User Reputation returns... Kind of

Hybrid Soldier

New member
I just checked both of your accounts and they say that neither of ytou have gotten any rep points, meaning either that you havent gotten any rep points or that theyve cancelled eachother out.

Hybrid Soldier

New member
Well, lets say that you have had 2 people rep you, one could be negative and one could be positive and that would cancel out and make it just like you havent gotten any rep points at all


New member
i dont wanna be like the black sheep or anything

but y bring it back?

it didn't work the first time...


Hybrid Soldier

New member
GotLinkinPark?']Where in it? I couldn't find it. (I can't find anything.)
I figured out how to give rep though. lol
click on User CP and scroll to under the subscribded threads thing

we got rid of ti before because it didnt work, we brought it back because we got it to

Once you get rep It'll look something like this:


Well, I think so anyways cuz that's what it looks like on that forum when you get rep.

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