Verbal masturbation.. wez style..


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2006
This post is where I will be verbally masturbating on my summer golf scores and progress through nursing school for the next two years, or until a time I am banned. Lot's can happen in 2 years.. I think "guests" can post here though so, my friends, I ask you to please help me keep this one thread unlocked. Thank you for your cooperation...:D

84 on my latest pathophysiology test. A bit below my standards but I'll take it.. extra credit will put it over an A. Yay me..

First visit to shadow a nurse at the hospital was a blast today.. Next week is gonna be a bitch. me.

Disclaimer.. All credit for the term "verbal masturbation" goes to my dear friend.. Emkay. :) Come visit me!
This place is a boneyard! How do you stand it? I am the only person here. Hello....hello....hello echoes . Mists roll in...I shiver....
emkay64 said:
This place is a boneyard! How do you stand it? I am the only person here. Hello....hello....hello echoes . Mists roll in...I shiver....

It's new.. and full of good people.. only 8 months old. I musta scared everyone away. You know me :rolleyes:

Stick around and get your bearings.. you'll see. The format is great.. so is the staff.

If you have any questions about anything.. just ask. :)
Took my final math test today.. Aced it.. Got 25/25 on all 4 of em.. Yay me.

Just looked at all my classes.. Sitting good.. A's and B's.. Looks like my 4.0 gpa streak may come to end this semester though.. oh well.. Pretty damn happy with myself. Not easy to go back at near 40.. Loving it. Wish I could afford to be a student the rest of my life..

Plus.. all my nursing classes I need 94% to get an A vs. the usual 90%.. quite tough...

Not to mention anything under 77% is failing and getting the boot.. :eek:
85% on the latest pathophysiology test.. not bad considering I was on my death bed.. yay me.

40/40 on my nursing theorist paper too.. can't wait for the end of the semester in a few weeks.. then it's all golf scores. ;)
Looks like 2 A's, 2 A-, and a B+ this semester.. As long as I don't bomb my last two finals tomorrow.. Not likely.. Yay me.
Cool, only got 2 wrong on one final I see so far.. The other was so easy it was a joke.. My A is in the bag.. :)
88 for the first round of the year with 6 holes in the rain.. Not too bad.. Felt good to get out and play.
Grades are out..

NURS 301 01 Health, Healing, Harmony 3.00 3.00 0.00 Letter Grade A -

NURS 302 03 Prof Nurse (Clinical) 3.00 3.00 0.00 Letter Grade B +

NURS 304 01 Professional Nrsg Skills 2.00 2.00 0.00 Letter Grade A -

NURS 308 02 Nursing Informatics 2.00 2.00 0.00 Letter Grade A +

BIOL 368 01 Intro Pathophysiology 3.00 3.00 0.00 Letter Grade A

3.71 GPA.. missed the deans list by .04.. My life is ruined..
85 this morn.. I suck.. My buddy beat me by one.. My other buddy hacked up a 114 though.. :D He didn't play too bad, just a few really bad holes.. Fun though. Beautiful day here the last 2.. Bout perfect.
79 today .. Sucks though cuz I was only 1 over par after the front 9 with a 37 then proceeded to have 2 doubles and 3 bogies in the next 5 holes til I parred the last 4 to finish 8 over... Dammit, shoulda busted my best ever 77 today.

Anything under an 80 is good though.. yay me. Figure I'll go pro at 50.. :D
84.. I suck.

Think I'll go down to my cousins, play the blues, and drown my sorrows..
wez said:
3.71 GPA.. missed the deans list by .04.. My life is ruined..

If I had kept a GPA that high, I would never have had time for getting laid, smoking pot, drinking beer, and other partying related activities.

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