A Christian does not want to transform a human into an animal and kept in a pasture waiting for the Governemnt to feed and take care of them.
Yeah, tell that to all the food service workers, all the convenience store clerks, all the mall outlet workers, and etc, who do put in 40+ or more hours a week and already have to put up with Republican encouraged lower wages who can't afford insurance.
People like this only get knocked down by people like you and told they are looking for a hand out.
That is called starting out in life Bender. Why do you believe everyone should start out their life with the Government providing everything their first day of work?
I was one of those people Bender, I had to start over twice. I today feel a great deal of accomplishment and pride that I was able to climb out of that mess and find better. This is the American dream Bender, to find success by the sweat of your brow, not have it handed to you without earning it by an all powerful Government who took success away from someone else.
How would they be "NOT EARNING IT" if they paid a certain percentage of their paycheck for health care? I'd GLADLY pay 4 or even 5 times as much now into Medicare for a government run plan then I would the rates my wife and I pay now. I call that free money to someone else for no good reason at all.
Wait a second, first you say they earned the "help" then you say your willing to pay more. Either someone earns their way in life or they don't. It seems you Progressives believe that just being alive in America means the Government owes you something.
You want to give away your money then do it, but don't put the Government Gun to my head and force me to give my money to the people too lazy to improve their life the way I worked hard to improve mine.
See my previous response and welcome to the party. Now if you try saying no, that this would include others who have no job, your wrong, we already have a system for those people, remember? You said it yourself.
Stop dodging the question, I asked you how you "help" without using money taken from other people, you still have not answered that question. In your comment above you admitted you would have to pay 4 times as much in taxes to pay for a Government system and this is my point. Why should the Government be in the business of playing Robin Hood?
Yes they are, your not parroting empty data, emprty evidence Republican scare tactic talking points. As for Rationing care... if I want rationed care, I'd stick with an insurance company.
You are the guy parroting socialist talking points Bender, you can't offer even one example of a Government run system that offers even basic care decently.
The Canadian system rations care and it even takes 15 months to get an MRI done once it is prescribed but getting it prescribed is even harder.
For some reason you think an all powerful Government will be "nicer" than a private insurance company but your missing one very big part. An Insurance company is a private business with competition and they must at least try to keep their customers happy or they will go somewhere else. With an all powerful Government system, there are no other options and they don't have to worry about you going to the competition. You can't sue them for treating you poorly and you can't use public opinion to change how they do things. Once an all powerful Government takes over, your trapped into taking whatever they are willing to give and you can just keep your mouth shut about your complaints for all the good it will do you.
Why don't you rephrase that to "VERY LITTLE WASTE IN GETTING THE INVESTOR SOME PROFITS OFF THE BACKS OF POLICY HOLDERS" and you might be getting somewhere.
Why do you Progressives believe making a profit is bad or evil? It is the profits that offer the ability for companies to do research and create new drugs to cure disease, it drives medical adbances for new ways to operate and offer less invasive methods to treat patients. Making money in the medical world is responsible for 99% of the modern medical treatments you can get Bender. Take away the ability to make money and you end up like Canda, having to ship patients to another Country because you could not afford to keep up. America takes some of their premature births, some of their brain injuries, and many other special medical cases like the recent story of the woman from canada who had to be cut in half to save her life all because in Canada an earlt MRI to catch cancer early was not offered.
And the boogeyman is real.
In some ways yes, they can be real. The real boogyman is the big all powerful Government run by people who could not run a McDonald's without being fired. We are placing massive amounts of money and power in the hands of lazy, unmotivated Government workers.
You mean like insurance companies already do? Like buy PPO plan because we'd rather you goto this guy even though you'd rather go to this guy? Your losing me here dude.
I guess you are loss because you can never seem to grasp the concept I point out to you. I have private insurance and get treatment sometimes the same day and had an MRI two days after it was ordered one time so where is the Insurance rationing you speak of? Sure there may be a issue finding a doctor if you don't already have one that is accepted by your system but that can easily be avoided by setting up your doctors ahead of time before your sick. Your PPO you speak of still lets you go to any doctor, they just don't pay as much to the non-included doctor.
A all powerful Government system will turn my two day wait for my MRI to 15 months because MRI's are expensive and they must control costs. The same thing for all sorts of expensive medical treatments and medications.
No, you can pay for your own because you can afford it. You don't make minimum wage. Let's just be honest here, no need to politicize it or justify it with an excuse of "earning" the right.
You want to be honest all of a sudden? Okay, how about this, I am able to "afford it" because I went out there and "earned" the money used to pay for it? Do you think I always had plenty of money to pay for health insurance? I was motivated by my need to care for my children and myself to go out there and improve my life and "earn" enough money to pay for things like my insurance coverage.
You Progressives are the ultimate bigots and racists because you believe some people can't earn their own way through life. You look down your nose at some people and say to yourself, they need the Government to step in because they don't have the ability to find a better life on their own.
Well you are a professional, you have it down to an art. I guess you'd know the difference between acting and being a total moron.
I have my doubts about you sometimes, like when you tried to claim Obama never promised to not raise taxes. Sometimes you seem out of touch with what is really happening in the world.
Failure of progressives.. Refresh my memory... how many jobs were saved by GM not going under?
And on the backs of how many tax payers? We don't know if these jobs are "saved" yet, they are surviving on the Governmnet *** right now and we have to wait and see if they can create vehicles people want to buy at a rate to cover their expenses and create a profit. If they never get off the Government *** then these jobs are not saved, they are propped up only through massive waste of taxpayer dollars.
But hey, at least the over paid Unions are happy right now and we know that is really all the Progressives want anyway.
Where are you getting your data from? Glenn Beck?
Again, you not being informed of even the most basic facts is disturbing:
Mr. Grassley heard back from the Treasury last Tuesday. Herbert M. Allison Jr., assistant secretary for financial stability, confirmed that the money G.M. used to repay its bailout loan had come from a taxpayer-financed escrow account held for the automaker at the Treasury.
gives a sh t if Obama fired the CEO? Obviously the guy was ******* up the place and needed to go. If I'm a banker and I give you a car loan, you **** well better be taking care of it while you owe me money, that's why I'll make you get full coverage on it. I gotta protect my *** too. And in the case of the CEO, Obama was just protecting the tax payers *****.
Don't forget new regulations and direct involvement in what GM will offer the public in vehicle selection.
The Government now owns and runs a car company, as I had already pointed out. If Obama is fireing and hiring people that should make it very clear.
Bullshit x10 Employee pay & benefits amounted to a very very tiny fraction of operating costs. I can't believe you would use a bullshit line like that. It was the corporate guys **** poor business practice. Typical job owners response is ALWAYS to blame the monkeys, no matter what.
The benefits package for retired workers (only the retired ones, not the ones actually building cars) of the UAW exceeds the entire pay of all the employees of Nissan.
If you have a car loan with me, do I own your car? What about after you've made the last payment, do I still own it? Your "GOVERNMENT CONTROLS THIS AND THAT" argument is quite lame, not to mention 100% false.
Again, you not knowing very basic facts about the Government ownership of GM is very sad.
Most of the money spent by Obama through the tARP program was to buy GM, not give it a loan, well there were a few loans, but most of the 52.4 billion Obama spent on GM was to take majority ownership of GM.