Urgent Memo To All Brain-Dead Leftists - Everywhere



Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'

Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.

It has nothing to do with John McCain.

It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim

It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold

Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
innocent Muslim men and women.

It has nothing to do with us.



Islamic Fanatics Planned To Blow Up At Least Seven Transatlantic


A GANG of Islamic fanatics plotted to blow at least seven airliners
out of the sky as they crossed the Atlantic, creating a death toll "on
an almost unprecedented scale", a court heard yesterday.

The eight men accused of planning to bring down the planes in August
2006 could have been targeting as many as 18 flights, the jury was
told. Liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks were to have been
smuggled on to the planes and assembled on board. The bombs would all
have detonated in under three hours.

Security services would have been powerless to halt the plot as all
the flights, out of Heathrow and destined for the United States or
Canada, would have been in mid-air at the time of the first blast.

Outlining the case, which brought chaos to UK airports when stringent
rules on carrying liquids on board were imposed after the men were
arrested, Peter Wright, QC, prosecuting, said some of the plotters had
been ready to sacrifice their own lives.

He said: "What these men intended to bring about was a violent and
deadly statement of intent that would have truly global impact.

"These men and others were actively involved in a deadly plan designed
to bring about what would have been, had they been successful, a
civilian death toll from an act of terrorism on an almost
unprecedented scale. Fortunately. they were arrested before they could
put those plans into effect."

Three men
I will not read this bullshit!..I already know you're a idiot.

"Clay" <clayonline@lycos.com> wrote in message
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.
> It has nothing to do with John McCain.
> It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> Webb.
> It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> Schwartznegger.
> Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> innocent Muslim men and women.
> It has nothing to do with us.
> -C-
> ==============================
> Islamic Fanatics Planned To Blow Up At Least Seven Transatlantic
> Flights
> A GANG of Islamic fanatics plotted to blow at least seven airliners
> out of the sky as they crossed the Atlantic, creating a death toll "on
> an almost unprecedented scale", a court heard yesterday.
> The eight men accused of planning to bring down the planes in August
> 2006 could have been targeting as many as 18 flights, the jury was
> told. Liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks were to have been
> smuggled on to the planes and assembled on board. The bombs would all
> have detonated in under three hours.
> Security services would have been powerless to halt the plot as all
> the flights, out of Heathrow and destined for the United States or
> Canada, would have been in mid-air at the time of the first blast.
> Outlining the case, which brought chaos to UK airports when stringent
> rules on carrying liquids on board were imposed after the men were
> arrested, Peter Wright, QC, prosecuting, said some of the plotters had
> been ready to sacrifice their own lives.
> He said: "What these men intended to bring about was a violent and
> deadly statement of intent that would have truly global impact.
> "These men and others were actively involved in a deadly plan designed
> to bring about what would have been, had they been successful, a
> civilian death toll from an act of terrorism on an almost
> unprecedented scale. Fortunately. they were arrested before they could
> put those plans into effect."
> Three men - Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Mohammed Gulzar - were
> named as the masterminds of the plot. They often met at a flat in
> Walthamstow, east London, where police later discovered what they
> believed to be bomb-making materials.
> After watching the alleged conspirators for months, police swooped on
> Ali in a London car park. They found a computer memory stick
> containing details of one-way flights out of Heathrow's terminal
> three. The flights, with capacities for up to 285 people, were bound
> for San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, New York, plus two
> to Chicago.
> Mr Wright said the jury at Woolwich Crown Court might conclude that
> the defendants were "almost ready to put their plot into practice" at
> the time of their arrests. "The disaster they contemplated was not
> long off," he said.
> The accused and others were prepared to board the aircraft carrying
> their "deadly cargo" and detonate it in flight, he said. "They were
> prepared to board an aircraft with the necessary ingredients and
> equipment to construct and detonate a device that would bring about
> not only the loss of their own lives but also all of those who
> happened by chance to be taking the same journey," he said
> Mr Wright, who described the defendants as having the "cold-eyed
> certainty of the fanatic", said there was evidence that they planned
> to bring down more than seven flights. Two of the alleged plotters had
> spoken of other terminals and as many as 18 suicide bombers.
> The aim was to use syringes to inject a hydrogen peroxide mixture into
> 500ml plastic bottles of soft drinks Oasis and Lucozade - hydrogen
> peroxide can be bought legally but develops "explosive properties"
> when combined with an organic material. A sugary drink called Tang
> would have been added to add extra force to the explosion, the court
> was told. The detonation would have been caused using another
> substance, that was to have been concealed in AA 1.5 volt batteries,
> and the bulb or flash from a disposable camera.
> The prosecution said a "blueprint" of the plot, hand-written by Ali,
> was found in his diary. He planned to place a pornographic magazine
> and a condom in his luggage to distract attention from the explosives.
> The jury saw pages from the diary in which he apparently refers to how
> the materials for the bombs were to be transported on to the aircraft.
> On one page, he wrote: "Select date, five days before jet. All link
> up.
> "Dirty mag to distract, condom.
> "One drink use, other keep in pocket, maybe will not get through."
> Mr Wright said: "These flights were particularly vulnerable to a
> co-ordinated attack upon them while in flight. If each of these
> aircraft was successfully blown up, the potential for loss of life was
> indeed considerable. And there would be little, if any, chance of
> saving any of them from their impending disaster."
> He said police had watched several members of the gang for many
> months. "From what had been observed in the days and months prior to
> the arrests, it was realised that these men, together with others,
> were engaged in some sort of terrorist plot," he said.
> Speaking about Ali and Sarwar, he said: "Although these men lived some
> distance apart, they were known to each other. They shared a common
> interest. It was an interest . that involved inflicting heavy
> casualties on an unwitting civilian population, all in the name of
> Islam. They intended to construct and detonate a device that would
> bring about not only the loss of their own lives but also all those
> that happened to be taking, by chance, the same journey."
> Ali, Sarwar and Gulzar, together with Tanvir Hussain, Ibrahim Savant,
> Arafat Waheed Khan, Waheed Zaman and Umar Islam, deny conspiracy to
> murder and to endanger the safety of an aircraft between January and
> August 2006.
> The trial continues.
> Huge security alert
> THE alleged airline terrorism plot led to a range of security measures
> being implemented which left Britain with one of the strictest
> pre-flight security routines in the world. Much tougher constraints on
> the size of hand luggage and more security searches of passengers were
> introduced.
> Passengers were advised to arrive earlier than usual at airports to
> allow time for security checks - but many complained about this
> leading to massive queues and delays.
> Hand luggage was to consist of only essential items, such as wallets
> and passports, which had to be carried in a clear plastic bag through
> security.
> More armed police officers, both uniformed and plain-clothes, were
> deployed at airports.
> At the height of the alert airports around the country were brought to
> a standstill, with many inbound and outbound flights cancelled and
> increased security measures imposed.
> The threat level to the UK was raised by MI5 to critical after the
> arrests in London, High Wycombe and Birmingham. Critical threat level
> - the highest - means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates
> an extremely high level of threat to the UK".
> Airlines including Ryanair and Virgin Atlantic reacted with anger and
> legal threats.
> Seven passenger planes 'singled out for destruction'
> THE plotters researched details of scores of departures from Heathrow
> to north America, but appeared to single out seven flights, the court
> heard.
> A computer memory stick belonging to Abdulla Ahmed Ali was found to
> contain flight timetables, baggage information and security advice on
> restricted items.
> The jury was shown information from the memory stick listing departure
> and arrival times, aircraft types and the length of the flights.
> But there was only information on outgoing flights.
> The sorts of aircraft researched included 777, 767 and 763 jets with a
> passenger capacity of between 285 and 241 people.
> Seven particular flights from Heathrow's Terminal 3 to Canada and the
> United States were highlighted on Ali's memory stick, the jury was
> told.
> They departed daily to six major cities, setting off within two hours
> 35 minutes of each other.
> The seven flights were:
> &149 1415 United Airlines Flight 931 to San Francisco;
> &149 1500 Air Canada Flight 849 to Toronto;
> &149 1515 Air Canada Flight 865 to Montreal;
> &149 1540 United Airlines Flight 959 to Chicago;
> &149 1620 United Airlines Flight 925 to Washington;
> &149 1635 American Airlines Flight 139 to New York;
> . 1650 American Airlines Flight 91 to Chicago.
> Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said: "These flights were particularly
> vulnerable to a co-ordinated attack upon them while in flight.
> "If each of these aircraft was successfully blown up the potential for
> loss of life was indeed considerable. And there would be little if any
> chance of saving any of them."
> He added: "For when the mid-flight explosions began the authorities
> would be unable to prevent the other flights from meeting a similar
> fate as they would already be in mid air and carrying their deadly
> cargo."
> Mr Wright said there is evidence the conspirators had ambitions to
> bring down more than just seven aircraft.
> He said in recorded conversations, two of the men made reference to
> different terminals and as many as 18 suicide bombers being involved.
> The alleged bombers' methods - obviously with some details missing for
> security reasons - were outlined in court yesterday.
> This is what the Crown claims:
> Main charge made from hydrogen peroxide mixed with other chemicals.
> Chemicals mixed with sugary powdered drink named Tang to add power to
> blasts and aid subterfuge.
> Mixture injected into base of 500ml plastic bottles of Oasis and
> Lucozade. Hole sealed with Super Glue. Cap left factory-sealed.
> Charge detonated with another chemical made from mixture of freely
> available household and commercial ingredients.
> Detonator concealed inside AA 1.5-volt batteries, plugged with foam.
> Detonator powered by disposable camera.
On Apr 6, 9:56 pm, Clay <clayonl...@lycos.com> wrote:
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.
> It has nothing to do with John McCain.
> It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> Webb.
> It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> Schwartznegger.
> Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> innocent Muslim men and women.
> It has nothing to do with us.
> -C-
> ==============================
> Islamic Fanatics Planned To Blow Up At Least Seven Transatlantic
> Flights
> A GANG of Islamic fanatics plotted to blow at least seven airliners
> out of the sky as they crossed the Atlantic, creating a death toll "on
> an almost unprecedented scale", a court heard yesterday.
> The eight men accused of planning to bring down the planes in August
> 2006 could have been targeting as many as 18 flights, the jury was
> told. Liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks were to have been
> smuggled on to the planes and assembled on board. The bombs would all
> have detonated in under three hours.
> Security services would have been powerless to halt the plot as all
> the flights, out of Heathrow and destined for the United States or
> Canada, would have been in mid-air at the time of the first blast.
> Outlining the case, which brought chaos to UK airports when stringent
> rules on carrying liquids on board were imposed after the men were
> arrested, Peter Wright, QC, prosecuting, said some of the plotters had
> been ready to sacrifice their own lives.
> He said: "What these men intended to bring about was a violent and
> deadly statement of intent that would have truly global impact.
> "These men and others were actively involved in a deadly plan designed
> to bring about what would have been, had they been successful, a
> civilian death toll from an act of terrorism on an almost
> unprecedented scale. Fortunately. they were arrested before they could
> put those plans into effect."
> Three men - Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Mohammed Gulzar - were
> named as the masterminds of the plot. They often met at a flat in
> Walthamstow, east London, where police later discovered what they
> believed to be bomb-making materials.
> After watching the alleged conspirators for months, police swooped on
> Ali in a London car park. They found a computer memory stick
> containing details of one-way flights out of Heathrow's terminal
> three. The flights, with capacities for up to 285 people, were bound
> for San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, New York, plus two
> to Chicago.
> Mr Wright said the jury at Woolwich Crown Court might conclude that
> the defendants were "almost ready to put their plot into practice" at
> the time of their arrests. "The disaster they contemplated was not
> long off," he said.
> The accused and others were prepared to board the aircraft carrying
> their "deadly cargo" and detonate it in flight, he said. "They were
> prepared to board an aircraft with the necessary ingredients and
> equipment to construct and detonate a device that would bring about
> not only the loss of their own lives but also all of those who
> happened by chance to be taking the same journey," he said
> Mr Wright, who described the defendants as having the "cold-eyed
> certainty of the fanatic", said there was evidence that they planned
> to bring down more than seven flights. Two of the alleged plotters had
> spoken of other terminals and as many as 18 suicide bombers.
> The aim was to use syringes to inject a hydrogen peroxide mixture into
> 500ml plastic bottles of soft drinks Oasis and Lucozade - hydrogen
> peroxide can be bought legally but develops "explosive properties"
> when combined with an organic material. A sugary drink called Tang
> would have been added to add extra force to the explosion, the court
> was told. The detonation would have been caused using another
> substance, that was to have been concealed in AA 1.5 volt batteries,
> and the bulb or flash from a disposable camera.
> The prosecution said a "blueprint" of the plot, hand-written by Ali,
> was found in his diary. He planned to place a pornographic magazine
> and a condom in his luggage to distract attention from the explosives.
> The jury saw pages from the diary in which he apparently refers to how
> the materials for the bombs were to be transported on to the aircraft.
> On one page, he wrote: "Select date, five days before jet. All link
> up.
> "Dirty mag to distract, condom.
> "One drink use, other keep in pocket, maybe will not get through."
> Mr Wright said: "These flights were particularly vulnerable to a
> co-ordinated attack upon them while in flight. If each of these
> aircraft was successfully blown up, the potential for loss of life was
> indeed considerable. And there would be little, if any, chance of
> saving any of them from their impending disaster."
> He said police had watched several members of the gang for many
> months. "From what had been observed in the days and months prior to
> the arrests, it was realised that these men, together with others,
> were engaged in some sort of terrorist plot," he said.
> Speaking about Ali and Sarwar, he said: "Although these men lived some
> distance apart, they were known to each other. They shared a common
> interest. It was an interest ... that involved inflicting heavy
> casualties on an unwitting civilian population, all in the name of
> Islam. They intended to construct and detonate a device that would
> bring about not only the loss of their own lives but also all those
> that happened to be taking, by chance, the same journey."
> Ali, Sarwar and Gulzar, together with Tanvir Hussain, Ibrahim Savant,
> Arafat Waheed Khan, Waheed Zaman and Umar Islam, deny conspiracy to
> murder and to endanger the safety of an aircraft between January and
> August 2006.
> The trial continues.
> Huge security alert
> THE alleged airline terrorism plot led to a range of security measures
> being implemented which left Britain with one of the strictest
> pre-flight security routines in the world. Much tougher constraints on
> the size of hand luggage and more security searches of passengers were
> introduced.
> Passengers were advised to arrive earlier than usual at airports to
> allow time for security checks - but many complained about this
> leading to massive queues and delays.
> Hand luggage was to consist of only essential items, such as wallets
> and passports, which had to be carried in a clear plastic bag through
> security.
> More armed police officers, both uniformed and plain-clothes, were
> deployed at airports.
> At the height of the alert airports around the country were brought to
> a standstill, with many inbound and outbound flights cancelled and
> increased security measures imposed.
> The threat level to the UK was raised by MI5 to critical after the
> arrests in London, High Wycombe and Birmingham. Critical threat level
> - the highest - means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates
> an extremely high level of threat to the UK".
> Airlines including Ryanair and Virgin Atlantic reacted with anger and
> legal threats.
> Seven passenger planes 'singled out for destruction'
> THE plotters researched details of scores of departures from Heathrow
> to north America, but appeared to single out seven flights, the court
> heard.
> A computer memory stick belonging to Abdulla Ahmed Ali was found to
> contain flight timetables, baggage information and security advice on
> restricted items.
> The jury was shown information from the memory stick listing departure
> and arrival times, aircraft types and the length of the flights.
> But there was only information on outgoing flights.
> The sorts of aircraft researched included 777, 767 and 763 jets with a
> passenger capacity of between 285 and 241 people.
> Seven particular flights from Heathrow's Terminal 3 to Canada and the
> United States were highlighted on Ali's memory stick, the jury was
> told.
> They departed daily to six major cities, setting off within two hours
> 35 minutes of each other.
> The seven flights were:
> &149 1415 United Airlines Flight 931 to San Francisco;
> &149 1500 Air Canada Flight 849 to Toronto;
> &149 1515 Air Canada Flight 865 to Montreal;
> &149 1540 United Airlines Flight 959 to Chicago;
> &149 1620 United Airlines Flight 925 to Washington;
> &149 1635 American Airlines Flight 139 to New York;
> 1650 American Airlines Flight 91 to Chicago.
> Peter Wright QC, prosecuting, said: "These flights were particularly
> vulnerable to a co-ordinated attack upon them while in flight.
> "If each of these aircraft was successfully blown up the potential for
> loss of life was indeed considerable. And there would be little if any
> chance of saving any of them."
> He added: "For when the mid-flight explosions began the authorities
> would be unable to prevent the other flights from meeting a similar
> fate as they would already be in mid air and carrying their deadly
> cargo."
> Mr Wright said there is evidence the conspirators had ambitions to
> bring down more than just seven aircraft.
> He said in recorded conversations, two of the men made reference to
> different terminals and as many as 18 suicide bombers being involved.
> The alleged bombers' methods - obviously with some details missing for
> security reasons - were outlined in court yesterday.
> This is what the Crown claims:
> Main charge made from hydrogen peroxide mixed with other chemicals.
> Chemicals mixed with sugary powdered drink named Tang to add power to
> blasts and aid subterfuge.
> Mixture injected into base of 500ml plastic bottles of Oasis and
> Lucozade. Hole sealed with Super Glue. Cap left factory-sealed.
> Charge detonated with another chemical made from mixture of freely
> available household and commercial ingredients.
> Detonator concealed inside AA 1.5-volt batteries, plugged with foam.
> Detonator powered by disposable camera.

More wacky conspiracy horseshit.
There is no doubt that there are terrorists around the world who wish
to attack the United States any way they can. I don't think any
serious person is arguing otherwise. What the debate is or should be
is what do we do? Do we invade every country that has a terrorist
cell? Every nation on earth has at least a small group of people who
could do serious damage to America so shall we invade every country?

Why not, instead, make it very difficult to get into this country?
All of the illegal aliens here prove that anyone can get in without
much trouble. Our fighting them over there isn't really keeping them
over there. That nonsensical approach is so logically flawed that
anyone who can think can see the flaws.

Why not, instead of attacking people and thus creating more people who
hate us, we try to resolve our problems diplomatically? Why are the
terrorists attacking us? It's not because they hate freedom,
democracy, and all of the other nonsense spewed by the rightwing.
On Apr 6, 7:56 pm, Clay <clayonl...@lycos.com> wrote:
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.
> It has nothing to do with John McCain.
> It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> Webb.
> It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> Schwartznegger.
> Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> innocent Muslim men and women.
> It has nothing to do with us.
> -C-

What is your point?

Sri Bodhi Prana
Clay wrote:
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.
> It has nothing to do with John McCain.
> It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> Webb.
> It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> Schwartznegger.
> Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> innocent Muslim men and women.
> It has nothing to do with us.
> -C-
> ==============================
> Islamic Fanatics Planned To Blow Up At Least Seven Transatlantic
> Flights
> A GANG of Islamic fanatics plotted to blow at least seven airliners
> out of the sky as they crossed the Atlantic, creating a death toll "on
> an almost unprecedented scale", a court heard yesterday.
> The eight men accused of planning to bring down the planes in August
> 2006 could have been targeting as many as 18 flights, the jury was
> told. Liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks were to have been
> smuggled on to the planes and assembled on board. The bombs would all
> have detonated in under three hours.
> Security services would have been powerless to halt the plot as all
> the flights, out of Heathrow and destined for the United States or
> Canada, would have been in mid-air at the time of the first blast.
> Outlining the case, which brought chaos to UK airports when stringent
> rules on carrying liquids on board were imposed after the men were
> arrested, Peter Wright, QC, prosecuting, said some of the plotters had
> been ready to sacrifice their own lives.
> He said: "What these men intended to bring about was a violent and
> deadly statement of intent that would have truly global impact.
> "These men and others were actively involved in a deadly plan designed
> to bring about what would have been, had they been successful, a
> civilian death toll from an act of terrorism on an almost
> unprecedented scale. Fortunately. they were arrested before they could
> put those plans into effect."
> Three men � Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Mohammed Gulzar � were
> named as the masterminds of the plot. They often met at a flat in
> Walthamstow, east London, where police later discovered what they
> believed to be bomb-making materials.
> After watching the alleged conspirators for months, police swooped on
> Ali in a London car park. They found a computer memory stick
> containing details of one-way flights out of Heathrow's terminal
> three. The flights, with capacities for up to 285 people, were bound
> for San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, New York, plus two
> to Chicago.

Is this where Bush was on vacation, and remained on vacation? You
****ing pussies aren't even remotely trustworthy enough to run
national security.It's been shown over and over and over and ****ing

Yet you people claim the position, but it always comes back to you
people don't have a ****ing remote clue what you are doing. It's been
prover over and over and over.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't
care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
spammer wrote:
> On Apr 6, 11:39�pm, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
> <PopUlist...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > >

> > More wacky conspiracy horseshit.

> You're kidding, right? You post wacky conspiracy horseshit all the
> time. Of all people to talk!!!

Yea what's this ****ing **** from YOUR fagot leader?

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't
care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)
Clay wrote:
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.

But there certainly a ****ing easy solution to fix that isn't there,
unless you want them to keep getting killed.
On Apr 7, 3:12 am, monkey, another brain-dead leftist, punks out --

> Clay wrote:
> > Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'

> > Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.

> > It has nothing to do with John McCain.

> > It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> > Webb.

> > It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> > Schwartznegger.

> > Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> > innocent Muslim men and women.

> > It has nothing to do with us.

> > -C-

> > ==============================

> > Islamic Fanatics Planned To Blow Up At Least Seven Transatlantic
> > Flights


> > A GANG of Islamic fanatics plotted to blow at least seven airliners
> > out of the sky as they crossed the Atlantic, creating a death toll "on
> > an almost unprecedented scale", a court heard yesterday.

> > The eight men accused of planning to bring down the planes in August
> > 2006 could have been targeting as many as 18 flights, the jury was
> > told. Liquid explosives disguised as soft drinks were to have been
> > smuggled on to the planes and assembled on board. The bombs would all
> > have detonated in under three hours.

> > Security services would have been powerless to halt the plot as all
> > the flights, out of Heathrow and destined for the United States or
> > Canada, would have been in mid-air at the time of the first blast.

> > Outlining the case, which brought chaos to UK airports when stringent
> > rules on carrying liquids on board were imposed after the men were
> > arrested, Peter Wright, QC, prosecuting, said some of the plotters had
> > been ready to sacrifice their own lives.

> > He said: "What these men intended to bring about was a violent and
> > deadly statement of intent that would have truly global impact.

> > "These men and others were actively involved in a deadly plan designed
> > to bring about what would have been, had they been successful, a
> > civilian death toll from an act of terrorism on an almost
> > unprecedented scale. Fortunately. they were arrested before they could
> > put those plans into effect."

> > Three men � Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Mohammed Gulzar � were
> > named as the masterminds of the plot. They often met at a flat in
> > Walthamstow, east London, where police later discovered what they
> > believed to be bomb-making materials.

> > After watching the alleged conspirators for months, police swooped on
> > Ali in a London car park. They found a computer memory stick
> > containing details of one-way flights out of Heathrow's terminal
> > three. The flights, with capacities for up to 285 people, were bound
> > for San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Washington, New York, plus two
> > to Chicago.

> Is this where Bush was on vacation, and remained on vacation?  

Cowardly leftist dodge duly noted.

Come back when you grow some balls, monkey... and can reply to the
subject at hand.

Yellow punk.

Too ****ing funny.

Clay wrote:
> Terrorists plotted 'mass murder in mid-air'
> Islamic vermin are killing our American soldiers.
> It has nothing to do with John McCain.
> It has nothing to do with Condi Rice, Bob Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Jim
> Webb.
> It has nothing to do with Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick or Gov. Arnold
> Schwartznegger.
> Muslim savages are killing our men and women... and thousands of
> innocent Muslim men and women.
> It has nothing to do with us.
> -C-
> ==============================

And the British police stopped this plot. Now these freaks were
planning to build a bomb on each plane while in the air. The end
result would have been a few problems, however the plane should have
survived. This is not to down grade the plot of the valiant efforts
of the British, just to point out that the plotters were not the
brightest peas in this pod.

So what did the British do? They took the plotters to court,
represented by counsel and charged them with various and sundry
crimes. They didn't torture them or hold them with out a trial or
with out counsel. Now people in Britain know what happens to plotters
and various evil doers.

So why did the British take them to court? Because their smarter than
the Bushies, not to hard to do, my cats are each smarter than any
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 22:50:37 -0700 (PDT), "This is your brain on Fox
News." <goofindoo@gmail.com> wrote:

>There is no doubt that there are terrorists around the world who wish
>to attack the United States any way they can. I don't think any
>serious person is arguing otherwise. What the debate is or should be
>is what do we do?

Governments that support terrorism is THE problem.

>Do we invade every country that has a terrorist
>cell? Every nation on earth has at least a small group of people who
>could do serious damage to America so shall we invade every country?
>Why not, instead, make it very difficult to get into this country?
>All of the illegal aliens here prove that anyone can get in without
>much trouble. Our fighting them over there isn't really keeping them
>over there. That nonsensical approach is so logically flawed that
>anyone who can think can see the flaws.
>Why not, instead of attacking people and thus creating more people who
>hate us, we try to resolve our problems diplomatically? Why are the
>terrorists attacking us? It's not because they hate freedom,
>democracy, and all of the other nonsense spewed by the rightwing.
HarryNadds wrote:
> On Apr 7, 12:50�am, "This is your brain on Fox News."
> <goofin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There is no doubt that there are terrorists around the world who wish
> > to attack the United States any way they can. �I don't think any
> > serious person is arguing otherwise. �What the debate is or should be
> > is what do we do? �Do we invade every country that has a terrorist
> > cell? �Every nation on earth has at least a small group of people who
> > could do serious damage to America so shall we invade every country?
> >
> > Why not, instead, make it very difficult to get into this country?
> > All of the illegal aliens here prove that anyone can get in without
> > much trouble. �Our fighting them over there isn't really keeping them
> > over there. �That nonsensical approach is so logically flawed that
> > anyone who can think can see the flaws.
> >
> > Why not, instead of attacking people and thus creating more people who
> > hate us, we try to resolve our problems diplomatically? �Why are the
> > terrorists attacking us? �It's not because they hate freedom,
> > democracy, and all of the other nonsense spewed by the rightwing.

> I don't know why you even worry about the radical islam jihadists.When
> the Magic Negro takes the Presidency

Yep, give up like the worthless political pussies that you people are,
whine like pussies like you did under Clinton the entire time, and
DON'T do ****ing **** for the country, like it's always been.

We've grown to expect nothing more than nothing from you politically
worthless pussies.
Zeno wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 22:50:37 -0700 (PDT), "This is your brain on Fox
> News." <goofindoo@gmail.com> wrote:
> >There is no doubt that there are terrorists around the world who wish
> >to attack the United States any way they can. I don't think any
> >serious person is arguing otherwise. What the debate is or should be
> >is what do we do?

> Governments that support terrorism is THE problem.

But that would not include the United States in your little world
would it?