Victim's Stuff


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Alright, can't wait to get started!

One I just did for my love, Vash:



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Absolutly no brushing^
Place first at Pjs SOTW.. I am still currently ranked #1 with 4 first place wins.. 3 of them have be 3 consecutive wins.



New member
well you have become the best on LPF... no more, no less

looks like ur taking over PJs too lol

too bad i dont have enough time too make alot of sigs but ill always enter LPF SOTW dont worry ^^



Active Members
Okay guys, I want your opinions.. Is there any sig that I have previously made that you think I should enter into Pj's SOTW, or do you think I should make a new one.. And, if you would like to see me make a new one, what would you like it to be? (like the theme or a picture or something)


New member
Ummm...I really like this haven't entered with it yet, right?

And of course it would be cool to see some more brilliance from you...^^



Active Members
Thanks guys..

Diana: I have no input on SOTW.. I just enter it, close the threads and add sigs to the winner's thread.. But I have been wondering about it myself.

New one.. SOTW entry at Pj's?:



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My Linkin Park sig.. You can use it if you wish..

The text is crappy on it.. But its alright.



New member
Diana: I have no input on SOTW.. I just enter it, close the threads and add sigs to the winner's thread.. But I have been wondering about it myself.
Oh, okay...
That's a nice one...the bg is maybe a bit rough for the render's softness...that's how I see/feel it...great work, though, as always!:thumbsup:

As for the LP one...Idk...the logo is a bit weird...the text is not that is okay...not really one of your best...heh... ;)



Active Members
I agreed with you on the first one, so I did this:

I still don't think it looks that great, so I might just start from scratch.

As for the LP one, the logo is looks weird because I couln't find a good picture of it.. and I wasn't really trying hard to make a masterpiece with that sig.. so I just did really simple things..



New member
Yeah, definitely looks better now...

As for the LP one, the logo is looks weird because I couln't find a good picture of it.. and I wasn't really trying hard to make a masterpiece with that sig.. so I just did really simple things..
Yup, I could see that...



Active Members
Thanks guys..
Diana: I have no input on SOTW.. I just enter it, close the threads and add sigs to the winner's thread.. But I have been wondering about it myself.

New one.. SOTW entry at Pj's?:
I like this version's just edgier..if you know what I mean...

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