Victim's Stuff


New member
ya font suck... we should start a anti-font movement ><

i just go through my fonts and hope for the best



Active Members
Font and texts are dangerous, they can either make, or break the sig. :( , most of the time, they break mine.


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This was a request for someone, but they didn't need anymore, so I changed the name to mine.



New member
I really like the background, but as you said the text ruins it. Try a more "blocky" text instead of the loopy curly one you used, and it might be better.

Good job!



Active Members
Its not really my style either, but I figured if I went through all the trouble to make it, I would show it, and if any one wants it, just lemme know, I will put your name on it.

Changed the font, better?



Active Members

New one.. Really liked the render so decided to use it.



Active Members
I think it looks good...I like the blueness...but what's that thing in the upper left corner? Is that from the hair?

would look better without it



New member
The never trust one is better second...font fits much better...great job!:thumbsup:

Well...I don't really like the left looks a bit...Idk...not so clear... As for the right one...I like it but I think it would look better if you'd put it on the left and put the left render at the right side (reverse it before that)...yup, it would look a lot me...

Anyway, the bg is nice...nice colours also... :)



Active Members
Eh, just tried to make a sig for the SOTW, but it turned out to be **** :( :

I guess its back to the drawing board.


crazy robster

New member
The blue one is awesome I love the colours and style. The SOTW one has a really cool background but it's kinda empty since the render is small. You could add another one or maybe use a bigger render? Apart from that I don't see any flaws... ;)


New member's really not that great...

Render is a bit ****** up at the right bottom (the hand)...or at least it seems like that...and actually the whole render looks me...

The "Captain Jack Sparrow" is a bit hard to read...I like the "Victim" text, though...

Idk, I'd give it 8/10...but I certainly wouldn't vote for it at SOTW...



Active Members
The SOTW one looks better than the one I did for it...but I'm still working on it

it really is kinda empty....maybe you can add something else



Active Members
Like I said, it turned out to be ****...

Anyway new one, followed a tut, like the outcome on the tut's sig, but don't like the out come on this sig, but trying new things never hurt, you only learn so:

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