Upgrade some loyal members

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New member
Upgrade some loyal members

me and peter have been thinkin: Like we all know we got alot of spam on lpf and i dont think we can controle it so to help to controle it i think Jeezy, Black Angel , ravynlee. Diana and Jojo (crazy robster) who are all loyal should be given elite status..

and fiona (stupidsoul1) and Greyfoxx should be mods.

this is a petition so if you agree plz say yes in your post. remember this is not only to stop spamming but also to reward loyal and active members... thank you.

if i forgot some of the old, loyal and active member sorry just name em here....



Active Members
wow...thanks...I feel honored...and yeah....Alison , ravynlee. Diana and Jojo really deserve to be elite members...and Fiona and Greyfoxx deserve to be mods....

but I guess it's not our decission...



New member
ya jeezy really you can name yourself.. you are one of the members that keep this place together with your "just ask jeezy for music" and all your posts..

yar upgrade them!!!!



New member
Well theirs a reason their Staff...

But it's really up to'em

But I would have to say Fi and Meaghan.

Their Jeezy would be a good elite too also jojo

But let'em do what they want...Cause their the staff o_O

And they have power. o.o;



New member
i think you should also be elite by_my_$elf..

but ya its up to -=*THEM*=- to decide if they will upgrade some members...

well they dont have to upgrade everyone but some of em REALLY have earnd it...



New member
Thanks...but it's okay just glad to be a member here.

and well it would be cool to see some new elites.

But they choose when it's time to have new elites every couple months...



New member
the thing is, we aresnt requesting this cuz "its about time". its becasue we feel its necasary! maybe delay the elites bit but we need moire mods asap!


New member
We do need More mods...

but thats why us members report Spam to help'em out

it's between the mods and members to help out the spam,member prob,etc



New member
We do need More mods...but thats why us members report Spam to help'em out

it's between the mods and members to help out the spam,member prob,etc
we were discussing that the mods we have now arent on anough to be abled to keep spam to a minimum. the more the better.

problem is, if they were giving it out to ppl wh were on at certain times, id have to be one cuz there are some time when im the only one here adn i dont want to be mod :(




New member
the thing is' date=' we aresnt requesting this cuz "its about time". its becasue we feel its necasary! maybe delay the elites bit but we need moire mods asap![/quote']agreed but i do think making people like jeezy and diana elite is about time.... really

rofl peter dont lie we all wanne be a mod XD


New member
Well yes But I can wait if theirs spam

I think it's fine with the mods we have now.

And I'll finishe up later on.

Well maybe upgrade 1 member thats on all the time.

in my point of view.



New member
Yea, I know but...the thing is that,

We'll have to wait and see what the staff thinks bout this.

Cause this is where they step in and talk it over.



New member
but upgrading them all can only be good... nothing bad can come from it and it will stop spamming more. thats my view on things.
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